Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That fact check doesn’t change that Trump made many attacks on Obama about golfing and the smell test was about exact dollar amounts. The one I posted is an estimate. And unlike Obama, Trump even cashes in when he golfs on his properties.

Florida lawmaker sues Jacksonville over mask mandate

This is crazy as your state surges with cases. This shouldn’t be a political thing but a matter of just human decency.

Your very selective outrage was pretty non-existent when Obama was clocking in twice the golf-time of George W Bush in his 8 years. Which as I recall, Obama exceeded in just Obama's first 4 years.

Once again, it's an outrage you and your side only express when there's a Republican in office to have a hissy fit about.

I would still argue that Obama has hosed away far more on travel and foreign trips. Not to mention Obama burning the country to the ground and having no accomplishments in his 8 years. Obamacare was a cheat, where Dems bent all the rules to pass it, and at that, Obama's only legislative achievement. In 8 years, that is all. Everything else was executive order fiat, plus a world-destroying Iran nuclear deal, and using weaponizing the IRS, FBI, CIA, DNI, DOJ and FISA court against his Republican opposition. If there were true justice, Obama and his staff would all be in jail now. That may still happen, but it looks to me like there are too many in the Republican Senate and House, and in the Trump administration itself who are stonewalling that from happening, despite that the Bolsheviks in the DNC will be coming for them next. It may still happen, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for Barr and Durham to follow through.

As I've said before, while I wear a mask anytime I'm in public, I still think the "explosion of new covid-19 cases" is vastly inflated and exaggerated for political purposes. I saw a report on OAN with a Stanford University medical school doctor, Dr. Atlas, that said at least 17 states include "probable cases" in their count, and include for each an average additional 15 contacts as "probable cases", NONE OF WHOM ARE ACTUALLY TESTED!
And in Florida, the average age of new infections is 21.
Nationwide, the average age of new cases is 35.
Neither of which are high-risk, and have a very low risk of serious health risks or dying.

And again, many admitted to hospitals are non-symptomatic and only show as Covid-19 positive when tested to enter the hospital with other conditions. But despite this, are lyingly categorized as "Covid-19 hospitalizations".
If they have died of other causes, but had Covid-19, they are again listed as "Covid-19 deaths". I've seen multiple hospital physicians interviewed express outrage about this. It's a Democrat-orchestrated lie. Covid-19 is not what caused these patient to die, but padding by including them in the numbers makes the outbreak look worse, as a tool to politically attack Trump.

Another huge --HUGE!!-- deception is the amount of cases that are occurring in states along the southern border, including Florida. These are not new infections occurring in the U.S., they are illegals who arrived with Covid-19, and insanely, are admitted to overcrowd already strained U.S. hospitals.

It's a deception.
Another cheap Democrat stunt, another manufactured excuse to attack Trump.

Meanwhile France, Germany, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Finland, are all re-opening their schools. Because they are motivated by science, whereas the U.S. media and political leadership are motivated by liberal politicization of the crisis, and pure lying propaganda.
Australia, Brazil, South Korea and many other countries have similar periodic resurgences and new outbreaks and lockdowns. It's not just the U.S. and Trump, despite your best lying attempts to blame Trump.