
I made a choice early on to skip all of the early coverage and wild speculation, and just looked in for a few minutes at 9 PM and 9 PM.

I actually fell asleep early, and woke up about 12:20 A M, and was surprised to see even FOX News wildly speculating that Biden had won! I was saddened for about 30 minutes, but now slightly over an hour later, I'm seeing that neither candidate has approached 270 yet. And the battleground states that haven't been called yet (most of them with 87% to 94% counted) , are all strongly leaning Trump:

Georgia(50.7%, with 93% counted),
North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted),
Pennsylvania (56.6% Trump, 64% counted),
Michigan (53.7%, 66% counted)
Wisconson (51.2% Trump, 88% counted),

Nevada (47.6% Trump, 67% counted)

all but one have Trump leading by a good margin, well over 50% in most cases.

Currently it's Trump 213 and Biden 238.

It seems to me that Trump still has a very good likelihood of being re-elected, for all the wild speculation otherwise.