
Man, what a find...

Tom Snyder's "Tomorrow" Show - with 3 Star Trek cast members - 1976

Tom Snyder, who initially was nationally known for having a talk show that was on after The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson in the late 1970's, and occasionally returned with a talk show on other networks in the 1980's and 1990's, had Deforest Kelly, James Doohan, and Walter Koenig on for the first 25 minutes, describing the earliest beginnings of the show. And this was during the lean years (1976) between the end of the show in 1969, and its increasing rise in popularity that led to the first STAR TREK movie in Dec 1979.
Although after the early 1970's, they were probably doing okay financially, due to royalties from the series doing very well in syndication a that point. They all look much healthier and in good spirits on this show than I recall in 1980's and 1990's interviews., This was the beginning of the peak period for them in popularity, being stars at conventions, and then starring in 6 very successful films, and still being young enough to travel worldwide and fully enjoy that stardom.

And then after that first 25 minutes, writer Harlan Ellison was on for the remainder of the show !

I understand Tom Snyder and Harlan Ellison were good friends, and Ellison was often a guest on Snyder's other syndicated shows throughout the 1980's and 1990's, often for the entire hour.
Conversely, Johnny Carson hated Tom Snyder, and was instrumental in getting Snyder taken off his late-night slot in the 1970's, to remove Snyder's connection to Carson's show.