To be clear...
The facts about Georgia’s ban on food and water
“ SB 202 makes it a crime for people — and not just people from political organizations — to hand out food or bottles of water within 150 feet of a polling place or 25 feet of any voter standing in line.

The only kernel of truth is that the law has a sentence which allows poll workers to make available "self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote." But just because poll workers can make self-service water available, doesn’t mean they are required to come up with a way to make water accessible to voters in every line at every polling site. Also, people could hand out water or food to voters outside the 150-foot and 25-foot boundaries.”
Even on Fox’s Sunday show Wallace wasn’t buying the bullshit being peddled by republican propaganda people. So do you double down on the lie WB knowing that I know it’s a lie?

Fair play!