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#236483 2002-05-01 5:56 PM
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cobra kai
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cobra kai
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ten thousand fucking posts.

a true mark of stupidty, immaturity, and irresponsibility, not to mention an excess and waste of time.

and i wouldnt have it any other way.

for my 20 months on these boards, i have many people to thank, blame, and otherwise attribute my newly acquired 'status.' and, on behlaf of this momentus occasion, id like to take this opportunity to call a few of them out, for embarassment sake, and also to both glorify and aggrandize something that no one in their right mind should celebrate.


to digitaldawg - the first to register, after my 2 names. you dont post much, and what you say is generally unintelligible. but what you lack in both quality and quantity, you make up for with... ...

to britneyspearsatemyshorts - for doing your best to aggravate me on the dcmbs. for reviving older threads that should have faded away long ago. for pissing people of for the sake of pissing people off. then, creating new IDs to continuing pissing off said people. for ut. for meek. and certainly, for mok. sure, bsams.


to roy batty - the wanker to my git. the nonce to my tosser. you claim to speak 'english' and yet... no one is ever fully sure of what you mean. your blatant verbal attacks mixed with homoerotic gestures wreak havoc on my forum and my mind. your persona of being the joker from TDKR is a well-cast one. but most of all... for kobe tai.

to franta - your tastes will continue the fight of any thing accepted by mass culture. but be you franta, the franta, bat franta, franta claus, or a franta of any other name... in some way, shape, or form, you represent the "kindliest" of the core natureboys. so, in your bizarro speak, i must now claim to be hateful and ungrateful for your presence.

to rufustfirefly - in my heart of hearts, you'll always represent quite the amalgam of both roy and franta. but its your love of angie everhart, and more specifically, your sharing of her nudity that will hold you dear to me. yes, you sent me truly appreciated comic books at a time that i really needed the uplift, but... we're talking about nudity here!

to llance - your jolly ways detailed your bulbous body even before i knew of its form. your serving as the butt for all jokes relating to age, weight, or comic fans that wear comic book t-shirts to comic book shows (as if to indicate that those attending would otherwise be confused by your presence)... once and over, llance. once and over.

to dhaise and stareena - apart, then together, then apart again. off my site, on my site, then off again. you tracked down my home phone number and called me, which surely broke all restraining order technicalities. but, you also posted some cool pictures of porn-relation, and promised me free vegas chips. i wont ignore that!

to dffcltknd - like digitaldawg, a good friend in life, but a horrible message board entity. but unlike digitaldawg, you have the excuse of being a girl, and a hot one at that. alas, a message board poster you simply were not meant to be. but, your random, and often forced, MB contributions are always appreciated.

to the bastard - "penis." as 'the black guy,' your opinion always offers a unique perspective on whatever we're talking about. you've gone missing, as of late, and its my stereotyped duty to assume this is because you've joined a gang or are robbing something. but then, its your duty to refute my statements, in piss-down-your-back fashion. damn right.

to the buttered rican - "boobies." you once posted on my forums, but missed 4 or 5 'secret' emails i sent you, and then proceded to delete most of my boards. but, you consistantly provide many of my fellow posters with ample cleavage shots, and for that, i proudly proclaim you a saint. i do one day herald your return to my boards, when i can once again enjoy the sweet nectar of buttered ricans.

to nowhereman - "vagina!" tho i may speak in mere lower case letters, you never fail to end a sentence with an exclamaion point! and you're always quick with a 'bastard'! your charming posts are sure to entertain most all that come across them! and your legendary 'im the better UK guy' battles with roy continually leave me breathless! to you, nwm, i say 'fuck off'!

to bibbo - you had your own forum once. nyah hah. and, tho, now, you only post in the hero realm, and rather infrequently, at that... your desire to bring respect to the transformers and virgins is admirable. to some.

to ponch - which one are you again?

to i-man - im still waiting for your fucking comic book reviews.

