*King Snarf heads for the doors, but finds his way blocked by security.

Snarf: What is this piffle? I demand that you step aside!

Security Guard: Sorry, pal. We're under orders that you are not to leave the Cheesedome until after your match.

Snarf: Orders? What orders? From whom?

Security Guard: From the new GM.

Snarf: New GM?

*as if on cue , Dr. William Paragon walks into the frame.

Paragon: That's right, my boy. The new general manager of the RDCW. . .Me. Dr. William Paragon. Now not only are you NOT forfeiting your match against Captain Sammitch, you are NOT leaving the Cheesedome until after said match! Guards, escort Queen Snarf to his locker room and keep him there until match time!

*Two of the guards grab Snarf by the arms and begin marching him away. Snarf doesn't resist in keeping with his attempts to be as lame as possible.

Snarf: This is not over, Paragon. I will ruin the RDCW. Oh yes, I will. . .