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okay, here's one of her quotes. Quote:
On the environment "The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." - from her column "Oil Good; Democrats bad" October 12, 2000
Bow ties are coool.
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r3x29yz4a said:
okay, here's one of her quotes.
On the environment
"The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." - from her column "Oil Good; Democrats bad" October 12, 2000
good point, me.
Last edited by the G-man; 2005-07-30 3:33 PM.
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r3x29yz4a said:
r3x29yz4a said:
okay, here's one of her quotes.
On the environment
"The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." - from her column "Oil Good; Democrats bad" October 12, 2000
good point, me.
So much for that BS from JC. Rich men willl drive their SUV through the eye of a needle on their way to heaven. That's one big fuckin' needle!
Last edited by the G-man; 2005-07-30 3:34 PM.
The G-man says: You are GOOD
r3x29yz4a is my hero!
rex says I'm a commie, asshole, fag!
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magicjay said:
r3x29yz4a said:
r3x29yz4a said: okay, here's one of her quotes.
On the environment "The ethic of conservation is the explicit abnegation of man's dominion over the Earth. The lower species are here for our use. God said so: Go forth, be fruitful, multiply, and rape the planet -- it's yours. That's our job: drilling, mining and stripping. Sweaters are the anti-Biblical view. Big gas-guzzling cars with phones and CD players and wet bars -- that's the Biblical view." - from her column "Oil Good; Democrats bad" October 12, 2000
good point, me.
So much for that BS from JC. Rich men willl drive their SUV through the eye of a needle on their way to heaven. That's one big fuckin' needle!
That doesn't even make sense.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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betrayal and collapse 5000+ posts
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Then you'll have to trust me, there's a joke in there someplace! 
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magicjay said: Then you'll have to trust me, there's a joke in there someplace!
I got it.

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to pray for that big raise.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor
To comfort the powerless and make the powerful uncomfortable.
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I've got more guns than you. 6000+ posts
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Sadly enough, I get it. Nice one, MJ.
"Ah good. Now I'm on the internet clearly saying I like tranny cleavage. This shouldn't get me harassed at all." -- Lothar of the Hill People
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Bow ties are coool.
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Jack Chick has found Jesus! 
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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Whomod....Do you still even bother with trying to pose as a Christian?
You're broadcasting in the negative, but I just wanna hear it from you.
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why is everyone who disagrees with you considered "whomod?"
we don't see all the gay posters being called G-man.
Bow ties are coool.
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unrestrained id said:
magicjay said: Then you'll have to trust me, there's a joke in there someplace!
I got it.

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to pray for that big raise.
I got the "joke" I just didn't get the connection. It seemed a tad streathed.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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r3x29yz4a said: why is everyone who disagrees with you considered "whomod?"
we don't see all the gay posters being called G-man.
Acctually the fact that PaulWelllerhur is Whomod was proven by none other than MajicJay.
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
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wannabuyamonkey said:
r3x29yz4a said: why is everyone who disagrees with you considered "whomod?"
we don't see all the gay posters being called G-man.
Acctually the fact that PaulWelllerhur is Whomod was proven by none other than MajicJay.
its the boy who cried whomod. Pariah keeps calling people Whomod that when Whomod actually appears the villagers ignore him and he's eaten.
Bow ties are coool.
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Pariah said:
Whomod....Do you still even bother with trying to pose as a Christian?
You're broadcasting in the negative, but I just wanna hear it from you.
I don't know who you're adressing there Pharisee (You call me whomod, then I can call you Pharisee) but since your post immediately follows mine, I'll assume it's directed at me. It's sure hard to tell since you tend to adress anyone who challenges you with a opposing viewpoint as whomod.
Now pharisee, what's that hair up your arse? That I laughed at r3x29yz4a
's cartoon? Or maybe that you think he's whomod too and thus "I" posted a mocking cartoon and then laughed at it as 'PaulWellr'?
Regardless, Ann Coulter is full of shite with her perverted interpretations of Christianity and i'm assuming you agree with her so that makes you full of shite as well. Which is what the cartoon was about in the 1st place. The way Christ's teachings have been perverted or the inconvenient parts just flat-out ignored by right wingers.
here's some more teachings of the Supply Side Jesus. Man he's full of shite! Whatever happened to the real Jesus? He was a more reasonable, moral, and righteous fellow IMO.
If Jesus Were a Bush Republican:
Select Sayings
Why take the beam of out your own eye, when the spin doctors can keep people talking about the speck in the other guy's eye?
