Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

Trump was really licking China’s balls there! And our trade deficit got larger.

And rather than deal with the articles and issues I raised, M E M just goes right back into anti-Trump spin propaganda. As I said the last dozen times you fronted this narrative, Trump was exerting diplomacy with China during the worst months of the crisis, where we were completely dependent on China for PPE, rubbing alcohol, and over 90% of our prescription drugs, that China had openly threatened to cut off supplies and engulf the U.S. in "a mighty sea of coronavirus".

You dig to selectively find 15 times Trump made diplomatic friendly remarks to China, while Trump gave them nothing, there are hundreds of speeches and press conferences where Trump railed on China as a threat, and rightly blamed them for deliberately unleashing the virus they could have contained, but willfully let flights out of China that spread it to every nation on earth.

And Joe Biden (as Hunter Biden's laptop confirms) is the most treasonous and compromised president who ever held the White House. Hunter Biden (as revealed just yesterday by Judicial Watch) took over 400 flights on Air Force Two into China. It's well known that China gave Hunter $1.5 billion in Chinese funds to invest, despite Hunter being a crack-smoking drug addict, with a second addiction to strippers and hookers, that no one would want to hire, except to have leverage over a then vice president and future president. Hunter Biden is due for a payout of 10% of the profit on that investment, an estimated $200 million dollars, not to even mention the millions he grifted from a Burisma oil company board position he had in Ukraine, and another $3.5 million paid to him by the Moscow mayor's wife (a close personal friend of Vladimir Putin). "Russia collusion", anyone?

You try to smear Trump for a few frivolous diplomatic remarks he made to China during a crisis, and not only ignore his overwhelming criticism of China, but you ALSO ignore the incredible corruption of your own party. Hillary Clinton and the DNC were also part of that $2 million given directly to Russian state intelligence officials, in assembling the salacious and unreliable "Russia Dossier" through the Pekins-Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, and disgraced agent Christopher Steele.

Through selective deception, you try to portray Trump as a treasonous criminal.
But on examination, the evidence clearly proves it is the entire Democrat leadership who TRULY ARE the treasonous criminals, not just suggested or implied, but PROVEN, with overwhelming evidence. And if the FBI and DOJ were not 97% compromised as well by Democrat-Bolsheviks, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, their staffs, and even quite a bit of the leadership of the FBI and DOJ, would be prosecuted and put in jail.