Here's a bit of post-2nd-debate commentary by Tucker Carlson, that deconstructs some of the factually untrue deceptions Biden fronted (unchallenged by the moderator) during the debate:

Tucker Carlson, Oct 23 2020, Friday

The one that impacted me most is details of the "racist" law enforcement legislation in 1994 was actually passed 97-0 in the Senate, and passed by an overwhelming margin in the House as well. And that the Congressional Black Caucus also supported it. And that the legislation actually did result in a vast reduction of the prior uge spike in violent crime at that time, mostly drug-related violent crime. So it did serve its purpose, in putting 100,000 more police on the streets, and incarcerating repeat criminals and getting them aff the streets for repeat offenses. In retrospect we can see that more minor and less violent offenses like marijuana possession or shoplifting charges leading to "3 strikes" were less worthy of a 25-year sentence, but those are cases for a parole review board. But overall, not as unfair and "racist" as portrayed in the current narrative. These were mostly serious repeat offenders, and you had to get caught a number of times to get a 25-year sentence, to be kept off the streets.

And the trojan horse Democrat-Left wish list hidden in the "Heroes Act" legislation that Biden railed on the Republican Senate for not passing.

And the canard that "54 CIA officials" allege the Hunter Biden laptop e-mails are "debunked" and are just "Russian propaganda", a narrative that Biden touted in the debate to swat away questions about the Hunter Biden laptop e-mails, about his Burisma profits and lucrative millions from the Chinese communist party, and kickbacks of cash he and his partners set aside for "the big guy"/"Pop", enriching the entire Biden family. That in fact these "54 CIA officials" are just Democrat party hacks who have a vested interest in selling the Democrat party narrative, to keep themselves out of jail for their crimes, because they will be given cover and corruptly protected from prosecution under a Biden presidency. Whereas investigation and justice would occur in a re-elected Trump administration. One hand washes the other, in the Democrat party of corruption. Whereas Republicans who committed the same crimes would have been zealously prosecuted a long time ago. Even if the case had to be manufactured and evidence falsified or hidden, as it was in the Paul Manafort, George Pappadapoulos, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, and Mueller special investigation cases. These cases were all prolonged, asr still being prolonged, to affect the 2018 and 2020 elections in the Democrats' favor.

I love how moderator Kristen Welker would start shouting over Trump every time he was beating the crap out of Joe Biden with the facts (both her and others in her family have donated thousands of dollars to the Biden campaign, she never should have been selected as moderator). When she would shout over Trump saaying "We have to move on, I have a lot of other questions", she was really saying Don't worry, Joe, I'll save you !!

Trump -Biden 2nd debate, Oct 28, 2020, Thursday - 90 minutes (plus time before and after debate)

A poll by WGN in the hours after the debate showed 74% saw Trump as the winner of the debate.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.