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#200391 2003-09-29 2:00 PM
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Hey gang!

We're back! Thank you for your patience. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

For those who don't know, the Legion World message board was deliberately hacked
and many of our files were deleted. Luckily, our server had a complete back up
and restored everything after the attack. Scott and I decided for security
reasons to move to a new server and change our login/passwords. We strongly
suggest that all of you do the same. We hope these precautions will prevent a
further attack. We also request that we keep the details of our move between
us. Let's try not to discuss it at the board or in public any further. Since
the vandal is probably keeping an eye on our activities. If you need to discuss
things more, please use e-mail or private messages and encourage others to do

I hope to see all of you over at our new location. Thanks for making Legion
World the great metting place that it is.


#200392 2003-09-29 2:00 PM
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Hi guys!

Although I'm pretty sure who XlegionX is, I feel the need to make this
announcement board-wide.

For reasons known only to him, a poster known as XlegionX is posting the most
inane comments with a link to MY message board in it at Rob's Damn Boards. Here
is the latest in sheer stupidity:;f=28;t=000777#000008

The last time this idiot posted at Rob's boards with a link to us, we were
invaded by the raving maniacs known as the Nature Boyz and forced to shut down
new registrations for several days.

Then in order to keep our message board from further raids, Scott and I have
been forced to restrict new registrations and must WASTE our precious time and
energy trying to identify potential new members. Making what was a fun and
enjoyable hobby into a miserable full time job.

If that wasn't enough, I strongly believe that blocking the Nature Boyz is at
least partially linked to our having been hacked and forced us to find a new
home. Which again has taken valuable free time and energy from the two people
who are just trying to give us all a fun place to hang out at on the net.

One would think that a lesson could be learned from the pain and suffering that
XlegionX has inflicted on us all, but no. He wasn't satisfied with the trouble
he has caused us. He felt the need to continue his stupid and thoughtless
taunting of the internet vandals at Rob's boards.

I can't even fathom why anyone would hate me so much as to make my life so
miserable. I have spent so much of my time and hard-earned money to build this
message board. Legion World isn't free. I've paid for it and will continue to
pay for it for years to come. But I swear to you all, that I will pull the plug
and remove this board from the net if this nonsense continues any further. I
just don't have it in me anymore. I'm so sick of wasting so much time on all of

If you are XlegionX or you know who he is, I would strongly suggest deleting any
and every post made at Rob's boards. And never, ever post there again. Don't
even visit there. And if I see even a hint of a retaliation from this latest
post made by XlegionX, you can all kiss Legion World goodbye.

Thanks for listening. Sorry I had to subject you all to this, but I figured it
involves you too.


#200393 2003-09-29 2:01 PM
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Rob if you wouldn't mind headline this for my fellow Legion fans.

#200394 2003-09-29 2:02 PM
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Originally posted by Kid Prime
Since the real Gary is at work right now (and will be until later this morning,) odds are astronomically high that whoever posted that copy of a PRIVATE e-mail aren't him.

Post #1 and post #2 on this thread are an invasion of privacy. Period.

I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about Legion World. Whatever. People have fun there. I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks about Rob's Damn Board. People have fun here too. Whatever.

I do VERY much give a shit about my friend. Who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with that fucked up night several months ago when all the threads got closed down on this forum. Who just spent every second of his free time of the last 3 days rebuilding a corrupted website from scratch. There are a lot of people who it will hurt if Gary actually decides to close down his site. I'm not interested in laying any blame or calling any names, or even asking people to lay off (cause nothing I say will cause that to happen,) but GARY DOES NOT DESERVE THIS.

That goes for xlegionx, the person who started this thread, the people posting here, and YES, even the people posting over at Legion World.


I support whatever decision he has to make. This thread is a low blow, even by whatever standards we have set for ourselves.

#200395 2003-09-29 4:15 PM
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[no no no]

#200396 2003-09-29 4:59 PM
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Did Gary make the rule about not posting my pic at Legion World? If he did he deserves every damn thing he gets! Did he think of my feelings when he made that degrading rule? When I registered and posted once asking for peace was it him that didn't even give me a chance but just blackballed me anyway? I wasn't involved until after the fact with the fiasco that happened here w/ the posting of the LLance pic but he had my e-mail already blackballed when I went to register at Legion World the first time. This whole thing has just become more and more pathetic on Legion World's part from the get go! Oooh! Robbie didn't spank the Nature Boys for doing to the Legion forum what they've been doing forever at Rob's Boards! Cry me a river and grow up already! Oh...learn how to skip past posts that you don't care for also. You'll do your blood pressure a world of good! [wink]

#200397 2003-09-29 5:02 PM
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My board. My rules. I don't fucking deserve this. I will not tolerate another toe. Any pain inflicted upon my board will be inflicted upon yours ten fold, is that understood?

#200398 2003-09-29 5:16 PM
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I'm sorry...could you speak up? I couldn't hear you over all the whining you're doing.

#200399 2003-09-29 5:31 PM
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Don't push my buttons. I get flaming mad real easy and can be a real pain in the ass!

#200400 2003-09-29 5:35 PM
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Oh my! Good thing I'm barefoot now or I'd be shaking in my little pixie booties! Teehee!

