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.....about 20 minutes.

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enjoy it! I wanna see it today, but moneys been tight for me lately. I'll probably have to wait until it goes to the dollar theater.

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What a pretty, yet fuckin' stupid movie.

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Don't scare me like that TK!

I'm goin' in about three hours and I really hope it's not a dog. [gulp!]

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I'm not sure if I should do spoilers or not...

Oh, what the hell!


First off, Neo and Trinity dying. What the fuck?! If anyone, it should be Morpheus. The Oracle said he'd sacrifice his life for Neo's, but I guess he did so weakly in the first film. I was sure he was gonna kick it.

Niobe, Ghost and Sparks appearances. Nice little seam into the video game. Niobe was the only human given quality scene time in the entire movie. I'd also have to say the "Road to Zion" scenes were my most favorite. And that's sad.

Neo's blind sight. I smell Dune... It was a cool visual, but nothing more. It didn't do anything to help the story much. His sense worked fine without it.

Mary Alice as the Oracle. Crap. Next!

Smith's faulty programming. He really changed a lot since the first, and not for the better in my opinion. I believe the intention was for him to be more human in personality 'cause of his merge with Neo, but it was overplayed and too sudden. His maniacal laugh was cool, but his anger and fear of Neo were overboard.

The-giant-metal-suits-that-are-similar-to-the-Aliens-suit-but-not-really-with-machine-guns-for-arms. I want one. Next!

The Merovingian, Persephone, Trainman, Seti and the Architect. There was no real time for them in this movie and no explanation as to what happened to them. We can assume they were absorbed by Smith, but I don't wanna assume during a movie. I wanna see dammit!

The Man and his Family. The only time in all of the three films that I completely understood what a program was talking about the first time around. "Love is just a word"

The Machine City. Seriously, why do AI need cities? They don't need to sleep, eat, work and do other non-important things. Only compute and kill humans! Plus, I found no reasonable explanation as to why that spire Neo was walking in led to nowhere...

The Sentinal Swarm. It was super-fake looking.

Lack of mayhem and bloodshed. With all those flying octopuses of death, ya think there'd be more body parts and blood all over the Zion docks. More blood came out of Neo's mouth fighting Smith than during the first half of the battle.

Smith and Neo flying while fighting. It doesn't work.

The last six minutes. So the war's over. What about wrapping up all the other shit? The little things, like oh I dunno... is Neo really dead?! This is the last film (supposedly) now do it justice, ya hacks!

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In response to TK's post...

Neo is not daed. More on this later.

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Yes, he is.

And really, Neo had to die. It didn't suprise me one bit. He was "the one". It's clearly a Jesus analogue. Neo had to die because that's what martyr's do. He "died to save us from our sins". The sins in this case being the machines.

Trinity was a bit...I dunno. I knew as soon as they crashed that she was dead, but I think it would have worked better if she'd lived.

I thought it was better than the 2nd movie. The first is still my favorite by far, but all in all this one was enjoyable. Yeah, they took it to the extreme with the battles and stuff, but that's Hollywood for you.

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First time ever I get to see a movie the same as you guys... and I get this.
I thought the third one was gonna redeem the second one. But no, it just made the whole thing seem like a fucking waste of time.
What a bunch of boring, repetitive shit.

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I hate you all!!!!

I'm gonna see it tonight, and even though I tried not to read the review, my eyes accidently skimmed it [you sunnuva...] [AAAHHHH!!!]

It should not be allowed to spoil a movie like this!!!

Now I just have to figure out a fitting revenge [mwah hwah haa]

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Thank you Mxy I was trying to sum up how I felt. that's it exactly. the first one was a gem , because it was somewhat unique. The last 2 didn't work. The second one was a bunch of questions that were supposed to be answered in the final film. These questions really weren't answered though..only some. I'm not buying the video game or the book or the animatrix to find out either. Answer my questions. It's OK to leave me with philosophical question stuff. But half my questions are unanswered. I'm not a genius and I'm certainly not stupid. But I have too many loose plot threads I wanted resolved or mentioned.

And as Animalman says..we knew the saviour stuff from the first film. we were expecting that. Anyway I was very disappointed.

Bring on Return of the King..

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This movie fuckin' sucked.

