Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Folks just got a call today from an old neighbor letting them know she tested positive for Covid after her son called saying he was really sick and Covid positive. They just all had Thanksgiving together because they believed Trump. Hate their politics but they deserved better leadership.


Welcome back to the boards, M E M. I wish your friends the best. And unless they are elderly or have some other immunodeficiency condtion, they should suffer only about two weeks of discomfort.

People aged 0-18 have about a 99.997% chance of recovery.
People 19-54 have about a 99.995% chance of recovery.
People aged 55-69 have about a 99.95% chance of recovery.
and those over 70 still have a 99.5% chance of recovery.

I've seen many news stories of people over 90 recovering and leaving the hospital, and one case a patient over 100 who made a full recovery.

As I said, I had flu symptoms for 5 weeks from March 13th to April 20th, and may or may not have had Covid-19 myself. I never got tested because for a long time testing was in short supply. When I finally contacted the Florida health department, they said that it was so long after my recovery that they said my level of antibodies had likely diminished to the point they would not be detectable by a test. Likewise my usefulness as a potential blood-serum donor.

Do you really think no one got Covid-19 at a Democrat rally, or a BLM protest or riot? That it only affects Trump supporters?
One of my favorite news stories was (and I linked it earlier in the topic) when at the peak of BLM riots in cities nationwide, in one weekend rioters burned down about 20 Covid-19 testing centers in at least 3 cities, and then as a result of their crowds, many got sick, and desperately needed the testing centers they had just burned down!
Also, in states and nations worldwide, the ones locked down actually get Covid- infected at a higher rate than those who don't. While those who don't social distance still get infected, many who take all precautions still do (including many Senators and House members of both parties, no matter how careful they are). It certainly can't be proven that not wearing a mask puts one at more risk. Even an N-95 mask is no guarantee of avoiding infection, and the space between the fibers of any other kind of mask allows Covid-19 to easily penetrate and be inhaled.

And while many Republicans are resistant to wearing a mask, I don't see where Trump himself told people to not wear a mask for Thanksgiving get-togethers. I've seen Republican and Democrat leaders both defiantly say they would be travelling to large family get-togethers for Thanksgiving. Including hypocrites like CA governor Gavin Newsom, DC mayor Muriel Bowser, Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, NY mayor Bill Deblasio, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and other prominent Democrats who order lockdowns for others and then shamelessly violate their own rules.

Not to mention virulent infected sacks of shit like virtue-signalling CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, who scolds other people for not wearing a mask, even as he goes out in public [videotaped in the act!] at the peak of his Covid-19 infection. Which just proves there's absolutely nothing that can get a Trump-hating CNN anchor fired.

I have an N-95 mask, but I honestly don't think it makes any difference. It may reduce the risk slightly, making it a slightly lesser chance of inhaling the virus. But I mostly wear a mask to be compliant and for the complacency/comfort of others, not because I think it offers any real protection.

The narrative that Trump has somehow failed the nation regarding Covid-19 is so polar opposite the truth. As I've detailed several times. With great forward thinking despite the bad advice of Fauci (NIH) and Redfield (CDC), Trump wisely put temporary bans on travel from China and from Europe. And in 2019 a year prior to the crisis, Trump secured the Southern border blocking another potential path of uncontained infection.
And Trump's trade war with China since Jan 2019 vastly decreased our economic dependency on supply from China, just before the crisis hit.
That's why we've only had about 250,000 deaths, instead of 2 million or more, as was originally predicted. With the Democrats in charge, you can bet those casualties would have been far higher, with no plan to contain it.
As Biden advisor Ron Klain freely admitted regarding Obama-era attempts to contain a similar swine flu in 2009-2010. In his words, there was absolutely no preparation by the Obama administration, and they were just "very lucky" the outbreak was not more severe. THESE are the people you would trust over Trump?!!? Be serious.

Trump displayed remarkable leadership on fast-tracking a vaccine, like no other president (of either party, D or R) would have, so that we got a vaccine available six days after the election from at least TWO manufacturers, IN AN INCREDIBLE 8 MONTHS, so that 20 million doses will be distributed before Dec 31, and to the whole country by March or April 2021.
In 8 months.

Geez, M E M, give Trump just the SLIGHTEST bit of credit.