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#208751 2003-02-07 8:31 AM
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This is so we dont always have to type OFF TOPIC everytime we want to say something.

#208752 2003-02-07 8:42 AM
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Hey guys(and CJ [wink] )

Sorry I've haven't been around. I went on a road trip to NYC for a couple weeks and I'm in the process of moving into a new house. So I've been pretty busy lately.

What have u guys been up to??

#208753 2003-02-07 12:04 PM
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Hey DLD,

Hope you had a good time in New York.

Also hope you don't have years of accumulated wealth - it's always a bugger to move.

My excuse for not being active on the board a few weeks ago, was because I was acting Branch Librarian where I work and also trying to do school holiday story-times at the same time (basically I was worn out).

Plus as I mentioned before, I was getting ready for a University residential school in Wagga Wagga (in southern New South Wales), for my Bachelor in Library and Information Science. I've been putting this off for a few years, but I was about to loose a two year credit (exemption) for my Library Technician qualifications, if I didn't start this year.

In more recent news, my fiance and I booked our marraige celebrant this Wednesday, so that's one less thing to worry about before the wedding (on 13th December).

Anyhoo, like your idea of setting up this thread. . . but I am going to miss those ***off topic***'s.

Maybe we can do an ***off topic*** on this thread, and get a story going! [wink] [nyah hah]


[ 02-07-2003, 08:10 AM: Message edited by: Britannica ]

#208754 2003-02-07 8:22 PM
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Interesting thought, veeeery interesting!!!!

An off-topic story in a talk thread, veeeeery interesting!!

Anyhow, because I´m not online as often is, as I´ve said before I am dependant on internet services provided by friends and public library!!

I live with my parents, 21 years old, moving soon!!! and they won´t by Internet and I am too poor, or just too cheap to get meself!!!......yikes...meself?????.....BABS????

Heck!!! I´ve just started working in a Kindergarten!!!

I tell you, children at the age of 3 through 6, and sixty of them are a living nightmare, a hell on earth and gives you gray hair!!!
you can´t help but lov....hate them!!!

Well, that´s about it on this thread, good luck against Invisible Woman Jeff with the beard!!!

#208755 2003-02-07 10:20 PM
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Originally posted by Chant:
Heck!!! I´ve just started working in a Kindergarten!!!

I tell you, children at the age of 3 through 6, and sixty of them are a living nightmare, a hell on earth and gives you gray hair!!!
you can´t help but lov....hate them!!!

60 kids!!!! If feel for you, Chant [no no no] I had enough troble with 20-30 kids!! Mind you, the parents are probably worse, they are very demanding. "Why doesn't my little Johnny/Jenny, get one of those [insert: peice of colouring equipment, prize, glue stick, etc., here] ?" [AAAHHHH!!!]

So you are on the move too, huh? Once more I say, hope you don't have years of accumilated wealth.

And, there is nothing wrong with public libraries! [wink] Speaking of which, better start getting redy for work. . .



#208756 2003-02-07 11:14 PM
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This is my 100th post!!!!

[biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin]


That's sort of sad, isin't it? [no no no]

#208757 2003-02-08 12:40 AM
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Originally posted by Britannica:
This is my 100th post!!!!

[biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin] [biiiig grin]


That's sort of sad, isin't it? [no no no]

Not really.

[biiiig grin]

#208758 2003-02-08 1:26 AM
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Originally posted by Registered Member #552:
URL=;f=27;t=000544;p=]Not really.[/URL]

[biiiig grin] [/QB]

Cheers, RM552!

It's so much better when you put it in perspective :)

#208759 2003-02-08 2:44 PM
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Good idea, guys!

Can't talk much this weekend--at mom's house and MUST study (as usual). See you later.

Yeah, I forgot to find where my 100th post is. [sad]

#208760 2003-02-08 7:16 PM
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Congrats Brit on ur wedding!!

I'm sure that ur wedding will turn into a story on our story board.
I can see it now:

JLR: The Wedding

Will chant be invited??
Will Mr.Mis-information try to spoil the party??
Will Britannica's independant third toe movement come into play on the honeymoon??? [wink]

Only time will tell.

