So, this is to RKMB what TMK was to the Legion?
I didn't much like that either.
I'm all for having fun and being silly. I'm also for having serious discussions and being respectful toward other posters. Spamming posts is not respectful. It's the equivalent of interrupting a conversation to sing "LA! LA! LA!" just because you want attention.
Those who shut down the boards and ran were equally disrespectful. I had come to view most of the LMBers as cyberfriends, and I still do. Even friends have tiffs and throw tantrums. But that does not excuse them.
If we are going to have a free-for-all forum, then we need to moderate ourselves, not each other. We need to adhere to some common rules of decency and politeness and, yes, tact. Otherwise, we end up with flame wars and posters trying to assert their right to post whatever they bloody well feel like, even if it's offensive and hurtful toward others. I've experienced such Internet tirades before. I will not do so again.
I'm going on a week's vacation. I'm going to use to down time to sort out things in my personal life. This board, as pleasurable as it's been, is way, way, way down on that list. I may be back, or I may not.
I'm not threatening to leave (that's not my style). I'm just saying that this experience has soured me on the forum, and I don't relish the prospect of returning to more of the same.
He Who Wanders, a.ka. Adios Reality