to jq - im sorry for your loss (see 'bibbo')

to drzsmith - your ways are strange, and your phrases are... strange. but, the good doctor's smooth operating style on my forums is always appreciated. as one of the few who, daily, proves that you can follow 800 different nonsensical conversations in the misc forum... i tip my hat to you, sir.

to mxy - i've since both played, and beaten, monkey island. and, although i thought this would finalize my need of your services, i was wrong! for it is you who rank as the occasional thread assassin, adding your 'one cent' to conversations that have nothing to do with the afore mentioned cent. your status on my boards must continue on.

to dave who now really has typhoid - tho you have this horrifying habbit of using big words to make what you refer to as... 'points,' you somehow seem to fit well in the grouping that has been established on my boards. your shaaman-like wisdom on my forums to actual topics is consistantly shit upon -- but, deep down, always revered.

to big bad voodoo lou - you prove your worth once and again in my women's forum, my friend. it is posters like you who continually make me proud, sharing your knowledge and appreciation of the female form, specifically the naked ones. tho im sure there are other more 'constructive' ways to share your talents and interests, im glad you chose the lowest common denomonator -- my favorite.

to drake - the avatar-less. you've been around for over a year now, and come and go in spurts... but now seem to be fully coming into your own, specifically in the misc forum. we've watched you grow up over this span of time, my child, and it brings tears to my eyes. happy tears.

to dev em - i know that the hall of justice is forever safe under your guidance. that frightens me.

to bianca - the first wonder woman of my forums, the proclaimer of the largest breasts. a comic book fan with big boobies that enjoys giving bjs. little more needs to be said to state my admiration.

to ill mac - not unlike bbvl, your appreciation for naked or near-naked hot wimmins astounds me. if i ever provide an incomplete hot girl of the week review, you're always there to step up to the plate, and provide my needy fans with the appropriate boob and/or butt. i could not be more proud of you.

to katfox - you're my sister. run, girl.... run!

to allan1 - why there's a '1' by your name, ill never fully comprehend. but your support in most all realms of my boards is always enjoyable, be it for hogan, video games, batman, women, or the random, pointless, and often disturbing topics in "forum 9." bless you, son.

to soy - the spanish loser friend we all wish we had, and now do. may you receive many nonstop appreciative hours of comic-book related video games. soak them in for all their worth, my friend.

to kristogar - like allan, you seem to fall into this odd atmosphere where you post as if an extension of me. from wrasslin to comics to miscellanious topics -- the rhyming, the timing, nekked women in the tropics. ...that poem was for you. and as a like-thinker, im sure you'll understand its meaning.

to chewy - silent bob? i think not. crazy bob? eh, corny, but a better fit. you serve as the new incarnation of the NBz, as if the newest generation, spawned by all the horrible semen from the first. your thought process is convuluted and illogical, at best. well done.

to disco steve - you steal many of my phrases. you never give them back or even return the favor. but, you remain the mastermind and backbone to the miscellaneous forum. and that cant be a bad thing. ... well, really, i guess it can be a bad thing, but... you do it, and you do it well. i dont know why, and i certainly pity your parents... but im thankful you're so messed up.

to danny - some may call you fuckwit. its a long, dishevelled past, of which i have no direct part in. but, here, on my boards, yer a welcome addition, even with your often retarded comments ('retarded' as they often disagree with my own and, thus, are surely wrong). regardless, you continue on in your croc-hunter ways. fight the bad fight!

to dave the wonder boy - another dave. and another user of both 'big words' and 'points.' and, were you not most always on typhoids' opposition, id have to assume you the same individual. but, your stance against france seccures your position as the better dave. continue to smite said country! u! s! a!

to mister jla - in your continual struggle versus the force we know as 'nowhereman,' i applaud your strength and efforts. finding new ways to proclaim his homosexual burden is an amazing accomplishment (and, amongst the many other posters listed here, you should TRULY find a compliment within). power to the people!

to kassandra - the second wonder woman. we dont agree on... mmm...anything. and, on some of our disagreements, i cant find logic or ... anything of value in your side. but... you continually hold true to your half, defending it where you see fit, and remain firm in your beliefs, which i can do nothing but respect. ... and hate... and be confused by. ... stupid oprah...