#200401 2003-09-29 5:44 PM
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We took several poles at LegionWorld and we don't like you. Now I've bent over backwards and forwards to make that place a well oiled machine, I don't fucking deserve this!

#200402 2003-09-29 5:56 PM
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Well, you certainly are a persistent little imposter, "Gary". I know for a fact that you aren't one of the owners at Legion World. My guess would be that you are XLegionX, trying a new tactic.

I am curious, though, about what exactly you are trying to prove by stealing Nightcrawler's identity on this board and telling lies over here ("poles", indeed [no no no] ). Are you trying to teach the dastardly Nature Boyz a lesson by doing this (I don't think it's working [wink] ), or are you trying to start trouble between Legion World and Rob's Damn Boards (we really don't need help with that [wink] )?

I think there are probably better ways you could be spending your time. Stealing identities, for whatever reason, just isn't cool.

#200403 2003-09-29 6:00 PM
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You doubt my word on how many poles I have taken? I gave strict orders to not even come to Robs boards or post here, perhaps you are the XLegionX! Kid Prime would be so ashamed of you!


#200404 2003-09-29 6:03 PM
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Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Well, you certainly are a persistent little imposter, "Gary". I know for a fact that you aren't one of the owners at Legion World. My guess would be that you are XLegionX, trying a new tactic.

I am curious, though, about what exactly you are trying to prove by stealing Nightcrawler's identity on this board and telling lies over here ("poles", indeed [no no no] ). Are you trying to teach the dastardly Nature Boyz a lesson by doing this (I don't think it's working [wink] ), or are you trying to start trouble between Legion World and Rob's Damn Boards (we really don't need help with that [wink] )?

I think there are probably better ways you could be spending your time. Stealing identities, for whatever reason, just isn't cool.

You go girl! Tell this two bit phoney just exactly how full of shit he really is!

#200405 2003-09-29 6:05 PM
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Now I remeber why me and my fellow Legion fans packed our shit and left!

#200406 2003-09-29 6:13 PM
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See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!

#200407 2003-09-29 6:16 PM
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Consider yourself banned for life. I don't deserve this!

#200408 2003-09-29 6:18 PM
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I thought you'd packed up your shit and left, Gary!

Have a nice photo to take with you!


#200409 2003-09-29 6:20 PM
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I've had my shit packed for awhile now! Do not post that disgusting picture again, or I will be forced to threaten to close Legion World again.

#200410 2003-09-29 6:22 PM
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Ban me!


#200411 2003-09-29 6:27 PM
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Originally posted by Gary:
I've had my shit packed for awhile now! Do not post that disgusting picture again, or I will be forced to threaten to close Legion World again.

Disgusting picture? What disgusting picture? Are you typing in front of a mirror again?

#200412 2003-09-29 6:40 PM
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You tell 'em, LLance!

#200413 2003-09-29 6:41 PM
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Actually, in this new picture, I think Llance looks like a sweet little angel :)

#200414 2003-09-29 6:42 PM
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Originally posted by Gary:
You doubt my word on how many poles I have taken?

Personally, I think you've taken one "pole" too many, dear.

#200415 2003-09-29 7:46 PM
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as a nature boy i am highly offended by garys insinuation that we had anything to do with his site being hacked, i ask, nay i demand a public apology!

#200416 2003-09-29 10:02 PM
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Originally posted by Gary:
My board. My rules. I don't fucking deserve this. I will not tolerate another toe. Any pain inflicted upon my board will be inflicted upon yours ten fold, is that understood?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

#200417 2003-09-29 10:04 PM
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Originally posted by Gary:
Don't push my buttons. I get flaming mad real easy and can be a real pain in the ass!

I thought all the Legion Posters had pains in their asses.......from all that man on man ass sex. Fucking Flamers.

#200418 2003-09-29 10:05 PM
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Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
as a nature boy i am highly offended by garys insinuation that we had anything to do with his site being hacked, i ask, nay i demand a public apology!

They better apologize those gay bastards.

I never knew Gary was a girl's name. [eh?]

#200419 2003-09-29 11:07 PM
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Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Actually, in this new picture, I think Llance looks like a sweet little angel :)

*cough cough*

#200420 2003-09-30 5:35 PM
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#200421 2003-10-02 2:32 AM
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Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Actually, in this new picture, I think Llance looks like a sweet little angel :)

I have to you mean I look like a sweet little angel or did you mean I look like a sweaty little angel? Either way I graciously accept your compliment! :)

#200422 2003-10-02 2:34 AM
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Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
as a nature boy i am highly offended by garys insinuation that we had anything to do with his site being hacked, i ask, nay i demand a public apology!

That kind of talk will get you banned from Legion World BSAMS!

#200423 2003-10-02 2:36 AM
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Originally posted by Princess Crujectra:
Originally posted by Gary:
You doubt my word on how many poles I have taken?

Personally, I think you've taken one "pole" too many, dear.
Now now Princess! That's not only the most vulgar thing I've heard tonight...but the funniest as well! You go girl!

#200424 2003-10-03 6:02 PM
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Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:
as a nature boy i am highly offended by garys insinuation that we had anything to do with his site being hacked, i ask, nay i demand a public apology!

Yeah... like we know anything about hacking. Most of us can't even handle bookmarks...

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