Consider the lilies of the field, then plow them under and drill for oil.
If a man strikes you on the right cheek, you must be a fool. You should have killed him and anyone around him before he got anywhere near you.
If a man asks for your coat, tell him to find a job. If he asks you to go with him a mile, tell him you don't pick up hitchhikers.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a corporation. Though you see its right hand, you know not what its left hand does.
Do not resist an evil man. For probably he can make a large campaign contribution.
The unworthy are like a virgin forest on a mountainside. They grow for thousands of years, then the righteous come along and cut them to the ground and sell their bones for profit. And then they will strip mine the sides of the mountain for precious metals, so that where the unworthy once grew there will be but rubble and erosion. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Those who die for a cause shall receive their death. And those who send them to die shall receive everlasting life.
When one white son dies it shall be worth seventy black or brown sons in payment. And so the righteous man gets his due.
If your right eye offends you, talk about Clinton's left eye. If your right hand is covetous, talk about Clinton's social spending. And then freely spend much, much more; for your cronies deserve their due.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law. I have not come to abolish it, but to erase it piece by piece, until the Law shall be me, and I shall be the Law.
My father's house has many rooms in it, as is only right. I will have many rooms too some day.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a European to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Follow me. My yoke is light. The more you have, the bigger your tax cut will be.
Do not think that have I come to bring peace. No, I have come to bring corruption on a grand scale. And where there is corruption, there is injustice. And where injustice reins, there wars must be waged. And when war is waged, we cut a healthy profit.
Do unto others as much as you like, as long as they are helpless and have no voice.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a tax shelter.
Approach like a dove, then devour like a snake. And then, digesting, put on the dove act again.
There was a man who owned a small vineyard. And he hired men from his village to labor therein, and they did labor honestly for him. And the man became richer and richer, so that finally he owned all the vineyards around that village. And then did the man kick out all his original laborers, and hired foreigners to labor in his vineyards. For the foreigners worked for almost no wages. And the villagers, the first laborers, did cry unto him that they had no land to themselves, and no wages with which to live. And the man said: "You should have thought of that before. For many must labor in the vineyard, so that one may enter the Kingdom."
Woe to you, academics and intellectuals! You carp on and on about justice and truth, while the world's riches are there for the taking! You neither use your wits to grab what you can, nor will you let others grab what they can!
Woe to you, academics and intellectuals! You quote from laws and statutes as if men were made to follow laws, when it is otherwise, law was made to be changed by the righteous!
Woe to you, academics and intellectuals! You trouble yourselves washing the inside of the cup, when all the customer sees is the outside of the cup! Your ventures will sink under such unprofitable scruples!
Blessed are the selfish and grasping, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the rich, for they shall become much richer, and shall keep their riches to the last penny. For such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who think themselves righteous, for they will dictate unto the others, and the others will find themselves without rights.
Blessed are those who find loopholes for their misdeeds, for their misdeeds will be overlooked.
Blessed are those who are well placed, for they shall receive protection.
Blessed are the liars, for their lies repeated often and loudly enough will become truth.
Blessed are you when people criticize you and point to your crimes, for you shall be given dodges to evade any truth. For God sees your shrewdness, and you shall be rewarded.
BTW, when did I ever "pose" as a Christian? Judging from 'Supply Side Jesus' though, there are people posing as Christians, but they aern't who you think...
"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." - George W. Bush State of the Union speech Jan 28, 2003
"mission accomplished" - George W. Bush May 2, 2003
It does not require a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in peoples minds". Samuel Adams said that. Pretty deep for a guy that makes beer for a living - The Boondocks
"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead" - Leo C. Rosten
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r3x29yz4a said:
wannabuyamonkey said:
r3x29yz4a said: why is everyone who disagrees with you considered "whomod?"
we don't see all the gay posters being called G-man.
Acctually the fact that PaulWelllerhur is Whomod was proven by none other than MajicJay.
its the boy who cried whomod. Pariah keeps calling people Whomod that when Whomod actually appears the villagers ignore him and he's eaten.
Shut up, Whomod!
Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma.
" I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9
JLA brand RACK points = 514k
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The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts
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PaulWellr said:
Pariah said: Whomod....Do you still even bother with trying to pose as a Christian?
You're broadcasting in the negative, but I just wanna hear it from you.
I don't know who you're adressing there Pharisee (You call me whomod, then I can call you Pharisee) but since your post immediately follows mine, I'll assume it's directed at me. It's sure hard to tell since you tend to adress anyone who challenges you with a opposing viewpoint as whomod.
Now pharisee, what's that hair up your arse? That I laughed at r3x29yz4a 's cartoon? Or maybe that you think he's whomod too and thus "I" posted a mocking cartoon and then laughed at it as 'PaulWellr'?
Regardless, Ann Coulter is full of shite with her perverted interpretations of Christianity and i'm assuming you agree with her so that makes you full of shite as well. Which is what the cartoon was about in the 1st place. The way Christ's teachings have been perverted or the inconvenient parts just flat-out ignored by right wingers.
here's some more teachings of the Supply Side Jesus. Man he's full of shite! Whatever happened to the real Jesus? He was a more reasonable, moral, and righteous fellow IMO.
If Jesus Were a Bush Republican:
Select Sayings
Why take the beam of out your own eye, when the spin doctors can keep people talking about the speck in the other guy's eye?
Consider the lilies of the field, then plow them under and drill for oil.
If a man strikes you on the right cheek, you must be a fool. You should have killed him and anyone around him before he got anywhere near you.
If a man asks for your coat, tell him to find a job. If he asks you to go with him a mile, tell him you don't pick up hitchhikers.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a corporation. Though you see its right hand, you know not what its left hand does.
Do not resist an evil man. For probably he can make a large campaign contribution.
The unworthy are like a virgin forest on a mountainside. They grow for thousands of years, then the righteous come along and cut them to the ground and sell their bones for profit. And then they will strip mine the sides of the mountain for precious metals, so that where the unworthy once grew there will be but rubble and erosion. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Those who die for a cause shall receive their death. And those who send them to die shall receive everlasting life.
When one white son dies it shall be worth seventy black or brown sons in payment. And so the righteous man gets his due.
If your right eye offends you, talk about Clinton's left eye. If your right hand is covetous, talk about Clinton's social spending. And then freely spend much, much more; for your cronies deserve their due.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law. I have not come to abolish it, but to erase it piece by piece, until the Law shall be me, and I shall be the Law.
My father's house has many rooms in it, as is only right. I will have many rooms too some day.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a European to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Follow me. My yoke is light. The more you have, the bigger your tax cut will be.
Do not think that have I come to bring peace. No, I have come to bring corruption on a grand scale. And where there is corruption, there is injustice. And where injustice reins, there wars must be waged. And when war is waged, we cut a healthy profit.
Do unto others as much as you like, as long as they are helpless and have no voice.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a tax shelter.
Approach like a dove, then devour like a snake. And then, digesting, put on the dove act again.
There was a man who owned a small vineyard. And he hired men from his village to labor therein, and they did labor honestly for him. And the man became richer and richer, so that finally he owned all the vineyards around that village. And then did the man kick out all his original laborers, and hired foreigners to labor in his vineyards. For the foreigners worked for almost no wages. And the villagers, the first laborers, did cry unto him that they had no land to themselves, and no wages with which to live. And the man said: "You should have thought of that before. For many must labor in the vineyard, so that one may enter the Kingdom."
Woe to you, academics and intellectuals! You carp on and on about justice and truth, while the world's riches are there for the taking! You neither use your wits to grab what you can, nor will you let others grab what they can! Woe to you, academics and intellectuals! You quote from laws and statutes as if men were made to follow laws, when it is otherwise, law was made to be changed by the righteous! Woe to you, academics and intellectuals! You trouble yourselves washing the inside of the cup, when all the customer sees is the outside of the cup! Your ventures will sink under such unprofitable scruples!
Blessed are the selfish and grasping, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the rich, for they shall become much richer, and shall keep their riches to the last penny. For such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who think themselves righteous, for they will dictate unto the others, and the others will find themselves without rights.
Blessed are those who find loopholes for their misdeeds, for their misdeeds will be overlooked.
Blessed are those who are well placed, for they shall receive protection.
Blessed are the liars, for their lies repeated often and loudly enough will become truth.
Blessed are you when people criticize you and point to your crimes, for you shall be given dodges to evade any truth. For God sees your shrewdness, and you shall be rewarded.
BTW, when did I ever "pose" as a Christian? Judging from 'Supply Side Jesus' though, there are people posing as Christians, but they aern't who you think...

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Coulter caught cribbing from conservative magazines
This article was written by John Byrne and researched by Ron Brynaert.