to lor - almost too sweet to insult. but... well... it IS my boards, after all. but then y'go n'mention giving lapdances and being hand cuffed and... OH the butt. you're my kinda girl.

to dsoley - as brak, you think you can get away with a lot. and, truth be told, you're right. but thats only because i like brak. ...tread wisely, my friend...

to ttt - for whatever reason, your tribute/roast/thanks has gone missing. wheredit go?

to animalman - you were once a rebel without a cause, roaming free and untamed on the authority forums. finding a sanctuary on my own boards, you continue your 'punk'-ish ways, now fully surrounded by the MB equivelant of the nWo. ... the real nWo, not any of this re-make bull shit.

to silvie - assumed to be the long lost third brother of both franta and rufus (long known accomplices and relatives). you mostly lurked until jumping in, full stream, to conversations on howard stern and comic book character drafting. you continue to expand your horizons on the board, even requesting the ugliest women possible for the hot girl nominees. id say you take after both your borthers.

to lothar - selecting the he-man figure as your avatar was the first thing you've done right. we await the second.

to glammy - thank you, glammy, for giving us all "gay." whether we wanted it or not, your 'gay' has provided an interesting outlook on things. plus, you've helped provide a warmer environment for posters like nowhereman.

and, as the theme to gilligan's island once sang, "and the rest" --
eternalsc3, batwoman, fanatic, theo, callisto, warlord, fox, michael, elisa, napoleon, steven utley, lazy, parallax, tobias, eurostar, gooz, avatar, fnb, t5, seahorse, archon, mllash, krazy, etc, etc, et-frickin-c.

tons have come and gone here. some via DCMB links, some via the 9-11 stuff, some just random passer-bys, caught and trapped by the hypnotic gaze that is my website. you have my pity, my sympathy, and my apologies. many of you have posted but once, and hopefully escaped to safer pastures. others lurk around, awaiting for 'logic' to appear. ...sadly...

regardless, i can do nothing but appreciate your presence on my boards. you, as well as those 'singled out' above have meant a great deal to my online life, as well as the offline version (strikingly, and disappointingly, similar).

in all sincerity, im glad that i've gotten to know each of you, and that you continue to keep my company. as sad and/or gay as it sounds, coming to my message boards is something i do, honestly, look forward to, and that really is only because of you (for awhile, i was the only one posting here. and tho that did permit me to run around posting nekked... well... it got old).

i really cant thank any of ya enuf for hangin out, in good times and bad times. your being here makes me happy.

i dont have much to offer, and... frankly... even if i did, i wouldnt really give it to any of you, but...

i guess ill just say "thanks, n'stuff" and leave it at that.

...just wish i had thought of that shortened response earlier...


#236484 2002-05-01 6:18 PM
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"to lor - almost too sweet to insult. but... well... it IS my boards, after all. but then y'go n'mention giving lapdances and being hand cuffed and... OH the butt. you're my kinda girl."-Robby bay-bee

Wahey lookie at dat dare!

Ha, the tushy!

The tushy good, I shall tank my tushy.

Your welcome Robby, glad to be of pleasurable service!

Oh I'm so proud of you Rob!


<hands Rob his Super 10,000th post trouphy>

Can I put you on my friends page, pleeeeease?

Ps. if I use ' ' again smack me kay.

#236485 2002-05-01 6:27 PM
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1. You do not talk about snarf.
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1. You do not talk about snarf.
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Kamphausen - In my heart of hearts, you are very very gay but I still......nope, I don't like you, never have, never will, sorry.

#236486 2002-05-01 7:23 PM
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Frustrated! . . . with kids!
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Christ all mighty...

I think that's the most you've ever written out in your entire life...

#236487 2002-05-01 7:29 PM
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you)
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Educator to comprehension impaired (JLA, that is you)
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#236488 2002-05-01 7:34 PM
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Congratulations, Gobert. And I'm thankful you're messed up, too.

