Always amazing when Trumpers talk about incompetence and being repeatedly wrong. Who do you think your kidding WB? I watched Trump mislead, politicize and downplay his way through a deadly pandemic. Fauci based his recommendations on what was known at the time. He wasn’t the one who gave Woodward interviews of how deadly he knew the pandemic was and than proceeded to hold super spreader events and try to open everything up before we had the vaccine available. Fauci is trying to serve the public while Trump as usual was only trying to serve himself. But you gush about the pos trump and say patently untrue things like “he created the vaccine “ so I don’t rush my disgusted response to you either. History will deservedly be unkind to Trump and those that enabled his incompetence. Even Stalin couldn’t rewrite history, you and the rest of Trump’s fan club will too.

Fair play!