Originally Posted by iggy
Serious question to Wondy: do you believe Lindell's claim that Trump will be president again on August 13th?

I honestly don't.

The Democrat partisans in FBI and DOJ and other federal agencies, and bipartisan Deep State (or at least Deep State intimidated) courts that let us down for the last 8 months, I think will continue to ignore the evidence and refuse to do the right thing.

The growing evidence that exists and is reported in conservative media, and even reported in other countries, might pressure the U S Supreme Court to hear the case eventually.
And as other conservative social media grows with sites like Parler, Gettr and so forth (or at least not conservative- censoring social media sites, sites that allow an actual 2-sided dialogue instead of a one-sided Leftist indoctrination ) grow as alternative media forums, where Facebook, Twitter, Google, and other giants can't block conservative factual information from being viewed and disscussed, will eventually pressure both the Democrats, timid Republican leaders, and even the lower courts and U S S C to eventually at least hear the case.
But my concern is, we're already 6 months into Biden's fraudulent presidency, and they only have to stonewall another 3 years or so, to run out the clock, so Biden and the Democrats get away with it.

Just as they did with the Obama/IRS/Lois Lerner abuses of the IRS to harass and intimidate Republican donors and political groups in the 2012 election.

Just as the 97% corrupt Democrat FBI and DOJ dragged their feet on the Benghazi scandal, on the Hillary Clinton e-mail/private server scandal, where the corrupt Democrat-loyalist FBI and DOJ deliberately sabotaged their cases and allowed Hillary and her aides to destroy tens of thousands of e-mails and files, bleach-bit computer hard drives, smash cel phones with e-mail and message evidence, and didn't even record Hillary Clinton during her deposition.
(Contrast this with the framing and malicious prosecution of Gen. Michael Flynn.)

Just as they knew from the beginning there was NO EVIDENCE, NONE against Donald Trump, and despite already having:
(1) a House intelligence investigation of Trump/Russia,
(2) a Senate investigation,
(3) a 9-month FBI counter-intelligence investigation where Peter Strzok texted from the very beginning in late 2016 to his extramarital lover Lisa Page that he was not enthusiastic about investigating because he already knew "There's no 'there' there." ...

Despite all this, deceitful FBI director James Comey leaked FBI documents that caused media pressure for
(4) a Mueller special investigation, formed in early 2017. And once again, despite it being clear in the first 3 weeks there was no case against Trump, the Mueller investigation (run by 17 vitriolically Democrat/Leftist activists and DNC donors, for a while including Strzok and Page) kept the investigation open for another 2 and 1/2 years, just to partisanly keep Trump mired in potential scandal through the 2018 mid-term election, to the Democrats' advantage.

Then when that scandal was killed by the Mueller report in July 2019, the Democrats created another scandal with a fake "whistleblower" in the National Security Council, that I think was an amalgam of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, and CIA Democrat operative Eric Ciaramella, in collaboration with completely discredited liar Rep. Adam Schiff 's office, whose staff actually drafted the "whistleblower report" with a team of lawyers, and actually recommended Vindman'ss attorney to represent him (another shady former CIA operative). On and on.

Democrat leaders, and their friends in the corrupted FBI, DOJ and CIA, dragged that Ukraine/whistleblower scandal on from August 2020 until the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in Feb 2020. And yet the 97% Democrat-donating FBI / DOJ had Hunter Biden's laptop since Dec 2019, and despite that the Hunter Biden laptop's contents completely exonerated Trump and completely incriminated Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden, the FBI never disclosed the laptop's Biden-incriminating e-mails and photos, not even during Trump's impeachment in Jan-Feb 2020, exculpatory evidence that would have more easily exonerated Trump.
Not even released now, almost 2 years later.

So all these FBI, DOJ and the Mueller investigations unnecessarily dragged on for over 4 years, over Trump's entire term, and they still never prosecuted these corrupt agents, or revealed the hidden evidence, or exculpatory evidence, against all the people I mentioned above. They sabotaged the cases against Democrats, they maliciously prosecuted and manufactured cases against Trump officials, destroying the lives of even those they were not able to prosecute (just ask Michael Caputo and Jerome Corsi, to name two).
And they (Democrat operatives in FBI, DOJ , CIA, State Department, NSA and other branches) ran out the clock to prevent prosecution of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and other Obama officials. About 2 dozen FBI and DOJ officials were forced to resign, retire, or were fired, but none of them were prosecuted for the obscene abuses of power, falsified evidence and other fraudulent activity they were involved in.
None did a day in jail, despite abundant evidence against them.

So no, I don't have confidence the election will be overturned by August 2021 by the U S Supreme Court, or even by the end of Biden's term. There is about a decade of examples of weaponized / Deep State government preventing that in multiple cases, no matter how overwhelming the evidence.

and this:


