Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
In Trump’s final year our country’s life expectancy dropped a year. MAGA?

That's crap.

1) Coronavirus impacted every nation on earth in a similar way.

2) as I've detailed before, the death count in the U.S. has been artificially inflated both for financial reasons where hospitals get financial compensation from reporting deaths from Covid whether they are or not, despite that many are proven to NOT be Covid deaths, not even tsted for Covid. And with the Democrat wing of the medical community wanting to exaggerate the death count just to make Trump look bad. I've seen multiple doctors interviewed saying that the Covid deaths are exaggerated by as much as 80% to 90%. Even the CDC admits on their own site that only 6% of Covid deaths are from Covid, and not from pre-existing co-morbid conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma and so forth.

What is crap is you trying to downplay it. I’m not thrilled that life expectancy dropped a year in 2020 but all this attempting to downplay it is part of the reason it was that much. We would have had less spread without the trumpist political crap that is still going on. Really what is the value of ending mask mandates just when we don’t have even half the country vaccinated yet and variants coming into play?

What's clear is your irrational hatred of Trump, and your attempt to blame the entire Covid-19 crisis on Trump, despite that facts that show otherwise.

And your complete lack of supporting facts or context for your argument.

It is an absolute fact that Covid-19 hit every nation on earth, that deaths went up in every nation on earth as a result.
It is also a fact that while Trump was president, he did an exceptional job of slowing the rate of infection to allow preparation of our hospitals, creation of field hospitals and ventilator machines, and other PPE, way beyond what any other person as president could have done, far exceeding what anyone thought was possible.

That Trump temporarily suspended flights from China, and later from Europe, to allow these preparations to be ready before the Covid-19 surge of cases hit our hospitals. Travel suspensions that bureaucrats Fauci ((NIH) and Redfield (CDC) both advised against, and then later admitted were "the greatest strategic move" Trump made that saved countless thousands of lives. As compared to the governors of NY, NJ, PA, MI and CA, who squandered their resources, even the resources Trump gave them, and needlessly caused thousands of people to die. In the case of NY governor Cuomo, the highest ratio of deaths of any region IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!
That alone should have put Cuomo in jail, for covering up the deaths directly resulting from his policy. How incredible that Cuomo will likely be removed due tor 7 women accusing him of sexual harassment, than the fact that Cuomo needlessly killed 15,000 people, and then cooked the books to hide the carnage. That Democrats are more outraged by Cuomo's creepy sexual behavior than 15,000 deaths, manifests some truly warped priorities on the part of the Democrat/Left. Without these 7 women accusers, Cuomo would likely be cruising to a 2024 presidential run.

It is an absolute fact that without Trump, we would not have a vaccine now. THREE now, actually. Possibly a fourth about to be released. And that Trump advance-ordered production to be at the ready in Sept 2020 for a pre-order of 800 million doses. And incredibly, a thoroughly incompetent Biden tried to steal credit for a vaccine roll-out he has only slowed down and obstructed. Biden alleged that Trump left him with nothing in Covid vaccine preparedness.
But we all know the first vaccine was announced 5 days after the Nov 3rd election (obviously ready and delayed till after the election, so as not to help Trump politically) .
By the time Trump left office 30 million people had been vaccinated. INCLUDING JOE BIDEN !! Biden's first dose was Dec 21st. His second dose was Jan 11th. Obviously, that precedes his inauguration by a large margin.

And again, Trump pre-ordered 800 million doses. More than enough to vaccinate all 325 million Americans who want the vaccine, and then some. Kamala Harris and Democrat members of congress also got vaccinated before Biden's inauguration. (And Ocasio-Cortez, in her 30's, was criticized for abusing her privilege to get the vaccine when she was at very low risk, when many of her constituents need that vaccine far more than she did.)

But back on the subject of deaths, while the U.S. approaches the size of most of Europe and therefore has higher infection numbers (and that's not even getting into the over-reporting of Covid as a cause of death with no documentation, for both political and financial reimbursement reasons), the U.S. of all nations, as I've cited before, has among the lowest death rates, only Germany has a lower death rate, in terms of cases per 100,000 people.

So yes, what you say is crap. EVERY NATION ON EARTH has a higher death rate for the last year. Your argument is akin to, when Trump's leadership created a vaccine in 9 months, that Trump is hurting and taking away business from doctors by fast-tracking a cure.

How fast was that Swine Flu vaccine under Obama/Biden in 2009-2010 ?
Years after it no longer mattered.
By Ron Klain's own Youtubed words quoted above (within the last few posts), there was "Nothing" they were able to do, and they were just "very lucky" that the Swine Flu/H1N1 strain was not more deadly.
And now Biden has fully funded the WHO's lying subservience to China's deliberately infecting the entire world, what both China and WHO could easily have contained in Wuhan by not allowing airline flights out. And Biden demanded nothing from the WHO in exchange for U.S. funding, no demanded changes (as Trump demanded) in procedures and leadership personnel. Which is like saying to the WHO and China, "Do it again."