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I would have to echo Animalman's sentiments as well,BUT I did really enjoy the movie.

I didn't go into this hopin' to be blown away.All I wanted was a good wrap to the story and for the most part I feel like that's what I got.

I also wanna say that the fight between Neo and Smith in the end is worth the price of admission alone.I wish we could see stuff like that in super-hero movies.

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Smith's variations on the "power pose" were pretty comical. Every time he struck a pose, lightning flashed.

[yuh huh]

And why didn't they explain his increase in powers? All of a sudden he starts flying. Like I said before about the second film, I believe the Oracle activates powers in gradual amounts. She gave Neo stuff to eat all the time, and he kept getting more powerful. Smith absorbed her, and got all of it immediately.

That's my take on it. But I don't wanna make my own assumptions. They should've answered everything, no matter if it made the film 20-30 minutes longer.

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Who was the little girl?

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She is us. [cool]

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Originally posted by Gladiator X:
I didn't go into this hopin' to be blown away.All I wanted was a good wrap to the story and for the most part I feel like that's what I got.

Yeah. The last movie brought me back down to Earth. I realized this wasn't going to be the next Star Wars(in terms of quality). The sequels weren't going to be up to par with the first. So, I came into this movie hoping for a special effect blast, and a conclusion. I felt I got both, so I was satisfied. I didn't love it, I didn't hate it, I just enjoyed it.

I also wanna say that the fight between Neo and Smith in the end is worth the price of admission alone.I wish we could see stuff like that in super-hero movies.
Yeah, I liked that, as well. It was very dramatized(with the classical music, the lightning flashes, etc), but this wasn't suppose to be "realistic". This was literally the battle to decide the fate of humanity. The end all be all. The cataclysmic debacle of ultimate good vs. ultimate evil. Very archetypical, and since this was an artificial world to beginwith, the lightning and rain was a fitting backdrop.

There was really no other way it could have ended. It had to be "epic". Even if that kind of thing is cliche and overdone today.

Originally posted by TK:
And why didn't they explain his increase in powers? All of a sudden he starts flying.

They explained that in the second movie, actually. When Neo "jumped into him"(best way I can describe it) at the end of the first movie, he was imparted with his "essence". A part of him was copied onto Smith.

The more programs Smith absorbed, the more powerful he became. He acquired Oracle, the most powerful of the programs, and that put him "over the top" so to speak.

Originally posted by Sammitch:
She is us. [cool]


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I thought she was a unique program created in the matrix?

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Seti was a program. And a pretty powerful one at that, it seems. She made the frickin sky turn sunny and colorful!

I can't wait to see the Trainman as the Mouth of Sauron.

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Seti showed Neo that the machines were also capable of love, and therefore worth saving. At least that's what I thought.

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Space Coyote has some good insight. You should take notes here Ani. [biiiig grin]

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Wow, that was fucking awful.

Slow and boring as hell for an hour and then it turns into a video game.

The second one was pretty bad too, but at least it had that kick-ass highway fight and Merovingian's bodyguards were really fucking cool.

But this had nothing.

The Animatrix, at least what I saw of it, was like 10 times better than this.

Oh, and how stupid is Neo? That guy looked like Smith with a goatee, sounded like Smith, called him Mr. Anderson, kept talking about how he hated humans, and Neo is all like, "Who are you?"

What a waste.

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I just saw it yesterday and I have to agree with all of you. The plot-line was awful, it could easily have been 30 mins longer, easily!
But I really enjoyed the fight scenes and the music to it...
I think this one was, as the second one, a movie you should shut down your brain at when watching it.
The best movie I´ve seen this year so far is still X2, it had much much better story than matrix 2 & 3.

all in all I found Matrix Revolution to be a quite enjoyable movie, but that´s it, I won´t enjoy it as much as I did the first one, but I will enjoy the fightscenes again.
Oh, and by the way, I also wanted answer to all those loose threads that were created in matrix 2

well, that´s it for this time, bring on Lotr, Underworld and Troy

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i think they could have taken out all the unessecery shit in the last 2 films, and made one story out of them.

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I agree. The 2nd film was completely unnecessary and pointless.

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What happened to all the other captains from Reloaded? I know Soren's crew died in the power plant, but Roy Jones Jr. (Ballard) and Co. were never seen again. I guess they were part of the botched EMP defence group, but I can only assume once again.

