Joe Biden (or I should say the puppetmasters who actually make the decisions and run his campaign) announced Kamala Harris as the V P pick, about 4:15 PM today.

Tucker Carlson I though had a powerfully insightful commentary on the Machievellian facts and ironies of selecting Harris.

While the boards were down, I came across this piece that explores tha positives and negatives of all the women on Biden's V P short list:

Moot at this point, but still a good overview.
I think the wise and pragmatic choice would have been Amy Klobuchar, or perhaps Tammi Duckworth or Val Demmings, who have some credibility as moderates and could secure swing states in Biden's favor that he will need (California was already going overwhelmingly for Biden, with or without Harris). But Harris among the group is the only one with absolutely no principles, who chameleon-like, will politically morph to whatever politically expedient position is expected of her.

Kamala Harris said she believes Biden's sexial accuser, and never retracted that position, even when Tara Reade's credibility diminished. And yet Harris never blinked when offered the sexual predator's V P position.

Kamala Harris blasted Biden as a racist who was best buddies with segregationists and opposed bussing, but then eagerly joined the ticket of racist Biden. No retractions, no pivot. This make for many good Trump campaign commercials.

And I especially can't wait for the Trump campaign to rip Kamala Harris open like a pinata for the vicious things she said to and about Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
Let the punishment fit the crime.