Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: M E M

Biden outraises Trump

This was a nice surprise and it looks like he’s doing well this month. And now Trump wants lots of debates, lol.

From my side it wasn't a nice surprise. But it is a surprise.

Keep in mind, they aren't donating in eager support of Biden. They're donating in opposition to Trump, and basically "anyone but Trump".
In truth, 26% of Democrats would like their party to replace Biden with someone else.

Assuming the recent polls of Biden leading are correct, it was not even 2 months ago that Trump was leading with 60% support in the polls. Assuming Trump is even actually behind and not just made to look behind by Democrat-overweighted polls, there is a lot that can happen in the next 5 months.

I never saw a national poll that had Trump leading Biden by 60 percent. Is there some I missed? Generally Biden has been consistently outpolling Trump nationally from what I’ve seen. The gotcha with that though is that Biden’s lead was never large enough to prevent an electoral defeat like in 2016. And yes a lot can happen in 5 months. Trump is already pushing for more money to be mailed out that I’m sure would have his name on it. The protests and the pandemic are upending the normal political calculations. Lots can and will happen I’m sure. The only thing I can guarantee is that I and a lot of others won’t be assuming Trump can’t win.

Fair play!