2003-08-17 1:23 AM
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Anyone catch this flick? I'm a huge fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, they were the only horror films I actually followed growing up as a kid. To this day, I still have a soft spot for Freddy and his "time ta die, bitch!" one-liners. I loved the way he'd toy with his victims before dispatching them in the most creative and gory ways possible.
I'll admit, if you're not a fan of either one of these franchises, then you're probably not going to like Freddy vs. Jason. But for those of us who still love to hoot and scream whenever the Bastard Son of a 1,000 Maniacs makes an appearance or does something especially malevolent, then this movie definitely delivers.
A lot of the gore belongs to Jason, that's for sure. And although I'm more partial to Freddy, I have to admit, the scenes with Jason were pretty fun. Especially the corn-field rave and the last scenes at Camp Crystal Lake.
Of course, if you're looking for a tightly-written script with emphasis placed on the story and new characters, then don't look here. Freddy vs. Jason is little more than a gore-fest, a series of improbable scenarios linked together by scene after scene of teenage decapitation, disfiguration, disembowelment, the works. Now, if you like THAT sort of thing, you're going to have a good time.
So, my general opinion is: if you're a fan of either the Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th films, you'll love this movie. If you're not a Freddy and/or Jason fan, you'll HATE it.
What do you guys think?
2003-08-17 3:07 AM
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Lucky for me I'm a fan of both series, so I loved it. I don't think it's gonna be in oscar contention, but I thought it was pretty neat how they paired the two up. It was good to see Freddy being scary again...not acting as goofy as he did in the later films of the series. It was fun to see them beat the hell out of each other. I'm going back to see it again sometime soon.
2003-08-18 3:50 AM
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I really enjoyed this. It's probably because I wasn't expecting anything but tons of gore and bad acting(which I got). Things I liked(possible spoilers): 1.The creative array of deaths. Jason was really on top of his game. I nearly died with laughter(pun intended) when he ran into those two stoned guys in the cornfield and then snapped one's neck. 2.The Jason Mewes ripoff's drug induced dream and subsequent death, which more than made up for his lame premise. 3.The way they tried to build up Jason as a sympathetic character towards the end. It's something that we really haven't seen since the first Friday the 13th movie. 4.Hypnocil. Another cool idea that showed that the writers actually tried to produce a good movie, rather than a plotless, moronic gorefest. 5.Monica Keena, Katharine Isabelle and Odessa Munroe! Things I didn't like: 1.Bad acting. As to be expected, it was everywhere. Especially with Kelly from Destiny's Child. 2.Aforementioned Jason Mewes ripoff. Yeah, he did deliver the best line in the movie("man, that goalie was sure pissed off about something!"), but the character was such a blatant copy. 3.The hints at Lori's father being Freddy, then the stupid explanation. So, what, he just pretended to sneak into his wife's room with a knife and a deranged look on his face and kill her in front of his daughter's boyfriend? 4.Jason kind of hogged all the good death scenes, so Freddy didn't get many kills in. However, what Freddy lacked in kills, he made up for in bad jokes. Tons of bad jokes.
2003-08-17 9:58 PM
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I enjoyed it as well. I wasn't expecting much from it, and got slightly better.
2003-08-18 2:42 PM
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it was way better than I expected. I liked it a lot. Kelly wanst great but it would been worse if they casted beyonce, she really sucks at acting! the movie was fun, people kept rooting for the characters. freddy seemed to be the favorite and the nakedness didnt hurt lol;)
2003-08-20 3:45 AM
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Liked the movie, but it was more like an action flick than a horror flick. I don't remember ever being scurred...
2003-08-19 5:00 PM
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I laughed my ass off. Before the movie, we asked the guy at the concession stand if it was terrible. He said quote: "It's not bad at all. Number 1 Comedy in America!"
He was right.
2003-08-20 2:44 PM
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Stumbled upon a pretty interesting script/film comparison, which talks about some scenes left out of the film, and how much of the backstory was left on the editing room floor. Not sure how to link to websites on this board... UGO Screenwriter's Forum has the article. Check it out... Some of the scenes left out could have given the movie a higher "jump" factor than it did. Speaking of the script, does anyone know where I can find a copy of the final shooting script on-line? Thanks. Nonoxynol9
2003-08-21 12:29 AM
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You're right, it did seem more like an action movie. I was more scared of the weave on the lady sitting in front of me than anything in the movie.
That said, I don't think it ended right. Who won? All this trouble to bring them together, and we are left with nothing absolute.
2003-08-21 12:51 AM
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quote: Originally posted by KrazyXXXDJ: That said, I don't think it ended right. Who won? All this trouble to bring them together, and we are left with nothing absolute.
