Kelley Jones' DEADMAN: LOVE AFTER DEATH two-issue series with Mike Baron, in 1989-1990, is where I first noticed him having a pleasant and distinctive style.

The interview I linked sheds some light on this series. I didn't know that Kelley Jones had previously illustrated Deadman in ACTION COMICS WEEKLY, prior to this two-issue series.

And before that, I'd seen Kelley Jones ink stuff for Marvel, and maybe pencils too. (inking Guice in the later issues of the first MICRONAUTS series. I think the second MICRONAUTS series was where I'd first seen his pencils, around 1984-1985 )
And from what he said in the interview, his work wasn't liked at Marvel, and they actually changed his art to keep his style from being visible.

But regardless, when he got to DC, he was ready to do some of his best work.


"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."