Mike Monroe: Fans, earlier today we received this video marked “Message to Paragon.” We’ve been wondering about it’s contents all day and now we have finally received word that it’s suitable for airing. Let’s go to the video!

The video opens with a scene of Ghost Hog, sitting on the floor of a dark hallway. He is rocking back and forth and mumbling. He seems to take no notice of the camera. Finally he speaks loud enough to hear.

“Cuntspiracy. . .the conspiracy again runs against me, for the annointed of Paragon, the Champion of nothing, Joe Mama has now turned against me. And as I sit here, I must ask myself: Why? Why did Schwartz leave? Why does Grimm think I'm a loser? Why am I beset on all sides by everyone including Joe Mama?

There is only one answer. Cuntspiracy. The cuntspiracy of dunces that surrounds Paragon in this parody of the RDCW. A Cuntspiracy masterminded and designed to keep Joe Mama in power as a paper champion. The West Side Rollers are Paragon’s enforcers, in league with Joe Mama. All annointed by Paragon. Protected by him.

Captain Sammitch was driven away. His allies repeatedly injured. Why? Cuntspiracy. They fell from Paragon’s favor. Perhaps they were not willing to do his dirty work. Perhaps they didn’t like the script he wrote for them to follow. Cuntspiracy. It runs deep.

Just take a look at this.”

The video footage changes to a scene of Paragon standing in a hallway with the West Side Rollers. We see Paragon handing a sum of cash to Big Pimp Tim, who nods and takes the money before pocketing it. He smiles and says something before the group walks away. Paragon turns, a satisfied look on his face, and walks in the opposite direction.

The camera cuts back to Ghost Hog, still sitting in the hallway. He continues to speak.

“And just what did happen to PenWing? How was Nowhereman driven from power? And the Doctor? How did Paragon rise to power so quickly? And who benefits most?

Rob Kamphausen. Follow the money. The so-called Championship Committee is nothing more than a thinly veiled shadow cabinet of Kamphausen and Paragon’s choosing. A group of yesmen and jobbers willing to give up their integrity for money and prostitutes so that Kamphausen can claim “plausible deniability” over Paragon’s corrupt regime.

Cuntspiracy. For what I did to Paragon last week, I am contractually forced into this Sadistikal match. For Paragon’s vengeance and amusement. I do not care. Joe Mama will bleed. No rest. . .no rest. . .until everyone cries havok. . .and the Hog of War is unleashed.”

The tape ends.

Monroe: What the hell. . .did you see that?

MarcuM: Paragon was definitely giving the Rollers a pay off in that video!

Monroe: What does this mean? Was Ghost Hog right all along? Is there a Cuntspiracy afoot in the RDCW?

MarcuM: It's starting to look that way!

Let me tell you something, just because something is in a graphic format doesn't mean it needs to be apologized for. And just because a novel is serious, doesn't mean it's serious fiction. The only thing comics should worry about is telling a good story. You do that and people will find it. -Brad Meltzer