This really was the only way to end it without alienating fans of either franchise. The Freddy fans wanted to see Freddy win, the Jason fans wanted Jason to come out triumphant. So, the only way to make everybody happy was to make it a draw.
My guess is they're going to push for a sequel that will neither be a straight Freddy film nor a straight Jason film. Instead, it'll be a team-up between the two... Now that both franchises have been successfully married, there's no reason for the two icons of horror NOT to start making "buddy" pictures now. The next one won't be Freddy vs. Jason... It'll be Freddy AND Jason. Jebus, talk about an unstoppable duo, and a fun-as-fuck movie...
May the bodycount rise...
2003-08-21 2:21 PM
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Yeah, there really couldn't be a "winner". I knew that coming in, so I got exactly what I expected, in that regard.
2003-08-21 4:35 PM
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quote: Originally posted by Nonoxynol9: Stumbled upon a pretty interesting script/film comparison, which talks about some scenes left out of the film, and how much of the backstory was left on the editing room floor.
Not sure how to link to websites on this board... UGO Screenwriter's Forum has the article.
Check it out... Some of the scenes left out could have given the movie a higher "jump" factor than it did.
Speaking of the script, does anyone know where I can find a copy of the final shooting script on-line? Thanks.
The original script sounds a bit better. I hate when that happens.
2003-08-22 6:19 PM
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Havent seen it yet but I`m gonna watch the DVD tonight or tomorrow!
2003-08-22 6:25 PM
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This is kind of like a fan-fic "sequel" to Freddy vs. Jason, which, I'm not ashamed to say, I absolutely loved. Batman's in it because he's the coolest character ever invented, and he can be incorporated into any kind of story -- the genre doesn't matter. Just one thing: all you guys are cool as shit, so I know none of you will swipe my idea, as lame as it is...
It's been 10 years since their climactic battle at Camp Crystal Lake, and Freddy Kruegar and Jason Vorhees, two of the world's most unstoppable forces of evil, have finally realized the futility of their struggle.
Rather than spending the rest of eternity locked in immortal combat, Freddy convinces Jason to join forces with him and hunt down the person responsible for doing them in at Camp Crystal Lake so long ago: Lori [Whatshername].
But guess what, guys... Lori has moved to Gotham! That's right! Far from the horrors of Elm Street and Crystal Lake, Lori's now a history professor at Gotham State University. [But lately she's been having these horrible nightmares... Nightmares that remind her of... ]
Freddy and Jason's relationship is rocky, to say the least. Jason is like a bloodthirsty Rottweiler that Freddy has to keep on a tight leash. To keep Jason in line, Freddy continuously stays with Jason in his dreams (or rather, nightmares), manipulating and coercing the near-mindless, machete-wielding zombie into doing things in the waking world that Freddy cannot do himself... Such as make the 400+ mile trip to Gotham City, to hunt Lori down.
They'll leave a trail of bloody corpses on the way there, of course. You can't be an immortal dream demon and a homicidal zombie and travel 400 miles without hacking someone to pieces.
When Jason (and Freddy, riding "piggy-back" in Jason's subconsciousness) finally makes it to Gotham, even more bloody mayhem ensues. The two undead killers locate Lori at the University, but instead of killing her outright, Freddy decides to have some fun, and he and Jason begin picking off GSU students one by one.
It doesn't take long before the campus is evacuated. Police begin investigating the murders, but they have no leads. It's Gotham City, it could be one of a thousand homicidal sociopaths. Take your pick.
But only one person has an idea of the truth behind the slayings: Lori Whatshername... and she's not about to tell anyone her secret.
Anyone but... THE BATMAN. HAH HAH HAH!!
You can't have a rash of gruesome murders in Gotham without the Batman getting involved! We all know he's the world's greatest detective, so he does a little research, and lo and behold, he comes across the stories of Freddy Kruegar and Jason Vorhees (dramatic foreshadowing -- Batman has become aware of Freddy and his history... which opens him up to Freddy's nocturnal influence!!)
He also finds out that Lori is one of two sole survivors who were at Camp Crystal Lake 10 years ago when Freddy and Jason mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again. He also finds out that Lori is now living in Gotham! Time to pay our professor a little visit and do a little questioning of his own...
Ideas that could be incorporated into the story:
* Freddy invading Bruce's dreams, turning his innermost fears against him. Freddy could appear as Bruce's parents, as Jason Todd, etc. Maybe a kick-ass fight scene between Bruce and Freddy in the dream world (because Bruce would still retain his physical skills, even in the dream world -- refer to "ANOES: Dream Warriors" for an example of kids battling Freddy on his own turf.) Wouldn't that be cool? Bruce actually kicking the shit out of Freddy in the dream world, and escaping just in time to avoid being sliced and diced by Freddy's bladed glove!
