Just want to point out again, for all M E M's lying factless propaganda about how Trump is mismanaging the pandemic crisis, The U.S. has the lowest ratio of cases per 100,000 population of any nation in the world, second only to Germany.

And New York State in particular, under incompetent governor Andrew Cuomo, has the highest ratio of deaths of any region in the world.
Despite that Cuomo, despite his proven inadequate pandemic preparation (that his own health department warned him to prepare, but Cuomo didn't), despite that Trump gave Cuomo all the field hospitals and a navy ship hospital and ventilators and PPE he requested. That incredibly with all that, Cuomo squandered these resources that WERE GIVEN to him, and mismanaged to the point that New York has the highest ratio of Covid-19 dead of anywhere, IN THE WORLD.

And similar Democrat governor mismanagement of the pandemic in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and California.

Without Democrat incompetence in these places, with the highest deaths by far of any states in the U.S., then the U.S. would arguably and quantifiably have a lower death toll, by far, than even Germany.

These states are case studies in how a Democrat president would similarly squander our national resources, cause the 1 to 2 million Covid-19 deaths originally predicted, OR MORE.
That an ideologically dug-in Democrat president would tank the economy, reverse the rapid economic recovery under Trump, and cause tens of millions more to lose their jobs and businesses, and give us a prolonged great depression for 10 years or more. With lockdowns that Joe Biden in a recent 60 Minutes interview said he would not hesitate to do. Against all scientific justification.