Fuckin' Wachowskis. Show us instead of telling us!

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But did they tell you...what was the point of the merovingian? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy too many lost plot points or unused/unresolved ones...

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Originally posted by Pig Iron:
But did they tell you...what was the point of the merovingian? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy too many lost plot points or unused/unresolved ones...

Seraph, The Merovingian, Persephone, The Trainman... All potentially cool characters and subplots that never had a resolution. You're right, Pig Iron. What was the fuckin' point of having all these characters running around, if they weren't doing anything? This is especially true in the Trainman's case. Who the fuck was he? He was an Exile who helped smuggle programs from the Source into the Matrix. This I understood. But how did Neo get to the Trainman's realm (Mobile Ave)? And all that power (he punched Neo into a wall)... for what? They chase him, he runs, he shows back up at the Merovingian's club. And then he takes Trinity to Neo. So? That could've been anyone. Why make a big deal out of a character (who's nothing more than a plot device to further the story), and then throw him away?

And who is the Merovingian, too? A really, really powerful dude. I get that. But beyond that, he never exuded a real threat. In Reloaded, Neo dispatched his henchmen with relative ease. And when it came down to just the two of them, Merv ran away ("I have survived your predecesors... and I will survive you!"). What the fuck is Merv so afraid of if he's almost as knowledgeable and powerful as the Oracle?

The whole Hell Club scene was a total disappointment. I was expecting something akin to the lobby shootout from the first movie: ten minutes of slow-mo bullet-time fire-fighting, with our heroes acrobatically dodging lead, leaping, jumping, cartwheeling, etc. Oooooh, so the bad guys could walk on ceilings. This had the potential of being REALLY FUCKING COOL, but came out TOTALLY LAME. Rushed, rushed, rushed.

The ONLY part I liked in the Club Hell scene was the Reservoir Dogs-esque everybody-pointing-their-guns-at-everyone-else standoff, and Trinity's subsequent, "Oh, I'm through with this bullshit". Three people disarming over a dozen badguys was pretty cool.

The Zion Battle was visually stunning. But almost TOO stunning. So much shit was going on in front of me that I didn't know what to focus on. I understood the basic gist of things: the APU's were shooting the Sentinels. But everything was happening so fast, the explosions were so numerous, the action so intense, that I didn't know what the fuck I was watching. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, in this case. And why the hell did the Sentinels form a line? Why didn't they just disperse as soon as they breached the docks and come at the APU's from all directions? Instead they stayed in a swarm, an easy target for the humans to aim at. In any case, there was a lot of fun stuff to watch, but in the end, it was sensory overload. It had no emotional resonance.

Neo going blind? WTF?! Utter bullshit!! What was this supposed to represent? That Neo shouldn't rely on his senses to guide him? There was NO NEED for Neo to go blind. Did he HAVE to go blind in order to reach 01, the Machine City? Someone please explain this to me, please.

Trinity dying. Dude. This had no emotional impact whatsoever. She already died once! Of course, Neo brought her back. But dying AGAIN in this one? We've seen it once before... it just lowered the intended emotional impact, for me.

Neo sacrificing himself to save humanity. I didn't necessarily like this, either, but I understood the purpose. Neo was always intended to be a Jesus/savior metaphor, and his sacrificial offering of himself made sense in that aspect. But... dude. I don't know. I'm on the fence with this one. On one hand, I kind of understand it and accept it... But on the other hand, I wanted our hero to see everything through to the very end.

Smith. Smith... I don't know. He was fucking menacing as hell in the first one. A true threat to our heroes. In the second one, the Agents lost all their scariness. First Morpheus kicks an Agent's ass, and then Trinity goes head to head with one. What ever happened to the "You see an Agent, you run" concept? If these guys are so bad-ass, then how come everyone and their mother's standing up to them? I understand the reason why Morpheus went up against Smith in the first one (to help Neo escape), but he got his fucking ass kicked. This went out the door in the second film, and wasn't even addressed in the third. Smith's virus-like infection of the Matrix made sense, but... again... this whole idea just left a bad taste in my mouth.

