Tucker Carlson, June 25 2020, Thursday

An orchestrated perfect storm, of Covid-19 lockdowns in Democrat states, followed by a 2nd and 3rd wave of chaos in the form of race-baiting, rioting and tearing down statues. Democrats' bolshevik way of crushing and intimidating all political opposition.

Par for the course, for the party that hates America.

A crisis that has brought this country to its knees. Even in a dire national crisis, Democrats still won't work together with Republicans, and Democrats see this as just another opportunity for them to cynically abuse their city and state power, and further ramp up the hate with a truly Bolshevik revolution.

As I've said on these boards for 20 years now, Democrats are the party that would destroy the country itself just to leverage some short-term political gain. Never more on display than in the last 4 months.

Interesting point by Carlson in the above Youtube clip, about Democrats crushing small businesses in all 3 waves, but protestors (the Bernie Sanders wing of the the Bolshevik DNC) neither condemned, nor did they loot or burn, corporate businesses that are allied Democrat contributors and backers.
And we already knew that Democrat governors and mayors were targeting churches, small businesses and gun stores for closure, while simultaneously leaving abortion clinics, marijuana and liquor stores, and other Democrat-friendly businesses open.

Likewise the point that they call for destroying local police, but no such call for reform of the FBI and other federal law enforcement (which are already Democrat-controlled branches). The tearing down statues and Seattle occupied zones (CHAZ/CHOP, and attempted similar zones in Washington DC and Atlanta), are distractions that hide the proven abuse since 2016 by a weaponized FBI and DOJ, and by then-President Obama, then-V.P. Biden and by Obama/Biden's five highest appointed cabinet staffers to frame and destroy Trump's national security advisor Michael Flynn, who has just been exonerated, based on an overwhelming body of documents showing the abuse of power in framing Flynn at every stage by these federal agencies.

With hopefully exonerations of Roger Stone and Paul Manafort to follow.

Interesting how people who burn buildings, loot stores and shoot at cops are not imprisoned, are just set free to do even more damage the next day, and yet guys like Michael Flynn and Roger Stone and Paul Manafort are the only ones who are jailed. And other Trump supporters, such as hairstylists, church pastors, gym owners, and gun store owners are similarly fined and imprisoned.

If the complete show above is deleted (as I expect it will be, As Youtube consistently does), here's the 17-minute opening monologue, separate from the rest:
Tucker: President Trump's hope for re-election June 25, 2020