unfortunately, psychosis is quite popular on the internet.
that was filtered down to those who use the DCMBs.
filtered down again to those who were banned.
filtered down further to the banned that came here.
and, thus, my boards are filled with the craziest of crazies.
still, that doesnt excuse an email bomb or a "fake rob," like butter received in the mail (no, not a fake rob, per se, but a fake rob email address).
if people actually have beef with one another, id rather they duke it out on the boards, rather than going about it in more damaging, harassing, off-line ways..
there's plenty of other places on the net for being "anonymous" or just a complete fucknut (fuckwit?). id like these boards to be the kinda place where any one can come on and be
themselves -- speak their mind and state their opinion no matter how wrong or crazy or whatever it is. but with the full knowledge that every one else can, as well (including those that strongly disagree with whatever it is you're saying).
mebbe its somewhat easy to go too far with that, and get pissed off in real life at someone here, but... id hope it'd never come to that.
hell, most of you have wished various death stages on me, but i still loves ya!
![[humina humina]](graemlins/love.gif)