alright. to elaborate just a bit further on my thursday night, office adventuring... where last i left you, the "official" work day had just ended at 6pm, and yet no one was leaving the office. this was, of course, because prior-to 6, variously large amounts of beer had found its way into the office. and, since that main desire to leave typically revolves around beer, there was no longer such a strong desire.
2 kegs. many 30 packs. dozens of bottles of white wine. red wine. vodka. rum. this place was stacked with all forms of goodness. what was just hours ago a home of business and professional courtesy was now a den of dank, lusty, and raunchy pleasure.
well, not yet, anyway. but things were gettin closer, thanks to our good friend "alcohol'
and oh what a pal he would be.