Well anyways, I'm off to watch the hockey game tonite. Go Leafs Go!

[ 02-08-2003, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: dun_like_dinner ]

#208761 2003-02-09 7:14 PM
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Okay, I got a hold of my brother's camera, but I forgot the cord that plugs into the computor at home. But I'll try to get some pictures of me, okay? [cool]

Chant, I worked at an after school program for two years. At seventeen I was practically running the joint, with about a hundred kids from kindergarten to eighth grade. Loved the kids. Didn't love my boss. Oh well. But you do become immune to every variation of the flu. Just watch out for LICE. There was a huge scare when I started working, and I was lucky not to get it. Just be practical and don't put your head anywhere that might be contaminated.

Anyhoo, I'm off to do some more studying! My grades from last semester were okay--B+ in chem and chem lab, and that's all the mattered! [biiiig grin] I did get a C in statistics, which sucks [sad] , but I didn't like the instructor and made of mistake of taking too many hard classes my first semester at college and away from home.

This semester I have MORE chem and chem lab (yuck), Criminal Justice, Age of Dinosaurs, and the New Testament. Yeah, its a lot of oddball subjects, but I figured I get some of the basic requirments over and done with. :)

Still working at a vet's office. Lots of fun. I dewormed a puppy the other day. I thought that working at a vet's would scare me out of the business, and I am now more and more interested in it. [biiiig grin]

Love to hear what everybody else is up too. All Harpy's done lately is get me a touch of cold. [sad]

#208762 2003-02-09 8:58 PM
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In the past couple of weeks, I've switched to a communications major, cooked chicken parmigana for a couple of friends, gotten noticed by girls at the new gym on campus (always a perk, even if they're already your friends [biiiig grin] ), participated (and still particpating) in a Valentine's day candy gram fundraiser on campus, hunted (and still hunting!) for a job, went back to Fort Lee and helped my younger sister assemble my mother's new futon. I also found out that she and my mother will be moving to Maryland in August. Next week: complete FAFSA forms before the 13th, participate in more candy gram sales, prepare a how-to presentation for my public speaking class, find a job, finish a poem (sorta) that I'll probably post, go to my grandma's in NYC next weekend and log in lots and lots more gym time. Valentine's day plans are up in the air, but in all likelihood I'll spend it alone. At least I'll be working on something.

#208763 2003-02-09 9:21 PM
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Eh, don't worry, you wont be the only single person on V-Day. Personally, I just bask in my singleness. It's not like I can honestly devote myself to one guy right now anyways. I'm already stuggling to keep all the friends I've made. Anyhoo, me and my girlfriends are going to spend V-Day going to go see Daredevil (Ben in red leather...) and then hit the clubs afterwards. Hopefully it wont be a country bar...those can be downright depressing sometimes.

#208764 2003-02-09 10:35 PM
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Anyone remember that Cameo song?

"I'm livin the single single singleeeee.

Life!.....The single Lifeeeee"

Love that song.

#208765 2003-02-09 11:30 PM
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I thought I was the only one that liked that song!

#208766 2003-02-10 1:21 AM
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I must have missed that one.

I'm more of a 'Man! I feel like a woman' type. [biiiig grin]

#208767 2003-02-10 12:33 PM
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Originally posted by dun_like_dinner:
Congrats Brit on ur wedding!!

I'm sure that ur wedding will turn into a story on our story board.
I can see it now:

JLR: The Wedding

Will chant be invited??
Will Mr.Mis-information try to spoil the party??
Will Britannica's independant third toe movement come into play on the honeymoon??? [wink]

Only time will tell.

Well anyways, I'm off to watch the hockey game tonite. Go Leafs Go!

Thanks for the congrats, DLD :)

JLR: The Wedding? hmmmmm [izzat so?] has possibilities.

Might start that one a bit later though. We've got two stories going at once, at the moment as it is.

