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I've mentioned this before on the original JLR thread, but in case some didn't catch it, you can download the HeroMachine for off-line use.
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Yay! I think I got the website up: http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/jaclynangelo/home.htmlYou know, I know squat about html stuff. Oh well, I'm trying to improve it. I don't know why the quality of the scans went down. And all my good pictures are safe at home. I'll try and pick them up soon. Let me know what you think!
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Nice website, Jackie. Your drawings are all pretty good. On the group shot of heroines you mention that WW's head looks a little off, I agree. But the Batgirl in the group shot looks great! The solo Hawkgirl drawing looks excellent as well. Also, your mythological drawings all look awesome. :)
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Thanks! I think I'll redraw the group picture. At least the single picture of Wonder Woman makes up for it. If you guys have any request, e-mail me and I'll tackle them. I improve everyday, and like a challenge.
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Nice pictures CJ, and nice drawings too!!
´bout the html, it´s not really that hard when you come to think of it, all you need is a book that contains the codes you need, and then follow the instructions, sounds waaaay easy, and it actually is!!!
If I can get my notes copied unto my computer you can have them if you want, of course I have to translate them to English first, or maybe I´ll let you do that, quite a challenge eh!
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Sweeeet....I got to draw blood for the first time at work! Okay, so you guys probably aren't as excited about it as I am. Maybe they'll start paying me over the summer...yay!
Now back to studying Thermodynamics. Not sweeeet!
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My weekend wasn't as interesting. I went to visit my aunt (and baby cousin's) new apartment. She was skeeved out by the visible lack of cleanliness the old tenant left in the kitchen, so I cleaned out a somewhat crusty oven. (Wasn't as bad as she made it out to be, it only took four S.O.S. pads and an hour.) Once I was done with the oven, I decided to try it out. I declared an old favorites night: Chicken and dumplings all around, with apple crisp for dessert. We forgot the ice cream though. Ah, well.
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Hello all,
Ummm.... yeah. I had a really sucky weekend. Yaaaayy!
Friday, I slept. Saturday, I slept. Saturday night, I went on a date from Hell. Sunday, I slept.
So all in all, my waking hours were spent in Hell.
So anywho, a question for those of you who celebrate Lent: What are you giving up for 40 days and 40 nights??
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Still tryng to figure out what I'm doing for Lent. I already say the rosary and the Act of Contrition (I think that's the name of it) every day. Hmmm...maybe I can give up studying... And will y'all start posting on the One Topic thread? I'm ready to get my ass whipped by Wonder Girl. I'd write some stuff myself, but I'm not an expert on the YJ.
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I'm waiting for other people to make their own contributions. "I don't wanna be a glory hog," is what I always say. Yep, two posts per page max is my golden rule. Yeah, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it ![[mwah hwah haa]](graemlins/devil.gif) !
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Just give me a few more days and I'll post to your heart's content
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Come on, I can't do it myself! Wednesday! Get your rear in gear!
Still thinking about Lent...ah, the greatest thing about being Catholic is the food. Everyone over thirty knows fifty-two ways of serving tuna cassarole.
Me? I think I'll make Cajun Catfish this weekend. Yummy!
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Wha-hoo! 200th post, baby!
That should do the trick...
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Congratulations on the 200th post Jackie!!! Now show them pics ![[wink]](images/icons/wink.gif) So far, I haven't been hit by anything, but I'm not safe until next February. . . DLD, a Yobbo is someone who sits around all day, talking about sport, women, more sport, alcholic beverages, more women, sport, women, sport and a few more women. I must say, I haven't had a lot of time to post lately, and thought I would have had a lot of catching up to do. . . I've been trying to fnd out about Secret of the YJ (must confess to not being familiar with her ![[sad]](images/icons/frown.gif) ). Anyhoo, I'm sure we will manage. . . I have a rare weekend off work this weekend!! ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) D&D on Saturday night - Yay!! But, better start doing some of my Uni work. . . Hope you are all well. . .