A column penned by the doyenne of right-wing rhetoric Ann Coulter has come under fire for alleged plagiarism, RAW STORY has learned.
Much of Coulter's Jun. 29, 2005 column, “Thou Shall Not Commit Religion,” bears a striking resemblance to pieces in magazines dating as far back as 1985—and a column written for the Boston Globe in 1995.
A RAW STORY examination found Coulter's work to be at worst plagiarism and at best a cut-and-paste repetition of points authored by conservative religious groups in the early 1990s. These groups sought to de-fund the National Endowment for the Arts, detailing projects paid for by the NEA they dubbed “obscene.”
The campaign traces back to an assault on the NEA mounted by the American Family Association in 1989. After press conferences held by the group's leader Rev. Donald Wildon, then-Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) slipped an amendment into a Senate bill that would have axed federal funding for “obscene art.” It never passed the House.
Coulter employs the same NEA talking points in her Jun. 29 column written in the wake of a ruling barring the Ten Commandments from public places. She lists various identical “obscene” projects she says taxpayers have funded. All of the excerpts below compare this column with earlier texts.
The piece was first questioned by The Rude Pundit on Jul. 1. His post noted that Coulter appeared to have cribbed from a defunct 1993 magazine called The Flummery Digest.
Coulter : "A photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open titled to suggest the infant was available for oral sex."
The Flummery Digest: "The title of a photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open suggested that the infant was available for oral sex."
Coulter: "A photo of a woman breastfeeding an infant, titled ' Jesus Sucks.'"
The Flummery Digest: "… photograph of a woman breastfeeding an infant was titled 'Jesus Sucks.'"
Coulter: "A show titled 'DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D' featuring a display of the remains of the artist's own aborted baby."
The Flummery Digest: "'Degenerate with a Capital D'...included 'Alchemy Cabinet' by Shawn Eichman, featuring the remains of the artist's own aborted baby."
Coulter: "Performance of giant bloody tampons, satanic bunnies, three-foot feces and vibrators."
The Flummery Digest: "[T]he performance art of Johanna Went...relies upon props such as giant body tampons, satanic bunnies, three-foot turds, and dildos."
The she appears to lift directly from one written by Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby in 1995 for the same column.
Coulter: "...inserting a speculum into her vagina and inviting audience members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight."
Jacoby: "...inserted a speculum into her vagina and called up audience members to examine her cervix with a flashlight..."
Coulter: "Christ submerged in a jar of urine."
Jacoby: "...photographs of a crucifix submerged in his urine..."
The 1992 MIT-based magazine Counterpoint included similar items.
Coulter: "A photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open titled to suggest the infant was available for oral sex."
Counterpoint: 3. (1984) "The title of a photo of a newborn infant suggested the infant was available for oral sex."
Coulter: "A show titled 'DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D' featuring a display of the remains of the artist's own aborted baby."
Counterpoint: 7. (1990) "...a show called Degenerate With a Capital D...featuring the remains of the artist's own baby."
Coulter: "A novel depicting the sexual molestation of a group of 10 children in a pedophile's garage, including acts of bestiality, with the children commenting on how much they enjoyed the pedophilia."
Counterpoint: 4. (1985) "...a novel titled Saturday Night at San Marcos relates the sexual molestation of 10 children in a pedophile's garage, including acts of bestiality, and how much they enjoyed the pedophile's games."
Coulter: "A female performer inserting a speculum into her vagina and inviting audience members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight."
Counterpoint: 6. (1989-1990) "Annie Sprinkle...inserting a speculum into her vagina, invites members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight."
Out of seven examples listed in “Counterpoint,” Coulter snapped up four.
Rude Pundit traced one of the magazines to a 1995 piece, “Art Lessons: Learning from the Rise and Fall of Public Arts Funding ” as the source for the list. As expected, items from Coulter's list appeared in Marquis' book as well (Marquis, “Art Lessons,” pp. 212-214).
Marquis: “The show exhibited explicit photographs of group sex, of priests in sadomasochistic poses, and of an infant at the breast titled Jesus Sucks.”
Marquis: “Various performances in “Carnival Knowledge” included a lesbian inserting her foot into another lesbian's vagina, an eighty-six-year-old woman boasting of sexual adventures with teenagers, and two women discussing fellatio and swallowing human semen.”
Marquis: “In 1985, Thunder's Mouth Press received $25,000 to publish experimental novels, including Saturday Night at San Marcos, which described a pedophile molesting ten children in his garage and the victims' pleasure in sex games.”