The final duke-out between Neo and Smith was visually awesome. This was probably the only part I really liked. This is EXACTLY what a Superman movie should look like. Aerial kung-fu, Dragonball Z-style... I don't care what anyone else says, this was fucking cool. A few scenes looked a little hokey, but all in all, you could just FEEL the intensity of their punches as they lay waste to an entire city block. I did NOT, however, like the resolution in the giant crater. Neo wins by simply giving up? He could've ended the whole fiasco by letting Smith overwrite him during the Burley Brawl, from the second film. Oh, well. I guess that would've been too easy.

All in all, I was diasppointed. Yes, the movie was visually cool, and I enjoyed watching it. It dazzled my senses (being stoned really helped out a lot, too)... but in the end... I felt let down. I didn't get the answers or the ending I wanted.

Oh, and one thing that kinda bothered me... If a hovercraft could go high enough to pass out of the scorched layer of atmosphere and see the sun and blue skies... why didn't the machines just build solar batteries on top of giant towers that poked out above the layer of blackened sky?

Sigh. They pulled a fucking Lucas on us. How come everything has to suck as time passes? I would've waited five years for a Matrix sequel, if it had been good. Reloaded and Revolutions just seemed TOO FUCKING RUSHED. Like they had to get it out NOW NOW NOW to keep the fans interested. Fuck, dude... I read somewhere that they could've cut out all the unnecessary bullshit from the two sequels and made it ONE movie. But trilogies are popular these days. Directors/producers aren't interested in telling stories... All they're interested in is creating franchises.

So much potential, all for nothing.


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Originally posted by Nonoxynol9:
Seraph, The Merovingian, Persephone, The Trainman... All potentially cool characters and subplots that never had a resolution. ... This is especially true in the Trainman's case. Who the fuck was he? He was an Exile who helped smuggle programs from the Source into the Matrix. This I understood. But how did Neo get to the Trainman's realm (Mobile Ave)? And all that power (he punched Neo into a wall)... for what? They chase him, he runs, he shows back up at the Merovingian's club. And then he takes Trinity to Neo. So? That could've been anyone. Why make a big deal out of a character (who's nothing more than a plot device to further the story), and then throw him away?


The whole Hell Club scene was a total disappointment. I was expecting something akin to the lobby shootout from the first movie: ten minutes of slow-mo bullet-time fire-fighting, with our heroes acrobatically dodging lead, leaping, jumping, cartwheeling, etc. Oooooh, so the bad guys could walk on ceilings. This had the potential of being REALLY FUCKING COOL, but came out TOTALLY LAME. Rushed, rushed, rushed.
The only thing I liked about HEL were the lesbians in the foreground frenching as one twisted the other's nipple.

The Zion Battle was visually stunning. But almost TOO stunning. So much shit was going on in front of me that I didn't know what to focus on. I understood the basic gist of things: the APU's were shooting the Sentinels. But everything was happening so fast, the explosions were so numerous, the action so intense, that I didn't know what the fuck I was watching. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, in this case. And why the hell did the Sentinels form a line? Why didn't they just disperse as soon as they breached the docks and come at the APU's from all directions? Instead they stayed in a swarm, an easy target for the humans to aim at. In any case, there was a lot of fun stuff to watch, but in the end, it was sensory overload. It had no emotional resonance.
I didn't understand the "superior" logic of the AI either. Make a swarm like bees even though we look like octopi! In reality, dispersion is the smarter tactic, but this is a movie, and some humans have to live.

Neo going blind? WTF?! Utter bullshit!! What was this supposed to represent? That Neo shouldn't rely on his senses to guide him? There was NO NEED for Neo to go blind. Did he HAVE to go blind in order to reach 01, the Machine City? Someone please explain this to me, please.
That choice confirmed my beliefs that the Wachowski's are simple literary plagarizers. If you compare Neo to Paul Atreides, they're practically one and the same. Neo's bred with a purpose unknown to him... so's Paul. Neo's learns to use the Matrix to his advantage... Paul learns the "Weirding Way". Neo is blinded... Paul is blinded. Neo dies for the sake of humanity... Paul dies for the sake his people.

If I look closer, I'm sure I can find other "similarities" to other properties within this series.

Trinity dying. Dude. This had no emotional impact whatsoever. She already died once! Of course, Neo brought her back. But dying AGAIN in this one? We've seen it once before... it just lowered the intended emotional impact, for me.
Shoulda kept her dead in Reloaded.

