Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

So... if you support Biden, do you really think he will be a good and competent and non-corrupt president?

Without a doubt Biden will be better than Trump and the daily insanity that is now the norm. Just this morning Trump retweet’s exgame show host Chuck Woolery that the medical people are lying. This while the his WH attacks Dr. Fauci. An all to familiar pattern of this unfit and corrupt stain on the presidency where the truth is whatever Trump and his base declares. We face a highly contagious virus that we don’t even know what the long term effects are going to be and Trump is retweeting an attack on the medical community. That is insanity. Trump supporters thinking they have any credibility on what is corrupt or creepy is laughable btw. If it makes you feel better regurgitating the Trump campaign crap, go for it. It’s just bizarre how we must have read the same comic books and rooted for the same good guys and now your heroes are Trump, Flynn and Stone. Sad really but I guess that is the path extreme partisanship and hate can lead to for anyone.

The "daily insanity" comes from the Democrat/Left, and Trump is just forced to deal with it and minimize the damage.

Without Trump, we would have uncontrolled illegal immigration, with 2 or 3 million illegals annually entering, and overwhelming our southern border. But because Trump is president, that number is down to 200,000 this year, and (against every Democrat obstruction), a Southern border wall is being completed. No group are biger fans of Trump than the Border Patrol. Former border agent and ICE director Tom Hogan said he has worked on the border under 6 presidents, and never has he worked with a president more committed to securing the border, and backing the agents.

Without Trump, there never would have been a travel ban placed on Chinese entering the U.S. (20,000 people a day!) as it was by Trump on January 31st. Fauci (NIH) and Redfield (CDC) advised against the ban, but fortunately Trump did the right thing anyway. In retrospect, Fauci (on CNN) admitted this was "the single best strategic move" by the U.S. toward the pandemic, and gave the U.S. time to be fully prepared. If not for Trump, the original estimate of 1 to 2 million dead would have occurred. And maybe even higher, if not for the Southern border that Trump also secured.

Without Trump, the statues of our founders would still be torn down daily nationwide, a penultimate step to toppling the nation itself. The Democrat/Bolshevik party would be cheering this on unresisted, instead of arresting and prosecuting these Antifa and BLM thugs nationwide, and sending National Guard to back up overwhelmed police in cities nationwide.
But if you hate America, as the Democrat leadership clearly does, no problem, that just paves the way for the new socialist/marxist order, and the purge of all dissenting thought could begin. Thank God Donald Trump is in the White House to stop it.

Without Trump, we would have been surpassed in the last 4 years by China instead of Trump confronting their aggression and economic abuses and cyber-theft. If instead we had a Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry or Joseph Biden as president, they would have continued selling us out, into economic and military enslavement to China. And any of these leaders would have enriched themselves in the process of selling us out. Thank God Donald Trump is in office, with the determination to contain China's aggression and roll it back. Biden would gladly sell us out for another $1.5 billion deal from the Bank of China for his son Hunter Biden. Biden has made a 48- year career of selling out America.
Likewise the Clintons with the Clinton Foundation.

How much worse would all these things be without Trump to stop them, with Democrats who openly endorse them and cheer them on? Biden in the White House (or Hillary, Kerry, Warren, Sanders, etc.) would be the foxes guarding the hen-house, people who for malicious reasons, either financial or ideological or both, cheer on the destruction of the United States. Your party doesn't even pretend otherwise anymore.