So..instead of deeply thought out talks about the fact that every person that gets unplugged from the Matrix has the potential to do some of the stuff that Neo pulls off, on a physical level...or how the Matrix is basically an e-mail server that it's users (the coppertops) use to "subscribe" to a palatable reality, and once unplugged, it would be possible to reset one's "personal preferences", not only to include hi-flying kung-fu and superhuman skills...but invunerablity to harm (why hasn't anyone thought about it yet...if one can leap tall buildings there once they realize the Matrix's full potential, why can't they bend the rules to make their skin dense enough to stop bullets? )....
I'll be sitting around with a bunch of knuckleheads goin', "Lookit dat gun!" and "Man...I sure wish I could kung-fu some dude up like dat!" and the ever-popular, "Man...wanna beer?"