That is huge news, and undermines the whole premise of the riots/ protests in Minneapolis and in cities nationwide, all invoked in the name of repeat criminal and drug addict George Floyd.

But a very crucial point, he had what is documented by multiple autopsies and medical examiners as a fatal dose of fentanyl. That Floyd was already showing symptoms of overdosing and being unable to breathe as he thrashed around, before the officers even restrained him, and was finally restrained in the neck hold by officer Derek Chauvin. He was already overdosing. The only thing that could have been done to stop it, and the other three were rookie cops, is any one of them could have radiod for a paramedic to treat George Floyd, if they were aware he was overdosing. I'm sure at least three of the four wish they'd covered their asses and made that radio-dispatch call. Whether or not even paramedics could have saved Floyd from his own preceding overdose, before his encounter with police.

But regardless, it is highly in dispute if Chauvin's actions are what killed Floyd. It seems highly likely, if not certain, that Floyd would have died of a fentanyl overdose regardless of what these officers did.
I'm sure Derek Chauvin's lawyer will raise this in his defense, and he will likely be exonerated due to the clear reasonable doubt the fatal dose of fentanyl in the autopsy raises.

So this is all for nothing, all this destruction in Floyd's name. The true cause of Floyd's death is exposed, and it is Floyd's own fault, the fatal dose of fentanyl Floyd himself chose to ingest.
But in the words of Obama chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel: "Never let a crisis go to waste."

And they haven't, Dems have burned a good portion of America, by selling that race-inciting false narrative.
Likewise Trayvon Martin.
Likewise Michael Brown.
Likewise Eric Garner.
Likewise Freddie Gray.
Likewise Tyrone West.
Likewise Rayshawn Brooks.
Likewise Jacob Blake.