Marquis: “Johanna Went was funded in 1983, 1985, and 1987 for a series of performances with props such as dildos, giant bloody tampons, and three-foot turds.”
Coulter caught the public eye after allegations that she had carried the Linda Tripp tapes between Tripp and Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr during the Clinton impeachment. Coulter, who admitted to having heard the tapes before Starr was even aware of them, was also implicated in several other controversies involving the Clintons ', including the Paula Jones case.
The right-wing pundit was fired in 1997 from MSNBC for verbally attacking a Vietnam vet on air. She was dropped from The National Review in 2002 for slandering the publication on the national talk show circuit. Coulter went on to write a book titled Slander.
Coulter has drawn fire lately from both conservatives and liberals for her verbal attacks on victims of 9/11, women's groups and Muslims. On Wednesday, she savaged President Bush's Supreme Court pick John Roberts.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. --Will Rogers
"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." - George W. Bush
I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would .. try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile. - Condoleeza Rice
Barbara Bush: It's Good Enough for the Poor
To comfort the powerless and make the powerful uncomfortable.
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are you surprised to hear this from a woman who thinks Joe Mcarthy was one of America's greatest heroes?
Bow ties are coool.
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I Am Groot 5000+ posts
I Am Groot 5000+ posts
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unrestrained id said:
Coulter caught cribbing from conservative magazines This article was written by John Byrne and researched by Ron Brynaert.
A column penned by the doyenne of right-wing rhetoric Ann Coulter has come under fire for alleged plagiarism, RAW STORY has learned.
Much of Coulter's Jun. 29, 2005 column, “Thou Shall Not Commit Religion,” bears a striking resemblance to pieces in magazines dating as far back as 1985—and a column written for the Boston Globe in 1995.
A RAW STORY examination found Coulter's work to be at worst plagiarism and at best a cut-and-paste repetition of points authored by conservative religious groups in the early 1990s. These groups sought to de-fund the National Endowment for the Arts, detailing projects paid for by the NEA they dubbed “obscene.”
The campaign traces back to an assault on the NEA mounted by the American Family Association in 1989. After press conferences held by the group's leader Rev. Donald Wildon, then-Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) slipped an amendment into a Senate bill that would have axed federal funding for “obscene art.” It never passed the House.
Coulter employs the same NEA talking points in her Jun. 29 column written in the wake of a ruling barring the Ten Commandments from public places. She lists various identical “obscene” projects she says taxpayers have funded. All of the excerpts below compare this column with earlier texts.
The piece was first questioned by The Rude Pundit on Jul. 1. His post noted that Coulter appeared to have cribbed from a defunct 1993 magazine called The Flummery Digest.
Coulter : "A photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open titled to suggest the infant was available for oral sex."
The Flummery Digest: "The title of a photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open suggested that the infant was available for oral sex."
Coulter: "A photo of a woman breastfeeding an infant, titled ' Jesus Sucks.'"
The Flummery Digest: "… photograph of a woman breastfeeding an infant was titled 'Jesus Sucks.'"
Coulter: "A show titled 'DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D' featuring a display of the remains of the artist's own aborted baby."
The Flummery Digest: "'Degenerate with a Capital D'...included 'Alchemy Cabinet' by Shawn Eichman, featuring the remains of the artist's own aborted baby."
Coulter: "Performance of giant bloody tampons, satanic bunnies, three-foot feces and vibrators."
The Flummery Digest: "[T]he performance art of Johanna Went...relies upon props such as giant body tampons, satanic bunnies, three-foot turds, and dildos."
The she appears to lift directly from one written by Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby in 1995 for the same column.
Coulter: "...inserting a speculum into her vagina and inviting audience members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight."
Jacoby: "...inserted a speculum into her vagina and called up audience members to examine her cervix with a flashlight..."
Coulter: "Christ submerged in a jar of urine."
Jacoby: "...photographs of a crucifix submerged in his urine..."
The 1992 MIT-based magazine Counterpoint included similar items.
Coulter: "A photo of a newborn infant with its mouth open titled to suggest the infant was available for oral sex."
Counterpoint: 3. (1984) "The title of a photo of a newborn infant suggested the infant was available for oral sex."
Coulter: "A show titled 'DEGENERATE WITH A CAPITAL D' featuring a display of the remains of the artist's own aborted baby."
