FF-X2 did suck balls. It was a poor sequel to the fabulous FFX.

Currently, I am playing:

Hitman: Contracts

-If there's something I love, it's video game contract killing. The Hitman known as '47' is a smooth iceman that will drop your ass faster than a bad habit. This game is a perfectly polished sequel to Hitman: Codename 47, and, Hitman 2. If you like intelligent gameplay, AI, and smooth graphics, and want to just do a bit of professional killing, check this out.

007: Everything or Nothing

--By far the best Bond game to hit the market. With a new hand-to-hand fight engine, you can now throw baddies off the balconey with the best Brosnan panache you can muster. The killing is still great, and the missions are even better. It's a third-person only, though.

One thing that has dramatically improved is the animation and graphics. Reflective surfaces, flawless human movement, and the absolute spit-likeness of every star. I'm not exaggerating. Added Bonus: Pierce Brosnan (Bond), Judi Dench (M), John Cleese (Q) all fully voice their characters, and Shannon Elizabeth, Mya, and Willem Dafoe do the same with their roles. Also starring Heidi Klum, and Richard Kiel as "Jaws"! Again, the best Bond game. Period.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

-This has been out for awhile, and I've been playing it for just as long. But, the free-roaming continues to be the best of any game. And, let's be honest....I'm just prepping for the far superior GTA:San Andreas coming out next month.

Tekken Tag

-Still my all-time favorite fighting game. The controls move on a dime, and, I love me a Law/Bryan Fury duo...

And, really, that's it. I await Final Fantasy 12 with great anticipation, and, as mentioned, GTA: San Andreas. Other than that, I'm not into the first-person shooters, or any of the other structured type games....