guess that was the last installment

i just saw some clips of "13 days," the jfk movie yesterday. and, i gotta say, i really think that he was a great president.
he was only in office for 3 years or so, and yet, there was SO much he had to deal with! the race to the moon, racial riots, the soviet empire, cuban missle crisis, his father dying, becoming a father himself...
thats some tremendous pressure!! and yet, he handled everything as great as he could have -- quite impressive.
abe lincoln, george washington, thomas jefferson, etc... more and more is coming out on them that they might not be the greatest people around, being wife beaters, slave traders, etc... washington was actually a pretty crappy general for most of his career -- was nearly demoted hours before his christmas day invasion.
ben franklin seemed more like the "everyday" type. he was a genius, first off, creating and inventing most of his life. he was a philosoph, battling with his words more elloquently than most with their guns. he was a politician better than most country leaders, almost single handedly turning the french on the british... i think he'd also be a great nomination for this "award"