Another report I saw today on OAN said that as many as 130,000 (of the current 210,000 U.S. deaths) are in truth deaths caused by Pneumonia, heart disease, Influenza, cancer and other causes that actually caused their deaths. And only unrelated to their treatment, as a requirement to enter the hospital, are tested, and test positive (or after death were just believed to be positive) for Covid-19. As I've seen reported frequently, there is actually an incentive for hospitals to falsely report deaths as from Covid-19, because the federal government reimburses the hospitals for Covid deaths, that hospitals don't get any reimbursement for patients who die from some other cause.
So there is a financial incentive to falsely report deaths this way, beyond a political motivation.
I've seen multiple interviews of doctors who are angry that they were/are pressured to falsely report deaths as Covid-19, when they and their supervisors know very well these patients died of other causes.

I cited onecase in Florida a few months ago, where a 19 year old guy died in a motorcycle accident, and only after he was dead was he tested, and was positive for Covid-19. But clearly he died of fatal injuries, not from Covid-19.
Only because a reporter pushed for details of the actual cause of death in this and other cases was it shown there were thousands of fraudulently reported deaths by Covid-19 in Florida.

And also that there were tens of thousands of negative Covid-19 tests not reported, to make the positive cases appear to be a much higher ratio of positive tests in Florida than there truly were.
