Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I cited higher unemployment,

Higher unemployment directly caused by the pandemic shutdown. As it has 188 other nations. And I cited how investors are pouring their cash into the U.S., indicating they see Trump's leadership as uniquely positioning the U.S. as a safe haven for exceptional economic growth and recovery from the pandemic, of all the nations worldwide. Despite Democrat propaaganda otherwise.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
death rateS

Again, asked and answered. While the U.S. is a nation of about 327 million, and yes, does have about 166,000 covid-19 deaths at this point, the U.S. has a far lower ratio of deaths per 100,000 than any nation on earth, with the single exception of Germany. And Germany is currently experiencing a surge in deaths. Other nations seen as having the best preparation of all nations, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, are also facing unexpected new outbreaks.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
and civil unrest.

It's absolutely outrageous you would allege Trump is responsible for what your party has caused. It is Democrat mayors and governors who have encouraged these riots and looting, and massive spike in murders, by refusing to arrest or jail those stoking the violence. And even refusing federal help to bring it under control!
I'm still trying to figure out why all this chaos is encouraged and enabled by the Democrats. You're scaring the piss out of even the middle class Democrat voters who elected these schmucks, who are terrified of a world without police. People --DEMOCRATS!!-- are fleeing urban cities and moving to the suburbs to escape the forseeable chaos. And without the wealthy and middle class to tax, services in cities like New York City and Minneapolis and Seattle and Portland will continue to be more inpoverished, more crime infested, more homeless-infested, and dangerous.

But yeah, this is all Trump's fault.
That's just pure crazy-logic.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The undeniable reality that is America under Trump.

An undeniable reality you can't seem to logically describe in words.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
That is where we’re at while Trump continues to stoke divisions

It is your side, the Bolshevik/Democrat-Left that is stoking division and refusing to compromise. As I've said many times, Trump is a pragmatist who has made it very clear he is willing to compromise with Democrats to make a deal, often with generous offers to the Dems.
Such as offering amnesty to millions of DACA illegals, in exchange for fully funding a border wall. But Democrats don't want to give any compromise, even when it hurts the American people not to, hurts the Dems' own voter-base! Just to deprive Trump of a political win. Yours is the party of chaos and hatred, completely intolerant and uncompromising. Self-destructively so.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
and downplay the pandemic.

There is nothing Trump has said that Fauci and Redfield and other healthcare officials haven't said before him. Yet you demonize Trump for saying it, while exalting Fauci as a god of credibility and flawless medical opinion.
I've already gone on at length about Fauci's errors, where Trump saved a million lives by NOT taking Fauci's advice, that Fauci himself in retrospect acknowledged Trump was right and he (Fauci) was wrong, and that it saved a lot of lives. The travel bans on China and Europe being prime examples.

I don't see that Trump was never unserious about the Covid-19 threat, except in the lying propaganda of Democrat leaders and the liberal media. Fauci and many other prominent doctors said that these epidemics often do have wide infection and then suddenly burn out and disappear. Both Fauci and Trump expressed this as a possibility that was hoped for, not as an absolute.
But you praise Faci and demonize Trump, for saying the exact same thing.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
We can now add election interference with his attacks on the postal service.

God are you full of lies! Trump pointed out that in a recent New York House election, 25% of the mail-in ballots were unable to be counted, and the result of that election is still unresolved and highly in question, to the point that NY should just have another election. The fault of Dems, not Trump, and Trump just cited the obvious. Imagine that played out in November across 435 congressional districts.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Democracy was a value I thought was something enough republicans valued. I fear that I may have been wrong as I thought honesty was also valued too. If he tries to steal this election count on more civil unrest.

It's ironic that your side is trying to rig an election with illegal mail ballots that are ripe for the tampering, suddenly legislated to be mailed out with no planning and no past experience by many state governments doing so. On OAN, an elections expert said 46 of the 50 states are unprepared to competently handle mail-in ballots. The ONLY circumstance where mail-in ballots should be maailed is if each resident were called by phone to verify the address mailed to is current and correct, that under penalty of perjury they are a U.S. citizen qualified to vote, and attach a photo-I.D. copy of their driver license that further confirms they are the voter, and that further confirms their address. Ballot-harvesting should be illegal, and those votes not counted.
You Dems always scream about 2016 Russian interference, and yet you are rushing these 42 million mail-in ballots to people not even confirmed to actually exist or be qualified to vote, ballots already exposed to be mailed out to dead people, and to addresses long obsolete, and a few weeks ago to a lady's cat that had been dead for 12 years.

The Democrat Bolsheviks are pushing mail ballots that are obviously not legal or verifiable, just in the vain hope that the Democrats can defeat Trump.
And like the riots your side is funding and stoking nationwide, mail ballots are yet another way your party is undermining our Constitutional republic and attempting to burn it to the ground, undermine confidence in the system.
Yours is the party of lawlessness, and I think with full awareness, deliberately trying to destroy this country. If not to sucessfully manipulate a Democrat victory, then to create misery and hell on earth for Republicans and for the voters who didn't choose your side. Marxist revolution and chaos, pure and simple.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.