Smith. Smith... I don't know. He was fucking menacing as hell in the first one. A true threat to our heroes. In the second one, the Agents lost all their scariness. First Morpheus kicks an Agent's ass, and then Trinity goes head to head with one. What ever happened to the "You see an Agent, you run" concept? If these guys are so bad-ass, then how come everyone and their mother's standing up to them? I understand the reason why Morpheus went up against Smith in the first one (to help Neo escape), but he got his fucking ass kicked. This went out the door in the second film, and wasn't even addressed in the third. Smith's virus-like infection of the Matrix made sense, but... again... this whole idea just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I agree.

Oh, and one thing that kinda bothered me... If a hovercraft could go high enough to pass out of the scorched layer of atmosphere and see the sun and blue skies... why didn't the machines just build solar batteries on top of giant towers that poked out above the layer of blackened sky?
It wouldn't work 'cause the electrical storms. And I didn't see any towers poking pass the clouds...

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That choice confirmed my beliefs that the Wachowski's are simple literary plagarizers. If you compare Neo to Paul Atreides, they're practically one and the same. Neo's bred with a purpose unknown to him... so's Paul. Neo's learns to use the Matrix to his advantage... Paul learns the "Weirding Way". Neo is blinded... Paul is blinded. Neo dies for the sake of humanity... Paul dies for the sake his people.

If I look closer, I'm sure I can find other "similarities" to other properties within this series.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a really, really, really fucking in-depth story synopsis of the original DUNE novel? Maybe even an on-line database?

I've never really watched the Lynch movie all the way through in one sitting (gasp, I know), and I don't remember the end. All I remember from the end is Kyle McLachlan wearing a Sebastian Bach-like spice-contraption up his noise, eyes blue, riding on the back of a giant sandworm.

I want to know more about this book. I'm thinking about reading it.

Shoulda kept her dead in Reloaded.


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I don't know why, but I liked Seraph, Milfune, and Niobe more than anyone in the film. They barely did anything in Reloaded, yet they seemed to exude more personality than any other main cast member, excluding Hugo.

I knew Milfune's time was up, but I still felt sorry he had to pass... he was the only Zion character I liked. Was he a natural-born? I never saw any markings on him.

The Kid was crap. I heard all this hype about him saving Zion, but he didn't do anything except open the gate.

And for some reason, I keep thinking the humans are living programs that were corrupted. Each is programmed in the Matrix with distinct personalities, attitudes, occupations, etc. Cipher wanted his memory wiped and restored as a rich and powerful guy. Smith had no problem getting in a body and acting mildly normal. I think the AI put all those files in their heads and some people somehow got through. That brings up more philosophical debates about whether these Field-grown escapees have souls and whatnot.

I still can't tell if the Bros. deliberately left the movie so open-ended for a possible comeback. Will the humans and AI try to rebuild earth together? Is Neo really dead? Will he be reborn like Christ? Was Neo really a program in a human body? Is Seti a program or a human raised by programs? Is Seti the next Oracle or Architect? What will happen to the Fields? Were the Merovingian, Persephone, Trainman and Agents restored like Seraph and the Oracle? Where did the Architect go after his chat with Neo? Where was he when Smith took over? Did the Wachowskis and Joel Silver screw us over or what?

I have a feeling this series ain't over yet.

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Originally posted by TK-069:
I still can't tell if the Bros. deliberately left the movie so open-ended for a possible comeback. Will the humans and AI try to rebuild earth together? Is Neo really dead? Will he be reborn like Christ? Was Neo really a program in a human body? Is Seti a program or a human raised by programs? Is Seti the next Oracle or Architect? What will happen to the Fields? Were the Merovingian, Persephone, Trainman and Agents restored like Seraph and the Oracle? Where did the Architect go after his chat with Neo? Where was he when Smith took over? Did the Wachowskis and Joel Silver screw us over or what?

I have a feeling this series ain't over yet.

If you really want to delve deeper into the whole Judeo-Christian symbolism, then technically Neo's going to return ONE MORE TIME to destroy the Old Earth, and build a new one in its place.

