
Tucker Carlson exclusive: Tony Bobulinski speaks out on Joe Biden

Not even the full interview, Bobulinski was interviewed for the full hour, 45 minutes or so, with almost no commercial interruptions. But still far more than you'll see anywhere else in the 92% Orwellian Newspeak liberal media, that is fanatically committed to preventing Trump from being re-elected, no matter how corrupt, criminal, and outright treasonous Joseph Biden is. No matter how much it exposes the liberal broadcast and print news media as liars and propagandists, deliberately hiding the truth.

Despite the volumes of incriminating e-mails on Hunter Biden's laptop (given to a Democrat-partisan FBI who sat on and ignored it for almost a year to shield Biden, until exposed by the computer shop owner, who had the good sense to copy the hard-drive before giving the laptop to the FBI), e-mails verified by Hunter Biden's business partner Bevan Cooney and others who were in the e-mail chains, verifying that the laptop and e-mails are authentic, and now verified again by Tony Bobulinski. Yet even so, the liberal media absolutely refuses to report it and dismisses the e-mail evidence and witnesses as "Russian disinformation" desperately trying to drag Joe Biden over the finish line. Which is polar opposite what a news media is supposed to do.

The media labels this evidence "Russian disinformation", but it is they themselves who are acting as Pravda. I learned recently from a Dennis Prager interview that the Soviet newspaper "Pravda" was so named, because "pravda" means truth. The point being that in Soviet Russia, "truth" was whatever the Soviet goverment determined to be truth. That is apparently now just as true of the cultural marxist American media.