I'm usually pretty good with friendly fire as I hate losing points, but that cunt couldnt accept mistakes happen.
He already had friendly kills as his points tally was lower than his kills (you get 10 points for a kill and he had something like 7 kills and only 60 points).

Gotta say, Hardcore deathmatches can be either great, or awful.
Some people just should not play a game like that if they cant tell the difference between the enemy and their own team!

That said, one of the other things in COD4 that pisses me off is when you are playing a domination match.
Theres no friendly fire in that, but you can get killed by friendly airstrikes.
Ok, so sometimes yer in the wrong place at the wrong time, but when your team is converging on a flag, and a muppet on your team decides an airstrike on that position is a good idea, then it all becomes a bit of a fucking joke!

Its the reason I rarely wear a mic when playing.
All I end up doing is swearing because of team mates incompetence! (especially those cunts that block door ways etc so you cannot go anywhere!)