
by Dan Boningo
October 16, 2020

1) Joe Biden is 77 years old, seems to have difficulty working a full day, and has rather famously and significantly deteriorated mentally. He very obviously is physically and mentally incapable of handling a job as demanding as the presidency.

2) Joe Biden has been in politics since 1972. Do you think someone who has been in office that long without accomplishing much is going to sweep in and change everything for the better?

3) Biden has promised to halt all construction on a border wall, cancel the bilateral agreement with Mexico that stops many illegals from making it here, end deportations for anyone other than felons, and push through a massive amnesty for illegal aliens.

4) Joe Biden plans to ban the sale of new AR-15s and then demand that owners of AR-15s sell them to the government or sign up on a gun registry.

5) Biden has publicly said he no longer supports the Hyde Rule, which prevents federal money from being used for abortion. Put another way, he intends to use your tax dollars to kill babies.

6) Biden has noted that he is open to locking the country down again over Coronavirus.

7) Biden has said numerous times that he intends to ban fracking.

8) Biden is extremely liberal. His career ACU rating is 12.67%, meaning he only agreed with conservatives 12.67% of the time.

9) Joe Biden, who has a reputation for putting his hands all over women, was credibly accused of sexual assault by his former aide, Tara Reade.

10) Biden publicly admitted that he had advised Obama not to go through with the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.

11) Electing Joe Biden after months of rioting by liberals in liberal cities will send a message that Americans are okay with that kind of behavior.

12) Both Biden and his VP, Kamala Harris, refuse to say whether they will attempt to add more justices to the Supreme Court. Of course, this means that is exactly what they intend to do, even if it will destabilize the country.

13) Joe Biden has signaled that he?s open to getting rid of the legislative filibuster in the Senate, which is extremely dangerous and has the potential to destabilize our Republic.

14) Kamala Harris was arguably the single most liberal member of the Senate and Joe Biden, who seems too feeble to finish his term, made her his vice-presidential running mate.

15) Barack Obama and Joe Biden presided over the slowest post-war economic recovery in American history. Is that the guy you want shepherding the economy after the economic damage caused by Corona and the lock-downs?


[i]Excerpts from Dan Bongino @ Parler

Dan Boningo is a former Secret Service agent in the White House during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations, and prior to that a New York City police officer. Since leaving the White House, he has been a political commentator on Fox News and elsewhere.

I'm frankly astonished that Boningo didn't head the list with:

1) Biden has proven himself incredibly corrupt, enriching himself (with son Hunter Biden) to huge payoffs from Ukraine ($50,000 to 83,000 a month, plus other bonuses beyond that, at least 4.2 million from Burisma alone, plus a $3.5 million payment to Hunter Biden from the wife of the mayor of Moscow (tied heavily to Putin, and to Russian organized crime), and to multiple deals with the Chinese communist government, starting with a $1.5 billion investment for the Bank of China (with a minimum commission of at least $20 million), as well as "introductions" fee from Chinese business owners of $10 million for access to then-Vice President Joseph Biden and other officials to fast-track their business, plus many other pay-to-play Chinese business deals made by selling access to his Vice President father. Many of these deals involved dual-use technology, that is clearly selling out the United States in exchange for millions in profits. Profits shared by Hunter Biden with Joe Biden himself, according to e-mails anywhere between 10% and 50% of the profits from any of these deals.
And Biden's corruption goes back to his earliest days as a Delaware U.S. Representative and Senator (see Michelle Malkin's book CULTURE OF CORRUPTION for a full detailed list), including appointing his sons right out of law school to vice president executive positions on the boards of MBNA and Amtrak, two of Biden's largest campaign donors. In his own state, Biden was mockingly called "the senator from MBNA" by the citizens of his state, for MBNA's enormous power in that state, where it is headquartered, and its control over Senator Biden (MBNA is now a bought-out subsidiary of Bank of America).

2) In the words of former defense secretary Robert Gates, Biden has been "on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue for the last 40 years", including the Osama Bin Ladin assassination, Iraq, Afghanistan, ISIS, the assasination of Iran's terrorism head General Soleimani, the military and economic threat of China, and the decision to block travel from China in January 31st to stop the spread of Covid-19, that Biden labelled as "xenophobic" and "racist".

3) The H1N1 flu in 2010 that Biden's own chief advisor Ron Klain decribed as a disastrous unpreparedness and uncontained spread, and said the nation "was very lucky" that the H1N1 virus was not more deadly, as it ultimately spread to infect 60 million Americans. Under a Biden pandemic response, many more would die. Even as Biden rails on Trump for exhibiting leadership and organizing preparation that kept U.S. caualties far lower, far more than Biden would ever be capable of.

4) Under Biden, he would ban fossil feuls (oil, coal and natural gas) before we have an alternative fuel source to replace it. As California has done, and now because California has rolling blackouts of power because it has strangled itself and doesn't have the energy it needs to function. Biden would bring this chaos to all 50 states. He would destroy the fuel independence Trump has brought to the U.S. for the first time in 70 years, and again make us dependent on hostile foreign nations, that would again draw us into foreign wars as a byproduct of filling our energy needs.

5) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris not only endorse Antifa and Black Lives Matter violence, 13 of Biden's senior campaign staffers have given money to a fund to bail out violent rioters, to put them right back on the streets to commit more violence. Biden (and Harris) would give no opposition and no federal troops to stop these maniacs and protect cities as Trump has. Biden and Harris would actually encourage them, bring this violence and looting to cities nationwide across all 50 states by their inaction. There would be no federal troops sent by Biden to stop them, and a Biden government would seize guns from citizens who would protect themselves in the absence of police protection. No guns, no police, no rescue by federal troops.

6) Biden would allow a plan to spread the same chaos and lack of protection to the suburbs nationwide. There is another set of already written legislation for crushing the suburbs, just waiting for a far-Left Democrat majority to seize majorities in both houses and and rubber-stamp it.

7) Biden would allow the Bolsheviks in his party to enact another bill they have already drafted, that would require the federal government to bring back to the U.S. all illlegal immigrants previously deported, including criminals. Subsidize them with welfare assistance, and give them healthcare that is not given even to U.S. citizens. This is again not speculation, this is legislation the Democrats already have written, that they would pass if they were in the majority, and had a president to sign off on it. Tucker Carlson has many times reported on the details of that plan. It is national suicide drafted in a piece of legislation.

That's for openers.