
DOCUMENTARY: A history of Ivermectin (20 minutes)

The same mixture of politics and greed that has blocked the use of Ivermectin, are largely the same corrupt reasons that Hydroxychloroquine has been prevented and propagandized against. Both are proven effective against Covid, and against multiple other diseases, without side effects.
But both have expired copyrights, and are available in generic prescriptions for next to nothing, for about 20 dollars per treatment. Proven over decades to be safe.

Whereas there are literally billions to be made with the various and largely ineffective Covid-19 vaccines, that have created 9 new billionaires since they were introduced.

Likewise the Remdesevir threapy that is covered in the video, is highly profitable, but questionably effective, and questionably safe, relatively new and untested.

Likewise a new medication for Covid called Mulnupiravir, which is expensive and not fully tested, but is copyrighted and expensive. And until cleared with years of sample studies, in early studies is believed to be cancer-causing. But is copyright-owned and profitable. It is believed to increase survival of hospitalized patients by 50%.
But Aspirin, which is virtually free, increases survival by 46%.
Virtually the same result, at a much lower cost.
And yet Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, which are pretty much 100% effective at a much lower cost, are not only ignored as a treatment, but actually propagandized against and ridiculed.

The politics and greed of that are covered quite well.