#236489 2002-05-01 9:16 PM
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All those references to me in that post are rather worrying!!!!!
Looks like I gotta watch my arse around old Gobby!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

Oh & MisterJLA is now officially my enemy!
Sorry Disco,sorry MXY but the gayest poster here is now my enemy,you two are just wannabes!
(Oh when I say that JLA is the gayest,I dont want Gobbo or ROY to feel bad,but....oh fuck it,yes I do!)


#236490 2002-05-01 9:42 PM
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:to [blothar - selecting the he-man figure as your avatar was the first thing you've done right. we await the second.

I never rush thease things.
Someday,somewhere,somehow it will happen.

#236491 2002-05-01 10:11 PM
Thanks Rob,even though youve banned many of my Ips and Ids at the DC boards without probablly knowing it I salute you as a great poster and ladyboy!

#236492 2002-05-01 10:20 PM
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You expect me to read ALL that?!??!?!?!!

#236493 2002-05-02 12:28 AM
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Only a real Hulkamaniac could be a big enough loser to garner 10,000 posts in twenty months.

#236494 2002-05-02 1:06 AM
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the "1" after my name is quite simple to explain.Go watch "Tron",listen to what Tron call his user & you'll understand.
And remember to say your prayers,eat your vitamins & believe in

#236495 2002-05-02 1:09 AM
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THE Franta
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Silly rob wastes all his time watching Saved by the Bell re-runs!

#236496 2002-05-02 1:36 AM
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heh. I was even a moderator in these stinkin' boards, and did I get a thank you???

Well, maybe I did, but I was too lazy to read all that.

#236497 2002-05-02 2:08 AM
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Originally posted by Franta:
Silly rob wastes all his time watching Saved by the Bell re-runs!

He's a Screech-fanatic.

#236498 2002-05-02 4:04 AM
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I'm sure as hell glad that I don't post here.

Waitaminute... doh!

#236499 2002-05-02 4:55 AM
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Awww...come give us a hug!

Yer a good guy!

#236500 2002-05-02 6:20 AM
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to llance - your jolly ways detailed your bulbous body even before i knew of its form. your serving as the butt for all jokes relating to age, weight, or comic fans that wear comic book t-shirts to comic book shows (as if to indicate that those attending would otherwise be confused by your presence)... once and over, llance. once and over.

Could you say the eulogy at my big, fat, decrepid funeral? Bwahahahaha!!!!!! I'd be rather honored that I was listed sixth if it wasn't for the five gay guys you listed before me! 10,000 posts, Robbie?'s hoping I'm around for post 20,000 and 30,000 and 40,000 and dare I say it? Even post 100,000! I always knew you sorta liked most of us...and this 10,000 post kinda proves it. Gob bless yourself, Gob! And it's <sigh>...

-----once over and twice twisted--------

"Once and over" my arse!

#236501 2002-05-02 1:10 PM
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
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Banned from the DCMBs since 2002.
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Get outside and get some sun, for God's sake!

Failing that, congratulations, and thank you for the kind acknowledgement. And I'm cured of my "typhoid" (which was actually just some common-ish fever that caused high temperatures, hallucinations and diahorrea. Sounds like Llance's typical Friday night after work).

Deep deep down, you are a twisted sinister leather-clad evil poo-smeared pervert that knows no taboo: but deep deep down is a place we do not go to, and instead we are happy to share your good humour and occasional charm on a much more superficial level.

Well done, and keep up the... work.

#236502 2002-05-02 1:38 PM
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Originally posted by Lor:
The tushy good, I shall tank my tushy.

no no, let me!

Originally posted by ROY BATTY:
Kamphausen - In my heart of hearts, you are very very gay but I still......nope, I don't like you, never have, never will, sorry.

lets see... blatant verbal attacks... homoerotic gestures...

yeeup, its roy!

Originally posted by Bianca:
Christ all mighty...I think that's the most you've ever written out in your entire life...

yeah it is.

Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:


Originally posted by Disco Steve:
Congratulations, Gobert. And I'm thankful you're messed up, too.

im not messed up.

you are.

please re-read my original post.

Originally posted by Nowhereman:
All those references to me in that post are rather worrying!!!!! Looks like I gotta watch my arse around old Gobby!!!!!

damn right you'll watch it 'around' me. slut.

Originally posted by Lothar of The Hill People:
I never rush thease things.
Someday,somewhere,somehow it will happen.

yuh huh

Originally posted by Drzsmith:
Thanks Rob,even though youve banned many of my Ips and Ids at the DC boards without probablly knowing it I salute you as a great poster and ladyboy!

typically, i ban people at random. sometimes i get lucky!

Originally posted by THE Franta:
You expect me to read ALL that?!??!?!?!!

naw. i didnt.

Originally posted by Kristogar Velo:
Only a real Hulkamaniac could be a big enough loser to garner 10,000 posts in twenty months.

c'mon... everyone makes 17 posts a day, every day. ...everyone...

Originally posted by allan1:
the "1" after my name is quite simple to explain.Go watch "Tron",listen to what Tron call his user & you'll understand. And remember to say your prayers,eat your vitamins & believe in

heh. 'user.'

Originally posted by CrisLander:
heh. I was even a moderator in these stinkin' boards, and did I get a thank you??? Well, maybe I did, but I was too lazy to read all that.

i mentioned you!


<<...avatar, fnb, t5, seahorse, archon, mllash, krazy, etc, etc, et-frickin-c.>>

Originally posted by Brodie:
Man... I'm sure as hell glad that I don't post here. Waitaminute... doh!

hey, are you 'ponch'?

Originally posted by glamorilla:
Awww...come give us a hug! Yer a good guy!

see? y'see what im talkin about with the 'gay'??

Originally posted by LLance:
Could you say the eulogy at my big, fat, decrepid funeral? Bwahahahaha!!!!!! I'd be rather honored that I was listed sixth if it wasn't for the five gay guys you listed before me!

dont be honored. they were pretty much listed in registration order.

Originally posted by LLance:
10,000 posts, Robbie?'s hoping I'm around for post 20,000 and 30,000 and 40,000 and dare I say it? Even post 100,000!

if i continue posting at my current, retardedly fast pace... then MAYBE you'll make it to 20,000.

... never before has there been such a race against time.

Originally posted by Dave:
Get outside and get some sun, for God's sake!

Failing that, congratulations, and thank you for the kind acknowledgement. And I'm cured of my "typhoid" (which was actually just some common-ish fever that caused high temperatures, hallucinations and diahorrea. Sounds like Llance's typical Friday night after work).

Deep deep down, you are a twisted sinister leather-clad evil poo-smeared pervert that knows no taboo: but deep deep down is a place we do not go to, and instead we are happy to share your good humour and occasional charm on a much more superficial level.

Well done, and keep up the... work.




[ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: Rob Kamphausen ]

#236503 2002-05-02 9:40 PM
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I came out of hibernation just to tell you....


#236504 2002-05-02 9:51 PM
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I just wanted to say a big "FUCK OFF!!" to Rob!

#236505 2002-05-02 11:37 PM
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devil-lovin' Bat-Man
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
to mxy - i've since both played, and beaten, monkey island. and, although i thought this would finalize my need of your services, i was wrong! for it is you who rank as the occasional thread assassin, adding your 'one cent' to conversations that have nothing to do with the afore mentioned cent. your status on my boards must continue on.

awww... sweet little yoma...

#236506 2002-05-03 4:21 AM
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Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:
to animalman - you were once a rebel without a cause, roaming free and untamed on the authority forums. finding a sanctuary on my own boards, you continue your 'punk'-ish ways, now fully surrounded by the MB equivelant of the nWo. ... the real nWo, not any of this re-make bull shit.

Damn, 10, 000 posts, that's.....that's just insane.

#236507 2002-05-03 5:38 AM
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dont be honored. they were pretty much listed in registration order.