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Then I guess I'm the biggest "Yobbo" in here. ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif)
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At least you admit it. Now, I'm off to go home for Spring Break. Plan on going to the Strawberry Festival, go to the beach, and then to Busch Gardens. Don't expect me to be online in the next week. Don't get wrong--I love you guys, but not that much. Signing off, Jackie ![[who, me?]](graemlins/whome01.gif)
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Lucky you CJ. I'm stuck inside cuz its too cold outside and I'm too poor to go anywhere warm. It's like -14 here right now. ![[...rassamnfrackin...]](graemlins/grumble01.gif) Stupid Canadian winters. Ah well, Hockey's on tonight. Drink enuff for the both of us alright?? ![[wink]](images/icons/wink.gif)
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Well, the reason I haven't posted lately (at least since Wednesday) was because Wednesday night we had a bad storm and the phoneline had been down until about an hour ago. ![[AAAHHHH!!!]](graemlins/aahhh.gif) I've been goin' through withdrawals, man! ![[wink]](images/icons/wink.gif)
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Did someone say "Wednesday"?
Anywhy, I've already had my spring break. It was one day. ONE DAY. ONE FRIGGIN' DAY!! WHAT THE @$#$@ ARE THESE $#$@$@^&^% THINK THEY'RE ^%$#%#$@ DOING?!
But I'm not bitter.
I now know what a Yobbo is. Is it always capitalized like that, though?? Ah well. Won't matter when I start calling everyone I know a Yobbo on Monday.
Speaking of, I have an English project and a Math test on Monday. Have I mentioned that I hate test and projects; especially those given and due on days that I SHOULD HAVE OFF. I live in Miami, THE SPRING BREAK CAPITAL OF THE UNIVERSE, and I'm spending the next few weeks learning about Byzantine art and algebraic trigonometry! Super Deluxe F@#$!
But at least I'm not bitter.
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I'm ordering all of you right this minute to drop what you are doing and go out somewhere to find the closest opportunity for a blowjob. We're the JLR. We canNOT be spending the break like this. And I will not be outdone by Ceej!
Come on guys let's do this. Chant, AGW, yNW, EVERYBODY. No one reply again until you've attempted getting a hummV. Brit, this one's gonna be easy for ya, I think
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Okay, quick time out.
I have only one teeny tiny problem with La Machine's request. See, this whole Lent thing I started my own thread about... well, I sorta decided to give up sex + self gratification for the 40 days and nights.
Good news, though, is that it's only been 5 days and already I'm nuttier than all of you put together.
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Welcome back RM552! Sounds like you guys in Canada & USA are having a rough time of it (except CJ). Hope you are all OK! We have finally started getting rain in some parts of NSW ![[biiiig grin]](images/icons/grin.gif) But we've had a few Cyclones in Western Australia and the Northern Territory this week. Good Grief Wednesday! What were you thinking!?!?!?!? ![[eh?]](images/icons/confused.gif) Anyhoo, if you believe the Bill Clinton definition of sexual relations, blow jobs don't count ![[wink]](images/icons/wink.gif) Hope that helps? Britannica
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quote: Originally posted by AGW: Okay, quick time out.
I have only one teeny tiny problem with La Machine's request. See, this whole Lent thing I started my own thread about... well, I sorta decided to give up sex + self gratification for the 40 days and nights.
Good news, though, is that it's only been 5 days and already I'm nuttier than all of you put together.
AGW you quit SELF gratification too??! What the hell did you see that stupid ass movie with Josh Hartnett and got this retarded idea!!?? Just give up porn or something. Don't just slit your wrists like that. You're gonna explode!
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Yeah, well, I umm.... yeah.
Anyhoo, I must admit that I was inspired by that movie. Yes, it was stupid, and yes, it reeked of bad acting, but I just have to see if I have the will power. You can slap me now.
Don't worry, though. I've already got something lined up for the day after Easter. It just sucks that I'll miss Nation BJ and Steak Day. Get it: sucks, blowjobs???
Oh, and I don't believe in Bill Clintons. Just a figment of our collective imagination.
