Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So... if you support Biden, do you really think he will be a good and competent and non-corrupt president?

Without a doubt Biden will be better than Trump and the daily insanity that is now the norm. Just this morning Trump retweet’s exgame show host Chuck Woolery that the medical people are lying. This while the his WH attacks Dr. Fauci. An all to familiar pattern of this unfit and corrupt stain on the presidency where the truth is whatever Trump and his base declares. We face a highly contagious virus that we don’t even know what the long term effects are going to be and Trump is retweeting an attack on the medical community. That is insanity. Trump supporters thinking they have any credibility on what is corrupt or creepy is laughable btw. If it makes you feel better regurgitating the Trump campaign crap, go for it. It’s just bizarre how we must have read the same comic books and rooted for the same good guys and now your heroes are Trump, Flynn and Stone. Sad really but I guess that is the path extreme partisanship and hate can lead to for anyone.

Fair play!