Counterpoint: 7. (1990) "...a show called Degenerate With a Capital D...featuring the remains of the artist's own baby."
Coulter: "A novel depicting the sexual molestation of a group of 10 children in a pedophile's garage, including acts of bestiality, with the children commenting on how much they enjoyed the pedophilia."
Counterpoint: 4. (1985) "...a novel titled Saturday Night at San Marcos relates the sexual molestation of 10 children in a pedophile's garage, including acts of bestiality, and how much they enjoyed the pedophile's games."
Coulter: "A female performer inserting a speculum into her vagina and inviting audience members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight."
Counterpoint: 6. (1989-1990) "Annie Sprinkle...inserting a speculum into her vagina, invites members on stage to view her cervix with a flashlight."
Out of seven examples listed in “Counterpoint,” Coulter snapped up four.
Rude Pundit traced one of the magazines to a 1995 piece, “Art Lessons: Learning from the Rise and Fall of Public Arts Funding ” as the source for the list. As expected, items from Coulter's list appeared in Marquis' book as well (Marquis, “Art Lessons,” pp. 212-214).
Marquis: “The show exhibited explicit photographs of group sex, of priests in sadomasochistic poses, and of an infant at the breast titled Jesus Sucks.”
Marquis: “Various performances in “Carnival Knowledge” included a lesbian inserting her foot into another lesbian's vagina, an eighty-six-year-old woman boasting of sexual adventures with teenagers, and two women discussing fellatio and swallowing human semen.”
Marquis: “In 1985, Thunder's Mouth Press received $25,000 to publish experimental novels, including Saturday Night at San Marcos, which described a pedophile molesting ten children in his garage and the victims' pleasure in sex games.”
Marquis: “Johanna Went was funded in 1983, 1985, and 1987 for a series of performances with props such as dildos, giant bloody tampons, and three-foot turds.”
Coulter caught the public eye after allegations that she had carried the Linda Tripp tapes between Tripp and Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr during the Clinton impeachment. Coulter, who admitted to having heard the tapes before Starr was even aware of them, was also implicated in several other controversies involving the Clintons ', including the Paula Jones case.
The right-wing pundit was fired in 1997 from MSNBC for verbally attacking a Vietnam vet on air. She was dropped from The National Review in 2002 for slandering the publication on the national talk show circuit. Coulter went on to write a book titled Slander.
Coulter has drawn fire lately from both conservatives and liberals for her verbal attacks on victims of 9/11, women's groups and Muslims. On Wednesday, she savaged President Bush's Supreme Court pick John Roberts.
Just when I think Ann Coulter can't sink any lower,she proves me wrong.
Incidentally,it wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that Ted Rall's done a bit of plagarizing himself.
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Ann Coulter was on Jay Leno tonight. Although it was a re-broadcast from a few days ago.
Her comments were right on the money.
I was surprised to see her making an argument I've made myself here many times: That liberal beliefs are a religion of sorts, a faith-based ideology.
And that liberals are utterly intolerant of any belief system that opposes their own.
Liberals set up a rigged dialogue where their beliefs on abortion, gay rights, etc., are indoctrinated in our schools and universities, and opposing viewpoints are banned, snuffing out the potential for an open dialogue on these issues.
Some photos and great comments about the show
A few quotes of Coulter from the show:
"...The funny thing about this is, I'm calling the liberals Godless, and they're cool with that !
Just don't attack the Jersey Girls !"
Leno: Lately, [regarding the national liberal/conservative mutual acrimony] everything's so nasty, and this [Coulter's new book], this would qualify as nasty, don't you think?
Coulter: I think it's not nasty, and the other thing is, I mean, yeah, we hear this all the time about how civil things were back when there were only three TV stations. They were really civil in a Soviet Union that had only one TV station.
This alleged disruption of civility is conservatives being able to talk back now, through the talk radio, through the Internet, through Fox News... (Wild applause from the audience)
In answer to Leno, asking her if vitriolic liberal rage and contempt for her work concerned her.
"I wear their contempt as a badge of honor!"
The full 8 and a half minutes can be viewed :
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Wonder Boy said:
Her comments were right on the money.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13186261/ You mean when she says that 9/11 widows enjoyed their husband's deaths? Or when she said liberals hate America more than Al Queda? Or when she said things were better before women could vote?