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Oh, and add to the Convention Thread, people! If CJ comes back and sees it like this, she'll have our hides. Our hides I tell ya! [ 03-11-2003, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: AGW ]
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Oops, you're right Wednesday. ![[eh... i dunno... ]](graemlins/ehidunno.gif) Look what happens, the lady leaves the room and the blokes act up. ![[yuh huh]](images/icons/rolleyes.gif) Maybe we should tidy up before CJ notices? And sorry no slapping allowed for you Mr. AGW, until after Lent (some people consider that a gratification thing, you know).
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Nice to see you guys worked so hard. NOT.
Crap. I left the camera at home. I'll post Spring Pics in a couple of weeks then.
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17 days into Lent.... Can't concentrate.... Barely holding it together... ![[AAAHHHH!!!]](graemlins/aahhh.gif)
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Psst. Why don't you vent by WRITING PART OF THE STORY? Whoops. Harpy moment there. Seriously. Y'all know I'm still learning this stuff. Someone else needs to start writing. All I ask is that I lose my match (since the poison chocolate is affecting CJ) and Harpy wins hers (cause...you know, she's Harpy). That way I don't change the final score (you guys can decide if we beat the YJ) Later boys, Jackie
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I did! I did write part of the story.
A lot of people haven't, though. I blame them. Yes, that's it. I blame them.
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Ok, now I really did write part of the story.
Umm... anyone out there? I know you're all busy having LIVES and all, but it would be nice to get the story going. Jeebus knows CJ can't pick up ALL the slack.
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You a sweetie, Wednesday.
You'll be spared Harpy's rage when she returns.
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I'M BACK!!! Sorry about my lack of posting. My boss gave me the night shift about a month or so ago. Between that and my girlfriend, I've had no spare time. But the good news is that I'm switchin to the day shift again so I'll get to post more often. Talk to you all later.
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Yaaaay! Woooooo!!
I definitely know what it's like to suddenly have time to do things that are fun. I was out of the loop during the last story for a good while there. Glad to see you back DLD!
Hopefully more people will have time Summer comes along.
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"Yaaaay!" and "Woooooo!!" again.
Anyone else notice that the Convention Adventure is now a headline. We've reached headline status, guys! I feel all googly inside.
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quote: Originally posted by AGW: Yaaaay! Woooooo!!
I definitely know what it's like to suddenly have time to do things that are fun. I was out of the loop during the last story for a good while there. Glad to see you back DLD!
Hopefully more people will have time Summer comes along.
PLEASE LET summer come. Here are my plans:
- Take 7-11 hours of classes (yeah, I'm such a Hermione...it also will make me a junior)[/*]
- Work at the vet's office, only this time more hours.[/*]
- Get some painting done! I haven't touched a brush since Christmas![/*]
- My B-day's in June (19 years...yay)[/*]
- I move to an apartment with a friend in July (finally a place that accepts rabbits...I'll show everyone pics when I decorate...I LOVE decorating!)[/*]
Anyway, can't wait to see how this story ends (which will probably be a while :) ) G'bye!
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quote: Originally posted by AGW: "Yaaaay!" and "Woooooo!!" again.
Anyone else notice that the Convention Adventure is now a headline. We've reached headline status, guys! I feel all googly inside.
I remember that on the original thread Rob posted asking if anyone wanted to send him a headline image (y'know those little graphics on the front page). Has anyone sent him anything?
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So this guy and his friend walks into a trainstation wanting to buy some traintickets
Guy: Hello miss, can I get a train ticket to Copenhagen?
Stationworker: Why certainly
Guy: Can I get one to Texas too?
Stationworker: what?
Guy: Can I get one to Texas too?
Stationworker: No, I am afraid not
The guy turns around to his friend
Guy: I´m sorry Texas, but you can´t come!!
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Hey.... ummm... I'm sorry to have to be the one to suggest this, but... ummm... maybe we should can the Convention Adventure. I mean, I like writing for it and all, but it seems like we've lost several of our writers. I haven't seen a lot of the members in a long time, and the story is kinda.... dragging.
I wouldn't mind keeping the adventure going, but with CJ apparently gone for a while, I don't think the story is going anywhere any time soon.