Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Biden expands lead

That made me feel better today after reading about Trump trying to defund the postal service so that it can’t handle mail in ballots. His birther attack on Harris on the other hand I think was a rare political miscalculation on his part. He has all the deplorables already so it could give the Biden/Harris ticket a nice bump.

I've seen multiple interviews with pollsters, saying the Democrat ratio of the population is over-represented by 10%, which at a 7 to 9% "lead for Biden" means that Trump is actually ahead. Every poll shows that even as in 2016, while Trump was polling as behind, Trump is less behind in 2020 than he was in the 2016 polls.
And on almost any given day, Trump is ahead of where Obama was at the same point in 2012 daily polls. And we all know how that election turned out.

It's all just psychological warfare, to discourage Republicans from voting. By liberal/Democrat pollsters. Just like every 4 years.