Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Even when the fat piece of shit got vaccinated, he did it quietly. A lot of vaccine hesitancy is breaking along party lines and he couldn’t even do a very basic psa thing like that.

Your unhinged personal vindictiveness toward Trump on full display.

Trump and other Republicans just got vaccinated, and encouraged others to. Unlike Democrats who made a self-congratulating virtue-signalling show of getting their immunization shots. Kamala Harris' comments when vaccinated in particular made me want to throw up, she was so fake.
She undermined and badmouthed the "Trump vaccine" when Trump was president, then flipped and did a total 180, and couldn't get her immunization fast enough, while Trump was still president. Her and Biden's badmouthing of the vaccine made many people question whether they could trust the vaccine even after Biden was inaugurated.

And Democrats like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, who is only about 30, who cut in front of elderly and front-line essential workers at far higher risk, so she could get the vaccine, that statistically for people her age, She DIDN'T EVEN NEED ! And again congratulated herself on her courage for getting the vaccine. Many criticized her for cutting the line, before many who needed the vaccine far more than she did.

Many among CNN and other arms of the Democrat propaganda machine are trying to make it a "breaking along party lines" distrust of the vaccine (that Democrats want the vaccine, and Republicans don't). But it doesn't break down that way. And never forget, when Trump was president, it was Democrats who tried to undermine the vaccine and say it wasn't safe. What I see from Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingraham or the physicians they interview is, while the vaccine is not FDA approved yet and there are some risks, taking the vaccine for people over 40 is far less risky than NOT taking it.
The one exception to that is young people,particularly children, who are far less likely to die or become severely ill, and face more risk from the vaccine than from getting Covid-19. It makes no sense for children to get vaccinated, they are not at risk for either hospitalization or death, or of spreading Covid to others.

But Carlson and others say that since the Covid-19 vaccine is not FDA approved, people should have the option to not take it, and not be punished with an inability to travel, or have to show a "Covid pass" to travel or work. If everyone else is immunized and those who refuse vaccination get sick, who are they going to infect?
The irony is, the Biden administration demands vaccination and masks to travel for U.S. citizens, but simultaneously lets in 6,000 illegals a day to enter this country, with no health exam, no Covid-testing, and even if infected are able to take planes or buses anywhere in the country to spread the virus.
What's wrong with this picture?