Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Always amazing when Trumpers talk about incompetence and being repeatedly wrong. Who do you think your kidding WB? I watched Trump mislead, politicize and downplay his way through a deadly pandemic. Fauci based his recommendations on what was known at the time. He wasn’t the one who gave Woodward interviews of how deadly he knew the pandemic was and than proceeded to hold super spreader events and try to open everything up before we had the vaccine available. Fauci is trying to serve the public while Trump as usual was only trying to serve himself. But you gush about the pos trump and say patently untrue things like “he created the vaccine “ so I don’t rush my disgusted response to you either. History will deservedly be unkind to Trump and those that enabled his incompetence. Even Stalin couldn’t rewrite history, you and the rest of Trump’s fan club will too.

I watched the Democrat/Left and the zealot activist liberal media (that are inseparable partners of the Democrat/Left, with no interest in objectivity or giving Trump or any Republican favorable coverage in any circumstance) all collectively PORTRAY Trump as a liar and deceiver.

And I've also seen the Democrats and liberal media blatantly lie and cause destruction to our nation, for which you give your side a complete free pass.

Governor Andrew Cuomo, for example, who directly caused and then cynically covered up how his policies caused at least 15,000 elderly people to die in New York state, despite that Trump gave him incredible resources available to avoid that .

Or Anthony Fauci as I cited above, whose "gain of function" research (i.e., making viruses even more lethal, altering animal/bat viruses in a lab to be more adapted to infect and kill humans) was ordered ended in 2014 in CDC/NIH labs in the U.S., and he secretly revived and outsourced that research to labs in Wuhan, China, funding it by other names with NIH federal funds, and thus directly caused the Covid-19 pandemic. AND THEN ORCHESTRATED THE COVER-UP TO HIDE THE TRUE ORIGIN OF THE PANDEMIC, AND HIS DIRECT ROLE IN IT !!
Your idiot talking point rationalizations to protect Fauci don't hold a shred of truth to anyone familiar with the facts that I linked above. Fauci communicated in e-mail in January 2020 and in the months after that what he knew privately was exactly opposite of what he was publicly telling the media and government leaders. He knew all along that "gain of function" research created Covid-19, and that his own secretive funding of it was directly responsible.

Or how Kamala Harris and about a dozen of her campaign staff organized and donated funding for the legal fees to get the most violent BLM rioters out of jail, and stoked the racial division and riots, in Minneapolis and in cities nationwide. (KAMALA HARRIS: "They're going to keep up the pressure right up untill election day and after, they will not stop, and they SHOULDN'T stop." )

Or the flood off 6,000 illegals a day pouring over our southern border, and the lies that President Biden and VP Kamala Harriss tell every day to try and hide and gloss over it, and allow it to continue.

When your side calls Trump or anyone else a liar, they distort, exaggerate or completely make up the allegations against Trump or Republicans, in an effort to make him toxic politically, and to splinter off his support by this deceitful propaganda. But in truth Democrats are the actual liars that you give a free pass to, and the criminal things the Democrats ACTUALLY do, and are protected from exposure of by their fellow Democrats and the Orwellian Newspeak media, are PROVEABLY guilty of things a thousand times worse than what you just slander Trump and other Republicans to actually be guilty of.

I've cited the examples over and over, how CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post and Politico and so many others have alleged things about Trump and his supporters, and within days that lying Democrat narrative falls apart, over and over. And that same liberal media and Democrats hide and absolutely refuse to cover the exposed facts regarding.
Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, Kevin Clinesmith, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, John Kerry, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Clapper, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hunter Biden and other Democrat criminals should all be indicted and in jail a dozen times over, if there were not a corrupt cabal within our federal system to protect them, while weaponizing the same intelligence, law enforcement and IRS agencies against Republicans.

And in point of fact, it is your sside, THE DEMOCRATS, who openly admire marxists and Stalinists, and Maoists, in their authoritarian tactics to overthrow our Constitutional republic. I've quoted them ,many times. From Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Obama mentors William Ayers and Frank Marshall Davis, Wade Rathke, former Weather Underground member Jeff Jones (who wrote the Obamacare legislation), Obama's FCC diversity czar Mark Llloyd (saying Hugo Chavez's takeover of Venezuelan media was very effective, and a good model to follow) , Obama czar Ron Bloom( "We agree with Mao that capitalism is mostly a shaam, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun"), Obama white House communications director Anita Dunn ("the two sources of wisdom I go to most, Mao Tse Tung and the Pope, not often mentioned together." )
And in the overtly Marxist written charters for Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The point being, at every level from top to bottom, your vicious Democrat Bolshevik party is deeply versed in Marxism. it is a joke and an obvious and vicious lie that you would accuse Trump, his supporters, or anyone else of being "Stalinist", what YOUR OWN PARTY is so clearly immersed in. Democratss are not only the Marxist/Maoist/Stalinist party, but also the party that clearly hates America and pushes to overthrow it. That again is clearly in the charters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, that the Democrats are enthusiastic supporters of.

You're SUCH a fucking liar, M E M. What you say is blatantly untrue.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.