

Officials from each of the military services have required all troops to receive a Covid-19 vaccination or risk dismissal from the armed forces, but the courts intervened when religious objectors to the vaccine argued their requests for waivers have not been dealt with fairly. The program has been in limbo since, although new service members must still be vaccinated.

According to the latest data released by the Defense Department, about 3,300 Marines, 1,800 soldiers, 1,800 sailors and 900 airmen have been booted from the ranks for refusing to get vaccinated.
The group of 20 GOP senators is demanding a full chamber vote on their proposal to dump the vaccine mandate, reinstate those dismissed troops and award them back pay. The lawmakers did not have any estimates on how many individuals would return to their jobs and how much the provisions would cost.

“Our recruiting goals are way short,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. “”We need more people in the military, not less. And this mandate is going to result in thousands, tens of thousands of able bodied Americans who are well-trained leaving the military because they chose not to get vaccinated.”
The lawmakers involved in the anti-vaccine effort argued that because most troops are young and healthy, the vaccine provides little to no value to their long-term fitness.


Republican governors call on Congress to drop Biden's military vaccine mandate

That doesn't even take into consideration the tens of thousands of soldiers not admitted into the military because they refuse to be vaccinated. Who under these conditions won't even apply. One report I saw said recruiting is down 60,000 below the normal annual recruiting goal.
For a vaccine that doesn't prevent infection of a person, doesn't prevent spread to other people, and has resulted in myocarditis and other permanent damage to tens of thousands of men and women under the age of 30. So the Democrat leadership clings to vaccine mantates, despite that there is more risk to those forced to take it from the vaccine, than they risk from getting the disease itself.