I cited my examples, and could cite many more. There are Democrat-Bolsheviks within the medical community, and even within the CDC, who are attempting to weaponize the pandemic for the Democrats' political gain.

For example, a story reported yesterday by a local Fox affiliate channel in Florida. The reporter talking to the Florida Dept of Health saw 2 cases listed that were 21 or under, reported as Covid-19 deaths, and she asked if there were any co-morbidity health conditions that caused them to die. One of them, 21 years old, died in a motorcycle accident! While he did test positive for Covid-19, clearly he did not die from the virus. It was padding of the numbers.

Another example, there are people in Florida who have been tested repeatedly up to 15 times to see if they remain infected (as opposed to recovered) and this one person is listed as 15 separate new cases!

Likewise, there are people they list as "presumed" Covid-19 infected, but have never been tested. And then they find all their contacts, who might be 15 or more people, and they are likewise listed and "new Covid-19 cases" but are never even tested!

These are some of the ways the numbers are padded and manipulated. there is a push to audit all the counted numbers for accuracy. There is a clear push to exaggerate the numbers to make Trump and Republican governors look bad. So yes, there is clearly a Democrat attempt to manipulate the statistics and exaggerate the outbreak for their political gain.

And regarding Dr Fauci, as I just cited above, he was wrong on a number of points. And you give Fauci and Redfield absolute trust despite their mistakes, even as you demonize Trump for following their wrong advice!
Further, Fauci on a number of occasions has contradicted the president, that compelled Trump to point out that he was right on several points where Fauci has been wrong (examples cited in my above post, and quoted by you).
Trump has not trashed Fauci, he said Fauci is a nice man who he has a good working relationship with, but that he (Trump) was right on several points where he listened to Fauci (and Redfield) but ultimately made a different decision despite their advice. And particularly on the Jan 31st China travel ban, even Fauci acknowledged that Trump was right and Fauci was wrong, and Fauci in retrospect said Trump was right, and that it was "the single best strategic move" that gave the U.S. time to prepare for the coming pandemic.
Again, I feel that Fauci on a number of occasions has pointlessly undermined Trump and been disloyal, and Trump in contrast has been overly nice to Fauci, when Fauci has unquestionably been wrong, and perhaps even been politically malicious in favor of the Democrats.