By the way, how did the Leafs go? Not that I have any idea who the leafs are. . . [sad] [no no no]


#208768 2003-02-11 1:58 PM
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Valentines day, we just started having that in denmark too a couple of years ago! don´t know why, profit maybe!?!?!

I´m going to be single there too, I´ve never had a girlfriend, it´s my winning personality, or lack thereoff, heh, i´m a loser!!!...ehhhh....maybe not a loser, but it´s still my winning personality, or lack thereof!!!

No, it´s actually because I have a tendency to get people mad when discussing things with them, as some of you already know I´ve managed to piss some of the people on this board off!!!
But it´s just that sometimes I think I´m the only person in the world capable of seeing issues from both sides, because all that matters is how you look at things,
and when I say that, people get angry, because "how can you agree with killers, psychos and racists???
Never said I did, just said that they think they are in the right!!

So people, you see my dillemma, I refuse to let go of my principles, and that costs me friends!!!
and I don´t want to lose them either!!

So Brit, getting married, hitched up, cuffed for life???
They say that marriage is a desert, and only camels venture into it!

Who´s the unfortuna......ehhhh.......fortunate soul, anyone I know....get it??...any one I know, in Australia.......get it?....ehhh

Well, these days we have national holiday for the entire week, nice and quiet time in the kindergarten.

By the way Britannica, I always wanted to be a paramedic in australia, do you know anything about that???

Well, I think I will take look into the convention and see how Bill Clinton handles things!!!

#208769 2003-02-11 7:27 PM
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Aw...Chant, we may disagree on some issues, but you're still my favorite villian! Besides, its hard to have an intellegent debate with someone who agrees with everything that comes out of your mouth. You keep on saying what you think.

Britannica, please accept my best wishes for you and yours. Hope you two have a wonderful and memorable wedding. I'm currently the Maid of Honor for my sister's wedding. Ah, always the bridesmaid, never the bride...

I wish I could get you all a box of chocolates for V-day, but I'm just a poor college girl.

I'm trying to build my own website. I'll let you guys know when its up and running!

#208770 2003-02-11 10:35 PM
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Hey everyone,

I just uploaded some HeroMachine designs to my website. I posted the codes for RM552, the King of Doesntreallyexistia, and Zues. I honestly never took the time to imagine what the characters looked like, but I think I did my best -- given the limitations of the HeroMachine program, of course.

#208771 2003-02-13 7:07 PM
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Well it's Valentine's day here in Australia, sooooo. . . .

Come here you bunch o' galloots. . . . GROUP HUG!

Hope the day treats you all well!

[humina humina] [humina humina] [humina humina] [humina humina] [humina humina] [humina humina] [humina humina] [humina humina]

Britannica & My

(My is my financee, by the way - pronounced "Me")

#208772 2003-02-13 7:32 PM
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Thanks Chant & Jackie, for the thanks re: the upcoming nuptials.

I'm sure you will be a terrific bridesmaid, Jackie. . . and when the time comes, a beautiful bride.

Chant, I've never really looked at becoming a paramedic, so don't have any info for you, sorry. If you are really interested, let me know and I'll find something out for you.

RM552, the HeroMachine characters are [cool]

By the way thanks AGW for the "Dating tips", but ummm, I'm engaged!!

And thankyou (young) Nightwing (that is you isn't it???), for the Ego Boost!


[ 02-13-2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Britannica ]

#208773 2003-02-13 11:04 PM
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How come V-day is tommorrow for us? Whatever.

And Britannica, don't ever accept 'Dating Tips' from Wednesday. [cool]

So....back to studying. Yeah...mhhhh...chemistry...

#208774 2003-02-14 3:00 AM
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Uh...I hate chemistry. Maybe I should try law school. [mwah hwah haa]

Okay, I know this is a little early, but since it's already V-day for some of you...

[humina humina] Hugs and kisses to all the gentlemen of the JLR from their foxy little superheroine! [humina humina]

#208775 2003-02-15 1:31 AM
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Happy Valentine's Day. .....

.....God this sucks...... [no no no]

#208776 2003-02-15 9:45 AM
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Good evening all. Happy Belated V-Day.