I suspected this was the case...

if i continue posting at my current, retardedly fast pace... then MAYBE you'll make it to 20,000.

... never before has there been such a race against time.

You race, Robbie! I'll just sit here with my bag of chips and watch you get red in the face!

#236508 2002-05-03 10:58 AM
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Care to share some of those chips big guy?

#236509 2002-05-03 8:49 PM
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Did I just see LLance say Rob would get red in the face?
Why on Earth would Rob want to look like a skinny version of LLance?

#236510 2002-05-04 4:00 PM
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Care to share some of those chips big guy?

Only if you bring the dip.

Nowheresman said: Did I just see LLance say Rob would get red in the face?
Why on Earth would Rob want to look like a skinny version of LLance?

What? You think he wants to look like you? A Dee Snider wannabe?

#236511 2002-05-04 8:48 PM
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No, he'd rather look like robs ass, which he admires so much.

#236512 2002-05-04 9:10 PM
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I do not admire you,its a damn lie!

#236513 2002-05-05 2:16 AM
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It's true.
He admires Kurt Angle.

#236514 2002-05-05 2:23 AM
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I'm still waiting for my hug.

#236515 2002-05-05 4:55 AM
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So now he admires Kurts ass? Boy, this guy changes his mind more than Rob bans people from the DCMB's.

#236516 2002-05-06 4:41 AM
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Rob ~

Never before have I read words that have left me feeling honored, insulted, elated, morose, confused, flabbergasted, and a few other antonyms that I'm too tired to throw out now all at the same time. I don't know whether to thank you or insult you...

So, thank you, Rob... pathetic, pretentious, arrogant, self-righteous little bastard...

#236517 2002-05-06 6:33 AM
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Originally posted by allan1:
It's true.
He admires Kurt Angle.

You'd better watch it!

I hear Rob's a powderkeg!!!!

#236518 2002-05-06 10:00 AM
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I'm just sayin'
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I'm just sayin'
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Yes, I hear virgins usually are.

#236519 2002-05-06 11:52 AM
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..."
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"Hey this is PCG342's bro..."
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<to mister jla - in your continual struggle versus the force we know as 'nowhereman,' i applaud your strength and efforts. finding new ways to proclaim his homosexual burden is an amazing accomplishment (and, amongst the many other posters listed here, you should TRULY find a compliment within). power to the people!>

Thanks, Rob!

<Oh & MisterJLA is now officially my enemy!
Sorry Disco,sorry MXY but the gayest poster here is now my enemy,you two are just wannabes!
(Oh when I say that JLA is the gayest,I dont want Gobbo or ROY to feel bad,but....oh fuck it,yes I do!)


Thanks, Rob!

#236520 2002-05-06 9:48 PM
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Hip To Be Square
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What u fail to see young that I have turned u to the dark side of the force!
Once u was a good little poster,but now in your quest to bring about my downfall,you have become what you hate so!!
U are now a fail mouthed,annoying person who gets a kick out of insulting people!
My work is done!

#236521 2002-05-06 10:57 PM
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Public Enemy #4
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to the bastard - "penis." as 'the black guy,' your opinion always offers a unique perspective on whatever we're talking about. you've gone missing, as of late, and its my stereotyped duty to assume this is because you've joined a gang or are robbing something. but then, its your duty to refute my statements, in piss-down-your-back fashion. damn right.

Actually, I've joined a gang, robbed several someones [i[and[/i] introduced all of your wimmen to the pleasures only brought about by a well endowed Nubian king...especially when compared to a small penised Jersey geek.

Gobbles, it has been my pleasure to share in the interesting conversation on this board. While I usually don't agree with your opinions, I consider it my duty, honor and privelege to educate you on cultures that you know only from bad movies, the occasional rap video and the time you were gang raped while waiting on line in traffic court.

In honor of your BIG 10K, you may fellate me for 10,000 seconds...and I won't slap you if you spit.

#236522 2002-05-07 12:24 AM
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Basti's back?

There goes the neighborhood!

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