Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If you had followed the trial the verdicts wasn’t a shocker WB. It was filmed and that in itself shows Chauvin killing Floyd slowly. Cops actually testified against him and he was unwilling to testify. But I suppose your response was also a given regardless of the facts.

It wasn't a shocker because the intimidation of the court and jury were unrelenting. Even if they had been sequestered, the jury could still see the angry mobs and graffiti all around the court house. They did not vote principle, they voted conviction to save their own lives. As I said, they were all but individually doxed before the verdict was read. They knew these mobs would be right outside their homes as soon as they gave a not guilty verdict. And perhaps violently INSIDE their homes, attacking them and their families, and getting them fired from their jobs because it would be unsafe for their co-workers to remain there.

This is the Bolshevik way, not the American/Constitutional way.
Terror, arson, murder, whatever serves the Revolution.