Everything goes well here. Life's a roller coaster, but I'm just happy to still be on it... No Valentine for me, but luckily that's by choice, not by force. Since I plan to leave my job soon, I just couldn't afford the whole Valentine's shebang.

Miami is hot, then cold, then hot, I now have DSL which makes me happier than a young dog nibbling on Puppy Chow, and I saw Daredevil for free (although I wouldn't suggest it).

But I digress. It's good to hear that you're all safe and doing well. Just think fellas, you've got a whole other year before you have to buy a dozen way-to-expensive red roses for every woman whose ever said more than two words to you. Thank goodness Feb. 14 only comes once a year...

#208777 2003-02-15 8:24 PM
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Do what I do, have a rose bush in your back yard. It's a lot cheaper!

[biiiig grin]

#208778 2003-02-15 11:17 PM
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Well, my Valentine's Day wasn't what I expected. About ten of us headed to Cracker Barrel of all places for dinner (I've only had breakfast there). I was the only one who understood the menu. Ha! Seriously, I had to explain what chicken pot pie was to one of the girls. Dear me...

Then we crashed at a friends house and watched Fargo of all movies. Okay, I thought that because the Cole Brothers (they made Oh Brother, where art thou?) made the film, it was a comedy.'s a true story about a whole bunch of murders. Next time, I pick the movie! On the plus side, I now realize there are worse things to have than an occasional Southern accent (I tend to have a drawl when talking to certain family members and people from the Agriculture Department).

I took lots of pictures but the plug from the camera to the computer is back home. Darn.

(I think it's somebody else's turn to post on the main thread, by the way... :) )

[ 02-15-2003, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: Cowgirl Jack ]

#208779 2003-02-16 3:11 AM
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Check single guys to see my fun Valentine;s Day. It was really fun. really.

#208780 2003-02-18 4:29 AM
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Originally posted by Harpy:
Aw...Chant, we may disagree on some issues, but you're still my favorite villian! Besides, its hard to have an intellegent debate with someone who agrees with everything that comes out of your mouth. You keep on saying what you think.

Britannica, please accept my best wishes for you and yours. Hope you two have a wonderful and memorable wedding. I'm currently the Maid of Honor for my sister's wedding. Ah, always the bridesmaid, never the bride...

I wish I could get you all a box of chocolates for V-day, but I'm just a poor college girl.

I'm trying to build my own website. I'll let you guys know when its up and running!

Your´re missing the point here CJ, I have no problem with people dissagreeing with me, none whatsoever.
What I do have a problem with is people who refuse to be reasonble, no matter the issue, there is always two sides, no exceptions!!!
I always tend to view the issue from both sides so as to be as objectively as possible, to be as neutral and better able to discern what is rightand what is wrong, (from my point of view that is!!!)
Right and wrong differ from person to person as I am sure you all know!!

To be reasonable is to view the issue from both sides, it is to admit that the other side might be right, or at least to acknowledge that your idea of right and wrong may be entirely different with another.
Terrorism for instance, we all think that it is wrong, and that it can never be right, but what of the terrorists??? They believe that they are in the right, and that we are wrong,
Now, who is to say who is right???
Certainly not I, noone can, We believe that we are right, and so do they, I do not accept terrorism as a positive thing, none of us do, but the ones who commit terrorism believe they are right, and I acknowledge that, they are right to believe they are right, and we are right to believe they are wrong, and vice versa
Jesus, I´m getting all philosofical here!!!, this cannot be good

I was ignored valentine´s day...hulk hulk hulk hulk hulk!!!

#208781 2003-02-17 7:50 PM
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Chant, you weren't ignored on Valentine's Day. I offered hugs and kisses to all my boys here (or boyz, whichever you prefer).

After looking at both sides on an issue, I usually choose one, state my position, and stick with it unless some evidence persuades me otherwise. Sometimes I choose both sides. Depends. Some issues are black and white, some are gray. If I may be so bold as to assume this, you seem to enjoy playing the Devil's Advocate, and the people that argue with you don't interpret it that way.

