Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You might want to look over Trump’s tweets about Obama’s golfing. Or the one where Trump declares a failure of leadership over Obama’s Ebola response after 2 Americans died. A stark contrast to the number dead from Covid. It’s apparent who was throwing the hissy fits and is a hypocrite. You voted for it.

Oh and Tulsa is now seeing a surge in cases about 2 weeks after Trump’s rally.
Tulsa sees Covid surge in wake of Trump rally

Again, on every front, your selective and one-sided outrage is on full display.

The wave of infections after the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests in cities nationwide, you have no problem with. Where the rioters literally destroyed 20 Covid-19 testing centers (TWENTY!) that they ironically needed a week or two later.
Zero liberal media coverage.
Zero condemnation by partisan Democrat zealots like yourself.

Or the purges your side is unleashing now on any dissenting thought, purges that are invisible to the liberal media, and to you and others on your side.
Employees and corporate executives and famous athletes who are threatened into submission of fired for simply liking a post on Facebook or Twitter critical of Black Lives Matter (an organization founded by three Marxists, with a stated goal of overthrowing the United States, and "killing white babies". No one can criticize that, incredibly.)
That should terrify and outrage you.

An editorial posted by Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansa), who simply wrote a dissenting New York Times opinion critical of Black Lives Matter. An editorial that stirred outrage and intolerance by writers and editors within the New York Times, just because the N Y Times simply published an opposing conservative/Republican editorial view --a view that 58% of Americans agree with!--.
But the New York Times editorial staff apologized for publishing it, and forced the resignation of the editor who approved its publication. This is shutdown and intimidation into silence of over half the country, and that should terrify and outrage you. And since successful this time, that intimidation and silencing will only increase.

Your side is burning down police stations and thousands of businesses nationwide, burned a church directly across the street from the White House, have killed several police officers, and injured about 1,000 more nationwide, some of whom are permanently disabled, injured 100 secret service agents defending the White House. Have looted, killed, and burned businesses and some of their owners in the name of social justice, even as protestors express racial prejudice against whites, and follow through with violence and murder. And unresisted, are emboldened to greater violence.
That should terrify and outrage you.

Or defense attorneys Mark McCloskey and his wife in St. Louis, Missouri, where a Black Lives Matter mob tore down the iron gate to his development, and a mob of over 300 threatened to kill him and his wife, burn down their house and kill their dog. And he simply stood outside his home with an assault rifle (licensed, as is his wife's handgun) to prevent that from happening.
And the Soros campaign-funded St. Louis district attorney wants to file charges against him for intimidating the mob with a gun. The mob who threatened to kill him and his wife!
And neither the local city police, nor the governor, have done anything to protect him, that day or since, despite the initial mob threats or the ongoing death threats to burn down their home. And this is a guy who is a far-left liberal, a Democrat, and a defense attorney who routinely defends disadvantaged black suspects, and (incredibly, even after this) still supports Black Lives Matter. It doesn't matter that he's a Democrat leftist himself who supports the Revolution, he is still white and therefore is rationalized to deserve to have his home burned down and be killed.
That should terrify and outrage you.
And unresisted, that emboldened hatred, intimidation and violence will only increase.

The revolution your side is stoking is not just dangerous to conservatives, once they finish with us, they will be coming for you too. And in the example of Mark McCloskey and others, they might not even wait that long to come for you.
Pastor Martin Niemoller's famous quote comes to mind.
"First they came for the Jews..."

Save your outrage for something that truly warrants the outrage, M E M.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.