Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
AP Fact Check Trump Distorts

“ THE FACTS: Not so much. Pfizer notably did not accept government money to develop, test or expand manufacturing capacity under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative to quickly find a vaccine and treatments for the disease sweeping the country.

In fact, Pfizer partnered with the vaccine’s original developer, Germany’s BioNTech, in March and the following month announced the first human study in Germany. The White House announced Operation Warp Speed in May.

Pfizer opted not to join Operation Warp Speed initially but is following the same general requirements for the vaccine’s development as competitors who received government research money. The company says it has risked $2 billion of its own money on vaccine development and won’t get anything from Washington unless the effort is successful.

“Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing costs have been entirely self-funded,” Pfizer spokeswoman Jerica Pitts said this week. “We decided to self-fund our efforts so we could move as fast as possible.”

However, Pfizer did sign an agreement with the U.S. government in July worth $1.95 billion — if the vaccine pans out and is cleared by the FDA — to supply 100 million doses. That guarantees Pfizer a U.S. market, an important incentive.

The supply side of Operation Warp Speed also allows Pfizer logistical help, although the company will directly ship its own vaccine, while the government will control shipping of other COVID-19 vaccines.”

I lived through Trumpers telling me it’s a hoax and all the crazy sad failure of real leadership that included endless boasting, hosting super spreader events and political attacks by that pos. Hell won’t be hot enough when that fat glob finally keels over.

That's all liberal spin, the "fact-check", Politifact and Snopes sites are all hyper-partisan Left sites, propaganda that 75% favors the Democrats, under a cloak of pseudo-objectivity. And only 25% of the time factchecks Democrats, to keep up the slightest appearance of balaance and neutrality.

Trump was laughed at and mocked by the liberal media, even Anthony Fauci, saying it was impossible to develop a vaccine in one year. No one on the Democrat side even envisioned a vaccine possible in that time, 2 or 3 years at best. But Trump pushed them and got it done in an unprecedented NINE MONTHS ! Trump may not have handed Pfizer billions in grants, but he kept up the administrative pressure that got it done. And even before it was done, Trump arranged in advance for the production and distribution, and organized the military to aid in distribution, so the pipeline was prepared months before it was completed, to get it out to people even faster.

Biden and his staff didn't do any of that, he just walked in the first day and stole credit for what was already set up. As I said, Biden got his first vaccine dose Dec 21 2020, and his second on Jan 12 2021, *WELL* before he was inaugurated. Then after inauguration on Jan 20th, Biden claimed he did it all, and Trump left him with nothing! Oh, really, when did you get vaccinated, Joe?
Uh, well....