Originally Posted by First Amnongst Daves
There has been a UN inspection team go into Wuhan, so it was possible to frame the idea without suggesting Xi was on par with Saddam Hussein. I think he's much worse than Saddam Hussein, but diplomatic language from our Prime Minister would have helped.

No argument about the danger China under Xi brings, not just to Australia, but to the entire world. Xi's global domination plans by 2049, and Xi's recent open threats are stated, not implied.

Regarding a WHO inspection of Wuhan, and the notion that WHO have any interest in rooting out the origins of Covid-19 that would expose China, that is a complete joke. China completely owns the World Health Organization, so it's like asking the wolf to inspect what happened to the missing hen-house chickens. WHO can be counted on to downplay or completely ignore any Chinese wrongdoing.

BOTTOM LINE: China suspended all internal flights between the Wuhan region and the rest of China, while simultaneously allowing all flights out of Wuhan to every other nation on earth. Assuring that the Virus would spread to every nation, OUTSIDE of China. Further, the WHO lyingly certified that these flights out of China were "safe". As I recall, the first nations not to believe this and suspend flights from China were Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and the United States.

WHO has the exact same leadership they had before the Covid-19 pandemic began. Unless WHO are forced to re-structure and lose their China-subservient leadership, no vital new information will be found by WHO.
And terrifyingly, both WHO and China are positioned to do the same thing again with the next (perhaps deliberate and weaponized) outbreak of SARS, MERS, Avian/Bird Flu, Swine Flu or Covid-19.

There is much speculation among Gordon Chang, K.T. McFarland, Fred Fleitz, Jim Hanson and national security conservatives in the U.S. (certainly not among the China-paid-for and corrupt Biden administration and Democrat/Left or liberal media) that Covid-19 was a test run for a germ warfare attack on the U.S. and the rest of the world. That China is likely developing a lethal strain, and will develop it and immunize their own population before unleashing it on the rest of the world, so devastating that China will remain the only solvent government left on Earth, and therefore able to seize global dominance of what's left.

K.T. McFarland said that China is pursuing a three-branch undeclared war on the United States:

1) Germ warfare as I described above.

2) Chinese funding and promoting the Left's propaganda to politically divide and de-stabilize the U.S., by funding Black Lives Matter and Antifa, by promoting and feeding the talking points that the U.S. is an inherently and historically racist country since it's beginning (BLM propaganda, and the "1619 Project"), and further pushing of these talking points through its funding and CCP propaganda insert sections in U.S. newspapers and magazines that leftist media are all too eager to publish.
And China's funding of movies and television that promote divisive leftist ideology. And punishing any negative portrayal of China in movies and television (See the Wikipedia listing for the pressure and censorship around the 1995 Richard Gere movie Red Corner, or the 2012 re-make version of Red Dawn, or elements China leveraged to have removed from China portrayals in recent Disney movies.) And China''s web of Confucius institutes across U.S. universities promoting Chinese culture and propaganda. China using its power over these media outlets, as well and Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media, China's control of sports teams and athletes earning huge money in China (i.e., John Cena's recent grovelling apology, Lebron James' groveling apology) , and to socially divide and destroy the U.S. (and probably similarly Europe and Australia as well) from within.

3) China's support of Mexican cartels and drug trafficking into the U.S. and across the southern border, that takes increasingly more American lives every year. About 87,000 in the last year, and rising. Compare that with the Korean War (1950-1953) that took 54,000 American lives in 4 years. Or with the Vietnam war (1965-1975) that took 58,000 American lives in 10 years.

This is an all-but-declared unofficial war with the U.S., on multiple fronts.
And as you can plainly see, on Australia and the rest of the world.
China's aggression makes me think there is no more moderate statement by your Australian president that would have resulted in less of a backlash attack on Australia's economy and trade by China. China has already been eager to unleash intimidation and aggression against every nation in its region, including Japan, Taiwan, Nepal, India, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. In addition to Australia. All this is emboldened by a weak Joe Biden, who is actually cutting U.S. military funding, while deficit-spending trillions in new spending on every social program.

There is a fourth branch where China is waging war on the U.S. and other nations, and that is through cyber-warfare and cyber-theft. As I mentioned in previous posts, China has hacked the computer systems of every large and medium sized company in the U.S., and has further hacked every federal, state, and local government agency in the U.S., and every branch of the U.S. military, and its defense contractors. They stole the design for China's most advanced fighter jet from the U.S.'s F-22 design. China doesn't spend money on research and development, they just steal the research from other countries.
Beyond national security considerations of these cyber-attacks, China further steals an estimated $500 to 600 billion in technology and research every year from the U.S.
And no doubt hundreds of billions more from other nations worldwide.

There is great concern that China (or Russia, or Iran, or North Korea) could cyber-hack into the U.S. national power grid and shut it down, causing 90% of the population to starve to death in a matter of weeks. And/or cause nuclear reactors nationwide to melt down. Trump as president was preventing Chinese components in our infrastructure that could allow this. But Manchurian candidate Biden in his first 100 days immediately reversed and compromised our national security on this front.

There's a lot more to respond to in your post, but I've already posted at length.

Political leaders in the U.S.(Republicans, anyway) have encouraged U.S. citizens to buy Australian wine and other products, to compensate what you guys have been shorted by China's boycott of Australian industry.