So... if you support Biden, do you really think he will be a good and competent and non-corrupt president?

Whatever you think of Trump, he is a proven leader who has overseen the best eeconomic numbers for the U.S., the lowest unemplyment ever for blacks and hispanics, the lowest umeployment for women since the 1950's. And the most accomplished president of my lifetime, perhaps even surpassing the achievements of Ronald Reagan.
He has re-negotiated trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Japan, central and South America.
Trump has rebuilt our military, that Obama had destroyed.
Trump has secured the border, and despite enormous Democrat obstruction, continues to make it more secure every day. Former ICE director Tom Homan said he has been a border guard and agency official through 6 presidents, and he has never worked with a president more committed to Border Patrol and securing the border.

Plus many other achievements.

Aside from your personal (and partisan) dislike of Trump (and really, ANY Republican president or candidate) what legitimate basis do you have for opposing Trump? None. Just slander, lies and personal insults.

Do you really think Biden would be president 6 months after his hypothetical election? No. He is a Trojan horse for the most radical anti-American elements of the Democrat-Left. Your party is not even trying to hide anymore that their goal is chaos and destruction, and burning America to the ground. Your party is all-in for tearing down statues and teaching a cultural marxist propaaganda version of history that teaches the next generation to hate America and destroy it, replacing it with a marxist utopia. With aa complete purge of any conservatives, not even allowing them to work. The attacks on the hispanic CEO of Goya foods being the latest example. Or the Tulsa University coach who was almost fired for just wearing an OAN (One America News) t-shirt (when simultaneously a black athete he coached received almost no punishment for tweeting anti-semitic remarks quoting Louis Farrakhan and Adolf Hitler. The vilest hatered and violence is openly endorsed by the Democrats, and Biden's election would embolden a purge on a par with the Lenin Stalin revolution, the Maoist revolution, Castro's conquest and purge of Cuba, or the French Revolution.
And you endorse that.


Biden is poisonous in multiple ways:
1) He is weak and corrupt, and has no moral stance on anything, and will support anyone who will financially reward him.
2) Biden is strange and sexually inappropriate at best, he sniffs the hair of women and little girls, and even female Secret Service agents guarding him experiance harassment. He would swim naked in a pool with female agents guaarding him, just to make them uncomfortable. Male agentss would not invite their wives and girlfriends to White House social events, to prevent Biden from grabbing their asses.
3) Biden has sold his office as congressman, senator and then Vice President for decades, and enrich both himself and his family. His son Hunter Biden flew on Air Force Two with VP Biden, and within a day or two (Hunter Biden a drug addict with no financial experience) got a business deal from the People's Bank of China to invest $1.5 billion, netting Hunter a commission of at least $20 million. At precisely the time VP Biden softened his rhetoric against China, and pressed to diminish U.S. naval patrols and influence in the South China Sea. If Biden were president, he would again seel us out to China, and reverse all the strong containment Trump has put in place.
4) All the investigation of **CLEAR** corruption and abuse of power by Biden and the Obama administration would come to an abrupt screaming halt, and never be prosecuted, despite overwhelming evidence. And I would lay money that many of the corrupt players, including James Comey, Susan Rice, John Brennan and James Clapper would be invited back into a Biden White House, to continue the weaponizing of government against their Republican opposition right where they left off. I again point you to Sally Yates' memo of Jan 5 2017, where she specifies who was in the room, the 7 highest officials in the Obama White House, including Obama and Biden, and how Obama personally orchestrated the illegal unmasking and targeting of Michael Flynn, deliberately framing him with false charges and a perjury trap. Obama personally. In a way that astonished even Sally Yates, a Democrat Bolshevik party loyalist.

The Democrat party has to lose and lose badly in the Nov 2020 election, so this rabid Cultural Marxist cancer is stopped, and punished so badly that it doesn't just rise again in 2 or 4 or 8 years. It has to be destroyed. The Democrat leadership is a threat to the very existence of the United States. The Cultural Marxist enemy destroying us from within.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.