Anyway, no biggie. Like I said, I enjoy having an intelligent debate with someone that doesn't resort to petty insults.


Well, Happy President's Day, y'all. UF is the only college in Florida that has classes today. I've only been given MLK day off, and that's it until Spring Break. Almost makes me want to become a FSU student...okay, actually, no, it doesn't make me want to be a FSU student. Granted, our football team sucked this year, but at least we still got the intellect thing going for us.

#208782 2003-02-18 5:15 PM
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I prefer boyz myself.

Wait... that didn't sound right [whaaaa!] .

Anyhoo, I must make a correction to CJ's last post. Miami Dade COMMUNITY COLLEGE had classes AND TESTS on President's Day. Not only that, but we have no spring break either. I guess I should expect so much if I want to get away with paying so little for college credits.

#208783 2003-02-20 7:53 PM
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gettin´ paranoid........must have medicine.........must have.........MUST KILL!!!!!


Whoaaaaa, not so philosofical anymore am I???....ehhhh!!!!!!!

Wheeeuuuuu!!!!!.....For a minute there I thought I was turning into Socrates or Sigmund Freud!!!

No, not the devil´s advocate, just don´t want to leap to conclusion....I hate my life, too many principles and I´m too honourable......just can´t help it!!

#208784 2003-02-24 5:05 AM
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Pictures are on the 'women' section, gentlemen. Hope you're happy.

#208785 2003-02-24 9:34 AM
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Si, senorita. We have been appeased.

#208786 2003-02-24 7:06 PM
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Finally finished my thesis play. Now all I need to do is catch an agent and I can devote my time to the JLR 110%!!

(Oh nice pictures Ceej you sexy thing)

#208787 2003-02-24 8:20 PM
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Thank's for the comments! Y'all are all so sweet! You know, guys in my high school were all pretty dense or something. I didn't go on many dates. Lord knows how many I've gone on since going to college. In a way it kind of sucks--I don't have the time right now to devote myself to one guy, so I'm trying to stay single until I feel more confident in my studies. Which will be, like, never...

Anyways, I'm still trying to work on a website, and I'll let you know when its up. One of the requirements to get into the vet school is some sort of journal, and I thought a web-based journal would be a fun idea. So the website will probably have some pictures of me in school, a few working with the animals, and maybe some of my drawings. We'll see!

#208788 2003-02-25 12:59 PM
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The question has to be asked CJ. . .

Why is such as attractive girl like yourself, hanging around with a bunch of yobbos like us? [nyah hah]

Thanks for the pictures! :)

Hope everyone is well. I hit the big 3-0 on the weekend! I'm currently working on a JLR application for a charecter based on my fiance, who we have called Di Bat Pho (which is Vietnamese for "to prowl the streets"). I've made up her image on the Hero Machine generator.

Hero Generator

FantasyHumanFemale*Di Bat Pho*Skin:1,0,40,0,0,100,100,0,40,0,0,100,100;Face:3,75,0,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Hair:2,0,100,0,0,0,100,0,40,0,0,100,100;Helmet:6,0,60,0,0,100,100,0,0,0,0,75,100;Shirt:1,0,0,0,0,7 5,100,0,60,0,0,100,100;Coat:5,0,0,0,0,75,100,0,60,0,0,100,100;Gloves:1,75,0,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Belt:1,75,0,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Leggings:4,0,100,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100; Pants:1,75,0,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Footwear:8,0,60,0,0,100,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Weapon:1,75,0,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Shield:1,75,0,0,0,0,100,75,0,0,0,0,100;Back:1,75,0,0,0,0,100 ,75,0,0,0,0,100;#

#208789 2003-02-25 6:21 PM
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Originally posted by Britannica:
The question has to be asked CJ. . .

Why is such as attractive girl like yourself, hanging around with a bunch of yobbos like us? [nyah hah]

I ask myself that everyday. [biiiig grin]

Don't get hit by any trains or planes or automobiles this weekend either. [biiiig grin]

#208790 2003-02-25 7:19 PM
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I ain't no yobbo!!!

Whats a yobbo??

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