i just dunno about this .. or any other god/religion related question.
id love to believe in it -- it sounds like a blast! it just... i dunno. doesnt make sense, or something.
when i was little, my mom would tell me that heaven was a place so wonderful, that you wouldnt ever want or need anything. ...
... and i just remember thinking "you mean they dont have nintendo?" ... and i was actually kinda deperessed.
years after, i was talking to this priest and relayed him that little story, and he told me that he is still upset cuz he was told there's no food in heaven -- and he added "you mean i cant eat a really good plate of spaghetti anymore??" ... and even THAT was upsetting to hear -- i LIKE eating!
and i sure as hell like having sex ... DAMN do i like sex. and mebbe phrasing it with "sure as hell" wasnt the smartest moves, but... c'mon
i dunno...
there's this whole philosophy that we're actually ON (in?) heaven right now. that THIS is "as good as it gets." nature, and human kindness, etc, etc...
i can remember one of my friends telling me he didnt believe in heaven when we were pretty young... and i just remember feeling sorry for him. like now, his life was all empty, and he had zilch to look forward to.
later on, i also realized it left zilch for him to regret cuz now, he could steal or fuck or sin or whatever he wanted to. and, if he was right, and i was wrong... then maybe i was wasting all these great opportunities for stuff!
in college, we were reading various interpretations of religious texts in my honors class. dante and such described heaven in a way that it was built into like this club, with levels and/or layers.
one of the layers, one of the less extravagant ones, was for good people who were born before jesus (in the time of 'llance'). and, because they were born before jesus' time, they obviously couldnt believe in him. and since they didnt believe in him, they couldnt have all the great stuff heaven had to offer.
wull that just sucks!! what the fuck, they didnt even have the option of believing in him -- they didnt even know!
so, does that mean jews are screwed out of heaven? or what about those australian aborigionees? native americans? what happens to them??
and how good do you have to be to get into heaven? what are the qualifications? 2-3 years eperience? 4 years education? type 60 words per minute?
i dont get it. if he's a god that loves us, even if we sin, why would he draw the line somewhere? especially after its already established in the bible and koran (etc) that we're ALL sinners! is there really a st. peter who says "well, robert, you sinned 38 times, but... thomas, there, he only sinned 37 times. he's in"
i just dunno about any of this.
i REALLY wish i did. i really wish i could believe and have faith as blindly as i did when i was younger. when i was younger, i didnt need to ask questions, or find out 'why' -- i just did. and not because i had to, because "i just did!"
and for whatever reason, i dont have that 'luxury' now. ... and that stinks.