According to the Book of Revelations, Jesus will call his Saints back to Him via a cosmic event called the Rapture. If the Bible is true, then more than a hundred million people are going to up and vanish from the face of the Earth all at once, causing mass hysteria to break out all over the world. This leads into the Seven Year Tribulation, in which the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will rise to power. At the end of these 7 years, the Anti-Christ and all the armies of the world will turn against the nation of Israel and surround Jerusalem with an invading army. Just before the first bullet is shot, the first missile is fired, the first nuke is detonated... Jesus Himself will appear in the skies, backed by all of his Saints and Angels, and will obliterate the armies of the Anti-Christ with a single word. He will then set his foot down upon the Mount of Olives, and the Second Reign of Christ will begin. Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet will be bound by the Archangel Michael and thrown into the Abyss. Anyone and everyone left alive at this time will continue living for the next 1,000 years, without death or disease, with Jesus as World Leader. At the end of this 1,000 year period, Jesus will release Satan from the Abyss for ONE LAST SHOW-DOWN. All those who lived during this 1,000 year reign and DIDN'T want to side with Jesus will have their last chance to join with the Devil. Of course, there isn't even really a battle. Jesus finally conquers Satan and tosses him, his demons, and all of his followers into the Lake of Fire, forever cut off from the presence of God (this is the true torture of Hell, not demons eating your guts or poking you with pitch-forks). Even if you don't believe in the Bible, which is your choice, it still makes for some compelling drama, doesn't it?

That's the Book of Revelations, in a nutshell. I wonder how much of this the Wach Bro's are going to work into a possible sequel(s). They can't go the Eastern mysticism route with this, because no other religion in the world outside of Christianity requires a savior to save you from yourself. Also, Western concepts of time, influenced by Christian tradition, is linear... there is a beginning, a middle, and an end. Eastern concepts of time are cyclical... everything happens in one giant loop, over and over and over again.

So... IS THERE AN END? Who knows...


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Originally posted by TK-069:
I don't know why, but I liked Seraph, Milfune, and Niobe more than anyone in the film. They barely did anything in Reloaded, yet they seemed to exude more personality than any other main cast member, excluding Hugo.

I knew Milfune's time was up, but I still felt sorry he had to pass... he was the only Zion character I liked. Was he a natural-born? I never saw any markings on him.

Mifune was my favorite character in the last movie. I was sorry to see him die, but it really made his character that much cooler.

I wonder if the name was a tribute to Toshiro Mifune(who is, in my opinion, the greatest actor of all time)?

The Kid was crap. I heard all this hype about him saving Zion, but he didn't do anything except open the gate.
Oh my god, I fucking hated that character. I groaned when he said "Neo! I believe!" right before he opened the gate.

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Originally posted by Nonoxynol9:
Can anyone point me in the direction of a really, really, really fucking in-depth story synopsis of the original DUNE novel? Maybe even an on-line database?

Well, there's this. That should have something.

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Originally posted by Animalman:

The Kid was crap. I heard all this hype about him saving Zion, but he didn't do anything except open the gate.
Oh my god, I fucking hated that character. I groaned when he said "Neo! I believe!" right before he opened the gate. [/QB]
I laughed out loud and so did my friend. And also when Trinity said kiss me. There were some really poorly acted, supposedly dramatic, scenes. Bad writing and acting in those scenes combined for an overall laughably wretched experience.

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I laughed, I cried, I punched Andy and Larry in their faces.

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I laughed at the captain guy. He said the same phrase over and over... I can't remember what was it.

If there's a sequel, I'm not gonna see it. Well, I'm gonna pay for it, anyway.

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You're talkin' bout Mifune, right? All he said was "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" a lot while firing.

Or maybe the Captain of the Hammer? All he said was "Dammit Niobe!", or "Dammit Morpheus!" or "Neo, you damn fool!"

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I think what he said was "(someone) is out of (his/her) goddamn mind!"

Anyway, he said whatever it was so many times it became ridiculous.

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Why do machines need machine bugs in their machine city?

That annoyed me.

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Originally posted by I'm Not Mister Mxypltk:
I think what he said was "(someone) is out of (his/her) goddamn mind!"

That was exactly it. I noticed that, too.

"You're out of your goddamn mind!" "I must be out of my goddamn mind!"

Boy, I think I might be able to write a better movie than this.

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