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wannabuyamonkey said: yup, sounds about right.
you know its disgusting how the liberals are the more intellectual but the conservatives are able to use fear to win out. Al Franken said in response to the idea of liberals hating america (and i'm paraphrasing): Of course liberals don't hate america, they love america. and so do conservatives. but its different kinds of loves. conservatives love america like a child loves its parent, a blind love where they refuse to accept that the parent can do anything wrong. liberals love america the way an adult loves, where we see the flaws and want the one we love to address and improve their failings.
its a good way of putting it, and an accurate way of showing that liberals often have a smarter way of putting things. of course coulter's "liberals hate america more than bin laden" is easier to fit in a soundbite.
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I think a more apt comparison is that liberals love America the way an abusive spouse loves their partner.
They constantly belittle and criticize it, they try to endanger it, they exploit it and then say "but I love you."
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the G-man said: I think a more apt comparison is that liberals love America the way an abusive spouse loves their partner.
They constantly belittle and criticize it, they try to endanger it, they exploit it and then say "but I love you."
Pointing out flaws and working to improve them is not abusive (especially since the metaphor doesn't work the way you use it). There's a big difference in saying "we're doing this wrong, lets figure a better way" and your idea that criticizing the president is the same as supporting terrorism.
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Who mentioned criticism of the president? I'm referring to the constant drumbeat of America as "racist/sexist/homophobic," the refusal to fly the American flag because its "jingoistic" or "divisive," the knee jerk allegience to European ideas over America, the constant attempts to draw moral equivalenices between radical Islam and other, more benign, activities in the United States, etc.
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the G-man said: Who mentioned criticism of the president?
its been brought up before.
I'm referring to the constant drumbeat of America as "racist
the south.
i actually wouldn't agree with this one currently.
how much time did congress spend "defending" marriage from gays? i think the gay members of this board (yourself included obviously) would agree that there is a heavy and almost official anti-gay sentiment in several parts of the country.
," the refusal to fly the American flag because its "jingoistic" or "divisive,"
i never got the patriotism idea. i think we should focus more on being a single race instead of arbitrary borders. in fact, i like america because its built from many cultures.
the knee jerk allegience to European ideas over America,
what ideas? and what knee jerk? as a general rule i think we should acknowledge that european culture has centuries on us and we should keep an eye on what they're doing to see if there's any value in it.
the constant attempts to draw moral equivalenices between radical Islam and other, more benign, activities in the United States, etc.
again, please give an example.
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r3x29yz4a said:
the G-man said:
I think a more apt comparison is that liberals love America the way an abusive spouse loves their partner.
They constantly belittle and criticize it, they try to endanger it, they exploit it and then say "but I love you."
Pointing out flaws and working to improve them is not abusive (especially since the metaphor doesn't work the way you use it). There's a big difference in saying "we're doing this wrong, lets figure a better way" and your idea that criticizing the president is the same as supporting terrorism.
But liberals don't "work to improve" or "offer a better way", they just whine incessantly.
Kerry's whole platform in 2004 was "Bush is wrong", offering no alternative.
It's looking like the Democrat alternative in 2008 will be the same. No better alternatives, just divisive whining that weakens our country, with constant threats to withdraw our troops prematurely.
Again, if liberals had the same rhetoric during World War II, whining about failure and pressing for withdrawal after every minor setback, we would have lost W W II.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Wonder Boy said:
Kerry's whole platform in 2004 was "Bush is wrong", offering no alternative.
that's not true. in fact i bet if serious research was done you'd find more on bush saying "flip flop" than offering real solutions (to his own problems). kerry had tax strategies, he had plans for iraq. and the fact is that the party without power always has to "whine" as you say for change. the republicans bitched during the 90's.
It's looking like the Democrat alternative in 2008 will be the same. No better alternatives, just divisive whining that weakens our country, with constant threats to withdraw our troops prematurely.
how the hell does political debate hurt our country? if anything it proves the freedom is still holding. the only way you can say that the debate hurts the "fight" is if the soldiers are so emotionally timid that they can't stand to hear anything bad about their commanders.
Again, if liberals had the same rhetoric during World War II, whining about failure and pressing for withdrawal after every minor setback, we would have lost W W II.
people want withdrawl because its a mess we went into half assed and our continued presence only encourages the insurgents.