* A massive fight sequence between Batman and Jason in the darkest, grimiest, dirtiest, nastiest part of Gotham City. Since Jason's pretty much invulnerable, Batman finally has a chance to let loose, pulling out all the stops: lodging batarangs into Jason's head, using their razor-sharp edges to slice open his jugular and sever nerve endings, snapping bones, etc. All the while, Batman has to dodge Jason's machete, which he wields with near-superhuman strength.
* Jason & Freddy having fun hacking and slashing away at the various gun-toting thugs of Gotham's underworld. I can just see them taking on bikers, gangbangers, mafia hitmen, etc.
* Maybe some rivalry and interaction between Jason and Freddy and some of Batman's more fearsome rogues: Joker, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Two-Face, and Zsaz. That could be a lot of fun.
* Maybe Lori is having a taboo affair with one of her students, and she slips and tells him the story of Freddy Kruegar and Jason Vorhees (after she already tells Batman). Like the moron he is, her student lover goes and tells his best friend about the story, who tells his buddy about the story, and so on and so forth, giving Freddy the chance to invade all the students' dreams and slaughter them while they sleep. This gives Batman a whole new slew of murders to deal with. How do you catch a killer who exists only in dreams? Especially when another machete-wielding maniac is hacking up everyone else? Double jeapordy to the Nth degree.
* Batman entering the dream world to pull Freddy out into the real world, where he's got a plan to take out both Freddy and and Jason at the same time.
* Another idea for the ending: Batman has Jason put into super-duper triple lock-down in the most secured cell in Arkham Asylum, where he'll stay for a long time... or until he escapes again! Bwa-hah-hah!
Well, whaddaya think, guys?
2003-08-23 5:10 PM
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I actually thought it was a pretty good film! I liked the way by comparing Jason to Freddy,you actually started to side with Jason as he was a victim & Freddy was child murderer! Even when Jason was killing people you still rooted for him!
2003-08-25 8:34 PM
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I wasn't planning on seeing it so I had someone spoil it for me. I figured either they'd kill each other or end it in a draw. Here's an extra touch that I think should have been added for a good spice (course I'm no writer so this could suck).
At the end have a third homocidal horror film maniac pop in and slaughter both Jason and Freddy in a most gruesome yet funny way (say one Michael Meyers).
Or a friend of mine pitched an idea of the writers filming 2 or 3 different endings to the movie and putting each version out separately in random theaters. Thus creating mass confusion among viewers!
2003-08-26 1:18 AM
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HA! That would be decen to have different endings....didnt they do that with the Clue movie? quote: Originally posted by Nowhereman: I actually thought it was a pretty good film! I liked the way by comparing Jason to Freddy,you actually started to side with Jason as he was a victim & Freddy was child murderer! Even when Jason was killing people you still rooted for him!
Agreed. Did you buy a bootleg DVD?
The film reminded me more of Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein which is a good thing! More humor than horror. But a touch more gruesome.
As for the Jason Mewes clone (Actually I think he was both Jay and Silent Bob combined) he was annoying...but I was glad to see him killed then! I love annoying characters in these films coz they get blowed up! Same with that moron out of town cop who just happens to find the kids in that basement and doesnt mind them smoking pot or breaking into a psych facility that has only one guard and no nursing staff on the site. And the Destiny Child I loved when Freddy grabbed her nose!
2003-08-27 4:00 PM
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Glad I wasnt the only one who hated the Mewes clone & his fucking Jack Black clone friend!
2003-08-27 4:01 PM
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Oh & yeah I got a few pirate DVDs,Freddy & Jason,T3,Bad boys 2 & LXG at the moment!
2003-08-28 2:31 AM
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You hound! quote: Originally posted by Captain Howdy: Glad I wasnt the only one who hated the Mewes clone & his fucking Jack Black clone friend!
I kept doing a double take to thinking it really was Black, another one I was glad to see bite it!
2003-08-28 2:55 AM
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Movie was funny as shite/ And they had the other rip-off from Jay and Silent Bob. I thought the very end was a dream though, right after the geek boy by the tree starting bleeding uncontrollably, even... dreamily. Who's dream, I dont know... And the goat was really ridic!
2003-08-29 6:26 PM
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The film was played to be tongue in cheek & it worked! This was a far better parody than the likes of Scary Movie! The fact that just about everyone who was killed were highly unlikeable,mad it even sweeter & you kinda wanted the bad guys to win!
2003-10-12 12:51 AM
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Why does this thread still have a graphic on the top of the page???
2003-10-12 3:49 AM
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Well by the looks of it,any topic that has been graphiced on the main page recently,now gets graphiced for a little while longer in the forum in question.
Is graphiced a real word?
2003-12-19 3:49 AM
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When is it due out on DVD?!