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r3x29yz4a said:
wannabuyamonkey said: yup, sounds about right.
you know its disgusting how the liberals are the more intellectual but the conservatives are able to use fear to win out. Al Franken said in response to the idea of liberals hating america (and i'm paraphrasing): Of course liberals don't hate america, they love america. and so do conservatives. but its different kinds of loves. conservatives love america like a child loves its parent, a blind love where they refuse to accept that the parent can do anything wrong. liberals love america the way an adult loves, where we see the flaws and want the one we love to address and improve their failings.
its a good way of putting it, and an accurate way of showing that liberals often have a smarter way of putting things. of course coulter's "liberals hate america more than bin laden" is easier to fit in a soundbite.
You, know. If you have to tell people you're smarter usually means you aren't. Seriously, I was joking arround, but it seems that you're demonstrating one of the fundamental problems with liberalism is that liberals assume that they're the smartest guys in teh room and therefore they assume that anything conservitives say or believe is stupid and if they dissagree it's becasue they're "dumb". It's an elitist attitude that isn;t backed up by the facts.
As far as Franken's marraige analogy, asside from being condecending and false, it also demonstrates it's own flaws. I can assure you that any marraige where the communication is primarily criticism and attempting to "change" your spouse is neither a healthy relationship or a very effective one. Seriously, would you marry a woman who's primary concern is pointing out what she views as your faults as an attemt to change you. And if her accusations turn out to be false she just looks for a new one? Franken's a Putz.
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I saw that bit with Coulter on Leno. She was very pleased about saying that group of 9/11 widows enjoyed their husbands death. Typical Coulter, instead of debate she trashes somebody character.
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That's funny because all I've heard anyone do is trash Anne w/out acctually debating the points she makes.
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wannabuyamonkey said: That's funny because all I've heard anyone do is trash Anne w/out acctually debating the points she makes.
So her saying 9/11 widows are enjoying their husbands deaths is OK in your book because you feel that she's been trashed?
I guess I don't understand.
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wannabuyamonkey said: That's funny because all I've heard anyone do is trash Anne w/out acctually debating the points she makes.
Probably because she doesn't make points, she just says the most outrageous(and often hateful) thing she can think of.
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Matter-eater Man said:
wannabuyamonkey said:
That's funny because all I've heard anyone do is trash Anne w/out acctually debating the points she makes.
So her saying 9/11 widows are enjoying their husbands deaths is OK in your book because you feel that she's been trashed?
I guess I don't understand.
That's a deliberate misrepresentation, or at the very least a distorted narrowing of what Coulter said.
Coulter said the 9-11 wives are part of a class of sacrificial cows of the Democrat viewpoint. (John Murtha, Cindy Sheehan, Joseph Wilson/Valerie Plame...) Where they are used by Democrats to accuse Bush of things, and because they are a widow/goldstar-mom/Veteran/CIA-agent, etc., they have a status that liberals maintain protects them from scrutiny, and we should all just shut up and accept their views, unexamined for credibility flaws, just because of who they are.
In the specific case of the 9-11 widows (who attacked Bush, demanded an independent investigation into 9-11, and publicly used their celebrity status to endorse Kerry's 2004 campaign, by the way), Ann Coulter asserts that they got rich off their husbands' deaths, and after exploited and enjoyed the celebrity status that they chose to cultivate after husbands died on 9-11.
That doesn't say that they enjoyed their husbands' deaths.
Only that they exploited and cheapened their husbands' deaths with their own actions after the fact.
And certainly enjoyed the celebrity status of that exploitation.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Wonder Boy said:
r3x29yz4a said:
the G-man said: I think a more apt comparison is that liberals love America the way an abusive spouse loves their partner.
They constantly belittle and criticize it, they try to endanger it, they exploit it and then say "but I love you."
Pointing out flaws and working to improve them is not abusive (especially since the metaphor doesn't work the way you use it). There's a big difference in saying "we're doing this wrong, lets figure a better way" and your idea that criticizing the president is the same as supporting terrorism.
But liberals don't "work to improve" or "offer a better way", they just whine incessantly.
Kerry's whole platform in 2004 was "Bush is wrong", offering no alternative.
It's looking like the Democrat alternative in 2008 will be the same. No better alternatives, just divisive whining that weakens our country, with constant threats to withdraw our troops prematurely.
Again, if liberals had the same rhetoric during World War II, whining about failure and pressing for withdrawal after every minor setback, we would have lost W W II.
If you'll recall Dave, USA participation in WWII was the policy of FDR, a liberal, and the Democrats. Earlier entry was prevented by the Republicans who preferred isolation. Republican presidential candidate Robert Taft was a leader of the America First movement. Any problem with liberal rhetoric on WWII?